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10 months benzo free


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Hello good people!

Today marks my 10th month since I stopped taking Xanax.

I feel sooo much better in comparison to where I was in the beginning of the journey. My last month has been really weird because I felt like I was in a rollercoaster of symptoms. My physical ones are mostly there but have lessend in severity. As for my mental ones I sometimes get random moments of total despair and doom, while others I feel like I'm back to myself again.

Hoping I'm at the end of this awful process and whising the best of luck for this upcoming year to all of you out there!


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Congrats, trendym3!  Putting that distance in can feel good, especially when we can see and feel the difference and improvements made (even if small).  I remember having a tough run right before the 10-month mark and then felt a distinct change in my healing.  Sounds like you are having a similar situation.  Glad to hear about the improvements and hope you have even bigger gains in the coming days. 
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