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need recommendation for a crossover


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Not doing so good with this crossover. I feel worse on the clorazepam than I did on the lorazepam. Not sleeping. The clonazepam seems to energize me  and causes a lot of shakiness.  Not sure if I should just go back to the lorazepam and taper from there.. Don't want to stay with the clorazepam too long and get stuck...Help!! :-[
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I'm sorry you're struggling gray cloud. I'm currently battling covid and I'm having a tough time so I'm afraid I can't be of much help right now. Hopefully the others will talk you through it. I'm sorry.
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Hi Pam, Yes I'm on my fourth day...The clonazepam seems to make me hyper and it seems to mess up my head a bit. I can't really describe it, it is just a really weird feeling.  Don't know if I've made a mistake by switching?
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Its normal to question these sensations when switching to another drug, while they're all benzo's they each have different properties.  The drug companies love this because they can market their drugs differently hoping to appeal to new users looking for different mechanisms of action.  I've watched many members cross over to Valium doing the same thing you are, they hope it's going to make them feel better or at least stable but hate it when they realize its not what they were expecting.  The thing is though, is if you stick with this cross a few more days you may see improvement and stabilization which is what you're looking for.


I feel you should give it a few more days, your brain is complaining about this latest change to your routine and you know how we're always saying that brains need consistency?  I hope you can hold out a little longer.

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The thing that I am worried about is the lorazapam has caused damage to my brain and now I am adding a benzo that will damage another part of the brain also. I read that clonazepam effects the seratonin receptors and Probably the last thing I need are more screwed up receptors in my brain. I am going to wait another couple of days and see what happens.  I have read that clonazepam can be sedating and stimulating which is why I could possibly feel hyper or maybe it just doesn't agree with me...    Thank you Pam!! :smitten:
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You're just plain worried because this is what benzo's do to us, you're not damaged, you're injured and injuries can be repaired, our bodies know what to do.  I can tell you that I took Klonopin for sleep and it worked well.  Of course when it began to cause me anxiety as all benzo's do I took more and it remedied that too until I became tolerant to that dose.  I guess what I'm trying to tell you is from my experience there was nothing stimulating about it. 


I hope for the next couple of days you can extinguish your worry because this will cause you stress which will increase your symptoms.  So much of this process is about state of mind, we feel helpless but we can actually influence the outcome with positive or negative thoughts.

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Just a quick note gray cloud, I merged your two threads on this board together so we can have all of your posts about substitution and replies in one place.  :)
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Hi Pam, Thank you!!  I'm going to try for a few more days and hopefully it will go good and I will stabilize!!! ;)


I can so identify with you gray cloud as any switch during this process can wreck us.  When I switched from a dry to a liquid taper I was a total mess and it was the same drug!  And when I jumped I was elated and a nervous wreck all at once.  It felt almost like an out-of-body experience to not be taking a benzo for the first time in 21 years.  Yikes!!  So yes, change makes most of us tanked!

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Thank you Kate!! Thank you for the support and for sharing what you went through!!  Hopefully that is what is happening to me also!! :)
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Kate when you got to the end of your taper and jumped were the withdrawal symptoms really bad? I know it is different for everyone but was just wondering how bad the withdrawals were  so I can be prepared somewhat..... Thank you!! :)
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I'm so glad you're willing to give it a bit more time. I know any change is scary but if we don't try we never know what rewards might await. I recently took a risk with my taper and knew there might be consequences. It was hard and I struggled with the withdrawal symptoms but I'm so glad I did it because now I'm not wondering "what if" anymore. I now have much more confidence going forward.


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Kate when you got to the end of your taper and jumped were the withdrawal symptoms really bad? I know it is different for everyone but was just wondering how bad the withdrawals were  so I can be prepared somewhat..... Thank you!! :)


No gray cloud, the withdrawl symptoms were way worse early in my taper than at the end.  I think most of what I experienced at the end was due to the anxiety I had about finally letting benzos go.

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Thank you Kate, that gives me some hope... Unfortunately I had to go back to the lorazepam instead of the clonazepam. I was having really bad side effects from it  and I got nervous  and switched back..... ugh..... :-\
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Hi Jelly, I hope you are feeling better!!  I couldn't stay on the clonazepam was getting weird side effects and I got nervous and went back to lorazepam.... I've wasted time and caused my self more problems and now I'm back where I started from..... Just gonna have to taper the lorazepam... :-[
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Gray cloud, I dont know if its allready said by someone, but imho you switched to fast to V.

You need to gradualy crossover over a long time, as V has to build up (steady state).


When crossing over to fast, the A is gone and the V hasn"t build up completely.


So split the dose and and wait a week, then add the other part, wait a week, split the second dose wait a week and add the other part.


This is just my pov of it though.

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Hi skinnered, The problem I had with the V is that my Dr. refused to give me the correct conversion amt. of V. which should have been 2.5mgV she wanted me to take only .5 during the crossover and then just 1mg. of V when I was finally crossed. I knew that this would never work, so I bailed out early on the V.  Then I tried the Clonazepam and I felt terrible with that. I was very shaky and it seemed to mess up my head a lot. I couldn't remember what I was doing from one moment to the next. So I am back on lorazepam. I am just going to taper from here and tough it out.  I was able to cut 15% off of my morning dose of lorazepam on Saturday, so far I'm not feeling too bad. A little shaky, but my mind feels clearer..  I think the next cut will be more like 7 or 8%.
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Hi skinnered, The problem I had with the V is that my Dr. refused to give me the correct conversion amt. of V. which should have been 2.5mgV she wanted me to take only .5 during the crossover and then just 1mg. of V when I was finally crossed. I knew that this would never work, so I bailed out early on the V.  Then I tried the Clonazepam and I felt terrible with that. I was very shaky and it seemed to mess up my head a lot. I couldn't remember what I was doing from one moment to the next. So I am back on lorazepam. I am just going to taper from here and tough it out.  I was able to cut 15% off of my morning dose of lorazepam on Saturday, so far I'm not feeling too bad. A little shaky, but my mind feels clearer..  I think the next cut will be more like 7 or 8%.


Most members are more comfortable with the devil they know, not only is it scary to cross over to an unknown substance, it also comes with odd physical and mental sensations.  I'm glad you're back on what you know and you're managing okay so far.  :thumbsup:

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Hi Jelly, I hope you are feeling better!!  I couldn't stay on the clonazepam was getting weird side effects and I got nervous and went back to lorazepam.... I've wasted time and caused my self more problems and now I'm back where I started from..... Just gonna have to taper the lorazepam... :-[


Hi gray cloud.


Gosh this Covid thing is kicking my butt. I'm still having symptoms but having a window right now. I'm sorry the crossover didn't work but hey you gave it a go.


I think the good thing is you're on such a low dose so I'm confident you'll see it through to the end! How are you doing right now?

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