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A family now divided


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Hello friends

Curious if anyone out there has a child who is an anti vaccination person.

Our 27 year old son is that person and it has caused tension in our family between him and his wife and out other children and their spouses. We are all vaccinated.

While I respect his position, I also have a grandson with a compromised immune issue which is serious enough that we fear anytime he gets a cold.

My son and my grandson are the dearest people to my heart and it pains me to make a choice.

They forgot to include this chapter in the parenting book. All kidding aside, this hurts me deeply and I am faced with something I don’t have an answer. I feel low.

Not looking for sympathy, just some candid advice.

Stay well.

Old Sal

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Firstly I’m not looking to start a fight. I won’t be drawn into an argument pro or anti vaxx. This is only to help Sal as he has requested. Everyone needs to make their own decisions in life, and I respect the decision to be vaccinated. But as a person who has made the decision not to be, I feel compelled to help you understand why we choose not to.


Most people who don’t get vaccinated do so because they are afraid. They are scared of this new technology that hasn’t been used on humans before. That is is still in the testing phase, which is well documented in both Pfizer and astra Zeneca websites. They are afraid of the side effects which are also well documented. They have made a decision as difficult as it is that they would rather take their chances with the virus. It’s not a choice they come to lightly. We are not all google educated idiots like the mainstream media has told you. We are well researched to come to a decision on our health as we have by right.


Please don’t fall into the narrative of us against them. This creates division and discrimination. There is no need for it. The truth is that those that choose not to be vaccinated only pose a risk to themselves. Everyone, vaccinated or not can catch the virus and pass it on. There are no studies that suggest unvaccinated can pass on a stronger version or a new strain more so than their vaccinated friends. That  narrative is generated in the media to instill fear.


Think about how people are interrogated. They are isolated and made to feel afraid. A human being will usually submit when they are isolated and afraid. This is the exact tactic being used by the governments and pharmaceutical companies to split families apart and make people choose to be vaccinated.


You have a choice. You don’t need to distance yourself from your loved one because after all, your vaccinated right? So your safe. So there should be no need to distance yourself because the only threat they pose is to themselves.


Choose love and understanding sal.




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I'd have to agree with Shayna here, despite what the media would have you believe your son holds no more of a risk in giving your grandson Covid than you or any other member of your family.


Alienating him will only cause you heartache, and for no reason. You could catch it and pass it to your grandson tomorrow too don't forget.

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Vaccinated can carry asymptomatic. Which means u show no signs of illness. So no way of knowing you are infected. But then can pass it on unknowingly.


I feel for you sal. It’s a worldwide issue and one I hope people can use love to navigate through. 💕

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I just wanted to chime in and say that basically, I agree with everything Shayna said.  I made the decision to risk getting Covid instead of being vaccinated.  I now have long Covid, which is miserable.  But the truth is that in the long Covid community are many, many people who were vaccinated.  Some of them got Covid in spite of the vaccine and others got the symptoms because of the vaccine itself.  These vaccines are not protecting people as well as the media would have us believe, and for some people they have caused serious harm.  So choosing not to be vaccinated is a valid choice based on facts. 
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Apparently I did not make my post clear. It sucks to be part of a fucked up world. Difficult choices.


On that I completely agree!  Sorry if I missed the point.  I do understand the pain of the division this is causing.  I have only seen my parents once in 2 years and very briefly and in masks at that.  It's absolutely heartbreaking.  My parents are upset with me for not being vaccinated, so I'm experiencing the other side of the issue.  It's so, so hard!  I understand that you're coming from a different perspective, but it doesn't make it any easier to be on the other side of the fence.

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We have a very similar situation in our family, except the opposite, my dad is the only one vaccinated and who believes in the value of these new technology vaccines, everybody else doesn't want to do it, afraid of  side effects, Shayna made some good points there, we've been very split about it, these are difficult times indeed, but we really shouldn't let this pandemic split up our families. I hope it does end one day.
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Thanks everyone for keeping it civil thus far but since Old Sal appears to be satisfied with the answers he's received and its likely this thread will take a turn for the worse, we're going to lock it per our rules.


(Heated) arguments about COVID and vaccines do not further the Mission of BB and are generally unhelpful to members in their goals of achieving better health. We have therefore decided to prohibit discussion about COVID and related matters. Members are free to state their vaccination status and share their reactions, but this is the limit of what we will allow.

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