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to my future self -- a success story


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dear self,

today is month five of being in what feels like acute withdrawal from a "mistake" in your taper.  You were instructed by your doc to go on those supplements, all sixteen of them, and who knows they may have made the first ten months of your taper mild and functional.  however, now, dear cucumber, you have turned into a pickle.  the benzo gods have spoken and you are struggling mightily to maintain your sanity each day.  you have been blessed with a couple of late night hours where you feel "slightly less pickled" --- so this is your future success story.  You can't feel it now, you can't see it now, during the day when you are grappling with the intense body burning and a sense that you will go insane from wild, racing, disturbing thoughts --- but your day is coming and it will be a wonderful day where you will be able to drive, shop, pick up your niece and nephews, no longer be afraid to leave your room/house, not feel like someone has a gun to your back each and every day, wake up and not feel terrorized with fear or depression ---- on that day you will look back at this time as if it was a bad dream.  but then you will remember it wasn't a dream, it was real and you will smile, embrace your day and then log back on here and reach a hand down for all the rest that are wondering if they will make it out alive. 

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Such a moving touching letter to write to yourself, because one day you will look back at this with the widest smile and a strongest head/heart you’ve ever had & then, you will write your glorious success story because it is coming… sending out all the positive energy I can muster from my damaged goods mind your way. 


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