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Regarding the Removed Threads Referencing Baylissa Frederick


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If I was a professional I would not give 2 cents about people "bullying" me. This happens no matter if you tell people about a diet on youtube and even if you are just having a website offering something to people. It is key not to get into contact with your bullies in my eyes and focus on your clients you are working with. You cannot convince people to like or understand you. You have your business. Do you think any doctor would go into support forums and beg to be understood right? I do not think so. The hole thing is so unnatuarally emotional that it fits to my feeling in the gut that this is not a professional behavior.
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Unreal that Baylissa is under attack.  Unreal.  It sickens me. She has a huge heart and is only human.


Yeah, that's what I mean. No none is "under attack". We need to get out of the emotional stuff here. All this talking about who likes or does not like someone does not help anyone. It was about how a professional has to act or not.

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Colin, it would appear you are far more invested in being right than doing the right thing!


The right being to pursue and engage a former client on a peer-support discussion board because I do not agree with what was written about me?


This discussion is only taking place because of Frederick's actions. The 'right thing' would have been for Frederick to contact her former client privately about this matter. It is no good behaving this way and then crying about when it blows up (as it inevitably would - and is why we would not allowed her to do this if she had been transparent in reasons for joining BB).


I think had she just ignored all of this instead of posting those videos on YouTube in response it would have slowly died down. It was actually starting to die down a tab bit. Another couple of days I think it would’ve been finished with. Posting those videos though just keeps it going. This whole thing has me like “WOW!”


Agree. I think the videos just stirred the pot. Things were quieting down, and it appeared to be ending. 

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Sadly, overnight it seems, Baylissa has now removed herself from the entire ‘Benzo Community’ as a whole, website and all.


Baylissa leaves with compassion.


Baylissa chooses not to take legal proceedings despite having access to a ‘Legal Team’ owned by a family of American billionaires.


Baylissa has gone back to coaching out-with the ‘Benzo Community’, just like she used to do for a living before her own personal introduction to the dangers of iatrogenic illness by benzodiazepine taken as prescribed, all those years ago.


What a very sad day this is, but not just for Baylissa, but for the people in the ‘Benzo Community’ who rely on her daily to be here... sometimes hourly.


Now she’s gone... and directly because of bullies.


One can only take so much after years of it.


What part did you play?


Just appalling...




There are inaccurate statements in there. No one here is being encouraged to post anything. Colin stated multiple times that people can place input about personal experiences, be it good or bad and people can decide for themselves if they would like/want to utilize that. You can not tell someone that they didn’t have a bad experience. It’s a personal interpretation. You can’t tell someone how they should feel about something that they experienced, unfortunately emotions don’t work like that.


I will never understand two things about this: 1) Why Frederick did not attempt to resolve this privately with JayTay (preferably, without her joining BB) to try to understand why he feels the way he does and see if they can arrive at a better understanding of each other - instead of chosing to confront him in public at the peer-support forum he frequents; and 2) why some people think it is OK for the person in the much more dominant position of power within a therapeutic relationship (the counsellor/therapist) to behave this way. As I stated earlier, I have been on the receiving end of untrue statements by members - I have not hunted them down to where they made their false comments. Even when I was certain of the facts, I took the view that some of it is genuine differing perspective about what had occurred and/or their emotional/mental health complicated the matter. I took this view even though I am just a guy running a discussion forum and not a counsellor or therapist.


Irrespective of what Frederick now states as her main concern (JayTay's mental health), I had the unpleasant duty to inform Jay that she had made legal threats against him. She has since withdrawn her threats, but she made them. As unpleasant as it was for me to tell him, of course it was much worse for him to receive the information. I did my best to reassure him that it probably would amount to nothing, but he was clearly worried. Of course he would be.


So when Frederick posts a video where she repeatedly obliquely references JayTay, and talks about her being bullied, I sit here, stunned. She's the counsellor in the relationship - she's the one in a position of power.


JayTay posted negative comments about his experiences of Frederick's counselling services. And although he certainly leaned towards the negative, it was not a diatribe - he included positive remarks too. I have no way of knowing how accurate he was in his remarks. Just as I do not know how accurate are comments praising Frederick's practice. Neither types of comment were moderated, because they all seemed to fall within a range of genuine and honest comment. As you mentioned, these comments are based upon feelings, so they will vary. And in any case, individual interactions will vary. There will be a mixture of experiences - it's inevitable.

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There are inaccurate statements in there. No one here is being encouraged to post anything. Colin stated multiple times that people can place input about personal experiences, be it good or bad and people can decide for themselves if they would like/want to utilize that. You can not tell someone that they didn’t have a bad experience. It’s a personal interpretation. You can’t tell someone how they should feel about something that they experienced, unfortunately emotions don’t work like that.



Again, you nailed it, Paxia. The claims of bullying have been so exaggerated. And there are lots of positive comments from satisfied clients on this forum. But the disatisfied have always been allowed to comment as well. The rest of us can read and make our own decisions.

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If I was a professional I would not give 2 cents about people "bullying" me. This happens no matter if you tell people about a diet on youtube and even if you are just having a website offering something to people. It is key not to get into contact with your bullies in my eyes and focus on your clients you are working with. You cannot convince people to like or understand you. You have your business. Do you think any doctor would go into support forums and beg to be understood right? I do not think so. The hole thing is so unnatuarally emotional that it fits to my feeling in the gut that this is not a professional behavior.



Excellent point. And this is the problem that Colin and admins had with this whole thing. This should have been handled by private communication, Colin said it could have been addressed between the professional and the client through email, she had his email address.

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Sadly, overnight it seems, Baylissa has now removed herself from the entire ‘Benzo Community’ as a whole, website and all.


Baylissa leaves with compassion.


Baylissa chooses not to take legal proceedings despite having access to a ‘Legal Team’ owned by a family of American billionaires.


Baylissa has gone back to coaching out-with the ‘Benzo Community’, just like she used to do for a living before her own personal introduction to the dangers of iatrogenic illness by benzodiazepine taken as prescribed, all those years ago.


What a very sad day this is, but not just for Baylissa, but for the people in the ‘Benzo Community’ who rely on her daily to be here... sometimes hourly.


Now she’s gone... and directly because of bullies.


One can only take so much after years of it.


What part did you play?


Just appalling...




Edit: Deactivated link


There are inaccurate statements in there. No one here is being encouraged to post anything. Colin stated multiple times that people can place input about personal experiences, be it good or bad and people can decide for themselves if they would like/want to utilize that. You can not tell someone that they didn’t have a bad experience. It’s a personal interpretation. You can’t tell someone how they should feel about something that they experienced, unfortunately emotions don’t work like that.


^^^^^ ... I can assure you none of my print here is inaccurate.


However, if you’re referring to content on the ‘link’ I have provided, then I suggest you either take it up with Baylissa directly on the post there, or in private.

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Sadly, overnight it seems, Baylissa has now removed herself from the entire ‘Benzo Community’ as a whole, website and all.


Baylissa leaves with compassion.


Baylissa chooses not to take legal proceedings despite having access to a ‘Legal Team’ owned by a family of American billionaires.


Baylissa has gone back to coaching out-with the ‘Benzo Community’, just like she used to do for a living before her own personal introduction to the dangers of iatrogenic illness by benzodiazepine taken as prescribed, all those years ago.


What a very sad day this is, but not just for Baylissa, but for the people in the ‘Benzo Community’ who rely on her daily to be here... sometimes hourly.


Now she’s gone... and directly because of bullies.


One can only take so much after years of it.


What part did you play?


Just appalling...




There are inaccurate statements in there. No one here is being encouraged to post anything. Colin stated multiple times that people can place input about personal experiences, be it good or bad and people can decide for themselves if they would like/want to utilize that. You can not tell someone that they didn’t have a bad experience. It’s a personal interpretation. You can’t tell someone how they should feel about something that they experienced, unfortunately emotions don’t work like that.


I will never understand two things about this: 1) Why Frederick did not attempt to resolve this privately with JayTay (preferably, without her joining BB) to try to understand why he feels the way he does and see if they can arrive at a better understanding of each other - instead of chosing to confront him in public at the peer-support forum he frequents; and 2) why some people think it is OK for the person in the much more dominant position of power within a therapeutic relationship (the counsellor/therapist) to behave this way. As I stated earlier, I have been on the receiving end of untrue statements by members - I have not hunted them down to where they made their false comments. Even when I was certain of the facts, I took the view that some of it is genuine differing perspective about what had occurred and/or their emotional/mental health complicated the matter. I took this view even though I am just a guy running a discussion forum and not a counsellor or therapist.


Irrespective of what Frederick now states as her main concern (JayTay's mental health), I had the unpleasant duty to inform Jay that she had made legal threats against him. She has since withdrawn her threats, but she made them. As unpleasant as it was for me to tell him, of course it was much worse for him to receive the information. I did my best to reassure him that it probably would amount to nothing, but he was clearly worried. Of course he would be.


So when Frederick posts a video where she repeatedly obliquely references JayTay, and talks about her being bullied, I sit here, stunned. She's the counsellor in the relationship - she's the one in a position of power.


JayTay posted negative comments about his experiences of Frederick's counselling services. And although he certainly leaned towards the negative, it was not a diatribe - he included positive remarks too. I have no way of knowing how accurate he was in his remarks. Just as I do not know how accurate are comments praising Frederick's practice. Neither types of comment were moderated, because they all seemed to fall within a range of genuine and honest comment. As you mentioned, these comments are based upon feelings, so they will vary. And in any case, individual interactions will vary. There will be a mixture of experiences - it's inevitable.


I assume this response was directed at me because it’s directed at my reply. Maybe I should have worded my response differently. My response was in reference to the Facebook post her admin made which is located in the link supplied by the poster I was replying to. The admin made the inaccurate statement. She stated that you were encouraging people to bully and libel her. Which I did not see throughout this thread. I’m on your side there buddy. I think the same as you. Completely unprofessional and there were multiple better ways to handle the WHOLE situation. Including the YouTube videos, which still baffles me.

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I assume this response was directed at me because it’s directed at my reply. Maybe I should have worded my response differently. My response was in reference to the Facebook post her admin made which is located in the link supplied by the poster I was replying to. The admin made the inaccurate statement. She stated that you were encouraging people to bully and libel her. Which I did not see throughout this thread. I’m on your side there buddy. I think the same as you. Completely unprofessional and there were multiple better ways to handle the WHOLE situation. Including the YouTube videos, which still baffles me.


No, no. I think I understood your post. My aim was to back up your general comments - not about what has occurred at Facebook.

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Unreal that Baylissa is under attack.  Unreal.  It sickens me. She has a huge heart and is only human.


Yeah, that's what I mean. No none is "under attack". We need to get out of the emotional stuff here. All this talking about who likes or does not like someone does not help anyone. It was about how a professional has to act or not.


This whole thing has been overkill. One could say Colin was under attack, no Colin was confronted by disgruntled members just like Baylissa was (JayTay and now Ajusta shared their own experiences, in abother thread where someone asked whether Baylissa was worth using, a few stated negative opinions about her). Opinions are not attacks, a professional has to accept negative opinions and handle conflicts appropriately. 

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So when Frederick posts a video where she repeatedly obliquely references JayTay, and talks about her being bullied, I sit here, stunned. She's the counsellor in the relationship - she's the one in a position of power.


My reaction was that she was making mountains out of molehills. It was unecessary and just added more fuel to the flames. She needs to act like the professional she is supposed to be and end all this drama. 

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...


She can't "prove" it anymore than JayTay could prove his original post that Baylissa responded too. She doesn't have to justify her opinion of what she observed and experienced, what kind of "proof" would you want? Do you think she saved it somehow? You are asking for the impossible. You can disagree as T1D did, but asking for proof is going to far. It is her opinion, based on her observations and experiences, just as JayTay's was. And the last sentence was a cheap shot and uncalled for. My opinion. 

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I assume this response was directed at me because it’s directed at my reply. Maybe I should have worded my response differently. My response was in reference to the Facebook post her admin made which is located in the link supplied by the poster I was replying to. The admin made the inaccurate statement. She stated that you were encouraging people to bully and libel her. Which I did not see throughout this thread. I’m on your side there buddy. I think the same as you. Completely unprofessional and there were multiple better ways to handle the WHOLE situation. Including the YouTube videos, which still baffles me.


No, no. I think I understood your post. My aim was to back up your general comments - not about what has occurred at Facebook.

Gotcha.  I’ll be honest I at first just kind of skimmed over it. My brain looked at all of the words and was like..... yeah we’re not going to read all of this because it seems like too much effort right now.  During the skimming it came across as you explaining why you choose the choice you did. But after your last comment I actually read the whole thing like oh yeah..... he was backing up my statement. That was my bad. Apologies. Lesson learned to not skim through replies. 😂

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...


She can't "prove" it anymore than JayTay could prove his original post that Baylissa responded too. She doesn't have to justify her opinion of what she observed and experienced, what kind of "proof" would you want? Do you think she saved it somehow? You are asking for the impossible. You can disagree as T1D did, but asking for proof is going to far. It is her opinion, based on her observations and experiences, just as JayTay's was. And the last sentence was a cheap shot and uncalled for. My opinion.


^^^^^ ... Dunno’, seemed rather apt to me.


Even after all that’s been said here, it seems nobody is learning anything.


These ‘claims’ in print here are all unfounded and with no proof of such whatsoever... it is called ‘defamation of character’, and potentially liabilis.


Do you have legal personal protection insurance?


If not... then just retract your ‘stuff’ and stop it.


I am trying to help you all here.


Let it go.

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...


She can't "prove" it anymore than JayTay could prove his original post that Baylissa responded too. She doesn't have to justify her opinion of what she observed and experienced, what kind of "proof" would you want? Do you think she saved it somehow? You are asking for the impossible. You can disagree as T1D did, but asking for proof is going to far. It is her opinion, based on her observations and experiences, just as JayTay's was. And the last sentence was a cheap shot and uncalled for. My opinion.


^^^^^ ... Dunno’, seemed rather apt to me.


Even after all that’s been said here, it seems nobody is learning anything.


These ‘claims’ in print here are all unfounded and with no proof of such whatsoever... it is called ‘defamation of character’, and potentially liabilis.


Do you have legal personal protection insurance?


If not... then just retract your ‘stuff’ and stop it.


I am trying to help you all here.


Let it go.


Are you seriously threatening legal action in an opinion based forum?

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I see this bullshit and am reminded why I barely come on this forum anymore. This whole exchange is a raging dumpster fire and it's doing no one any favors. If admins really care about helping people deal with recovery, they would shut this drama down and move on, but it seems being "right" and dragging this crap out is more important.
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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...


She can't "prove" it anymore than JayTay could prove his original post that Baylissa responded too. She doesn't have to justify her opinion of what she observed and experienced, what kind of "proof" would you want? Do you think she saved it somehow? You are asking for the impossible. You can disagree as T1D did, but asking for proof is going to far. It is her opinion, based on her observations and experiences, just as JayTay's was. And the last sentence was a cheap shot and uncalled for. My opinion.


^^^^^ ... Dunno’, seemed rather apt to me.


Even after all that’s been said here, it seems nobody is learning anything.


These ‘claims’ in print here are all unfounded and with no proof of such whatsoever... it is called ‘defamation of character’, and potentially liabilis.


Do you have legal personal protection insurance?


If not... then just retract your ‘stuff’ and stop it.


I am trying to help you all here.


Let it go.


Are you seriously threatening legal action in an opinion based forum?


^^^^^ ... I didn’t do that... I’m not the one having my livelihood trashed here, I’ve no reason to sue anyone.


Also, just for the record... there is no such thing as an “opinion” that can’t be potentially liabilis.


They’re also not “opinions” here... they’re accusations... and they’re potentially subject to liabilis.


Like I’ve said before, this isn’t a game.


You are directly responsible for your print here... if it is deemed liabilis, then you are leaving yourself wide open to potential legal action against you.


That’s life... take it in.


And like I also said before... I’m trying to help you... ☺️


You’re clearly not ‘getting it’ though, but never mind.

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Chigrrl, agreed 100%. Hey you buddies passing judgment on Baylissa‘s professional or unprofessional behavior, I have a question for you. How well do you think you could handle over a decade of helping people in horrifying benzo withdrawal, people who are despairing or aggressive or paranoid or 1 million other things? Do you think you’d always do it 100% right? Do you think you’d feel no vulnerability? Do you think you would cease being a human being who is wounded by many many personal attacks over the years? This whole thing is bullshit and this whole thread should be deleted. It’s like watching A Jerry Springer episode. Like watching people just wanting to tear someone down. No one‘s perfect and none of you could do what Baylissa does. I’m in the field and I know. Her work is impeccable. She’s just a vulnerable human being, and that’s what makes her so good at what she does. Don’t you people have anything better to do?
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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...


She can't "prove" it anymore than JayTay could prove his original post that Baylissa responded too. She doesn't have to justify her opinion of what she observed and experienced, what kind of "proof" would you want? Do you think she saved it somehow? You are asking for the impossible. You can disagree as T1D did, but asking for proof is going to far. It is her opinion, based on her observations and experiences, just as JayTay's was. And the last sentence was a cheap shot and uncalled for. My opinion.


^^^^^ ... Dunno’, seemed rather apt to me.


Even after all that’s been said here, it seems nobody is learning anything.


These ‘claims’ in print here are all unfounded and with no proof of such whatsoever... it is called ‘defamation of character’, and potentially liabilis.


Do you have legal personal protection insurance?


If not... then just retract your ‘stuff’ and stop it.


I am trying to help you all here.


Let it go.


Are you seriously threatening legal action in an opinion based forum?


^^^^^ ... I didn’t do that... I’m not the one having my livelihood trashed here, I’ve no reason to sue anyone.


Also, just for the record... there is no such thing as an “opinion” that can’t be potentially liabilis.


They’re also not “opinions” here... they’re accusations... and they’re potentially subject to liabilis.


Like I’ve said before, this isn’t a game.


You are directly responsible for your print here... if it is deemed liabilis, then you are leaving yourself wide open to potential legal action against you.


That’s life... take it in.


And like I also said before... I’m trying to help you... ☺️


You’re clearly not ‘getting it’ though, but never mind.

The way you asked if she had “personal protection insurance” seems come across as a threat to sue especially since you keep referencing that.


Also..... “ Defamation is a False Statement of Fact, Not Opinion.

The most important aspect of a potentially defamatory statement is that it purports to be a statement of fact. Opinions are not defamatory.”

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Released just over twenty minutes ago.


Bullying is not ok...



I can't get this video to play.  It says it's a private video, whatever that means.  How can I access it?  What's in it? 





I can access it just fine, but it may be because it's stored in my cache. Tried to save it, but it shows it's locked.


Jeff, I was able to create an MP3 file, but the only way to get it to you is through email. If you are like me, you have more than one email account, one primary, the others secondary. If you are comfortable with PM'ing me a secondary email account (If you don't have one, create one at Google or Yahoo), I can send you the MP3 file. I may not be team Baylissa, but I understand you have a genuine interest in what was said. I'll leave it up to you if you want the MP3 file. I'm doing this because the replies to the video have been respectful ones. And I respect Baylissas right and choice, though I don't agree with it.

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...


She can't "prove" it anymore than JayTay could prove his original post that Baylissa responded too. She doesn't have to justify her opinion of what she observed and experienced, what kind of "proof" would you want? Do you think she saved it somehow? You are asking for the impossible. You can disagree as T1D did, but asking for proof is going to far. It is her opinion, based on her observations and experiences, just as JayTay's was. And the last sentence was a cheap shot and uncalled for. My opinion.


^^^^^ ... Dunno’, seemed rather apt to me.


Even after all that’s been said here, it seems nobody is learning anything.


These ‘claims’ in print here are all unfounded and with no proof of such whatsoever... it is called ‘defamation of character’, and potentially liabilis.


Do you have legal personal protection insurance?


If not... then just retract your ‘stuff’ and stop it.


I am trying to help you all here.


Let it go.


Are you seriously threatening legal action in an opinion based forum?


^^^^^ ... I didn’t do that... I’m not the one having my livelihood trashed here, I’ve no reason to sue anyone.


Also, just for the record... there is no such thing as an “opinion” that can’t be potentially liabilis.


They’re also not “opinions” here... they’re accusations... and they’re potentially subject to liabilis.


Like I’ve said before, this isn’t a game.


You are directly responsible for your print here... if it is deemed liabilis, then you are leaving yourself wide open to potential legal action against you.


That’s life... take it in.


And like I also said before... I’m trying to help you... ☺️


You’re clearly not ‘getting it’ though, but never mind.

The way you asked if she had “personal protection insurance” seems come across as a threat to sue especially since you keep referencing that.


Also..... “ Defamation is a False Statement of Fact, Not Opinion.

The most important aspect of a potentially defamatory statement is that it purports to be a statement of fact. Opinions are not defamatory.”


^^^^^ ... It wasn’t a “threat to sue”... it was nothing more than a simple yes/no enquiry intended to inject some common-sense into the proceedings here.


Forum members here are continuing to make unfounded accusations that are potentially “false statement of fact” towards someone else.


That is potentially liabilis.


I’m not going to sit here and debate this anymore.


How hard can it be... 🤷🏼‍♂️


Let it go.

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.


This never happened. I’ve seen almost every Q and A and nothing she has said even remotely resembles what you just described. It’s actually the complete opposite.


It absolutely did. I ended up having to comfort the ppl she was nasty to.

She shouted at me several times.

It was extremely abusive and bullying.

She laughed at and ridiculed one woman with terrible vagi all pain.

She shouted at someone who is a good friend of mine about her akathesia.

There were numerous examples of this.


On top of that she over a couple of years repeatedly shit down her business until ppl told her she was the angel she believes herself to be and then restarted it in a different firm causing extremely vulnerable ppl to go into free fall.


^^^^^ ... Would still love to see proof of your original claim here... 🤔


Mind though, a link to an episode of ‘Eastenders’ simply won’t do.


Just whenever...


She can't "prove" it anymore than JayTay could prove his original post that Baylissa responded too. She doesn't have to justify her opinion of what she observed and experienced, what kind of "proof" would you want? Do you think she saved it somehow? You are asking for the impossible. You can disagree as T1D did, but asking for proof is going to far. It is her opinion, based on her observations and experiences, just as JayTay's was. And the last sentence was a cheap shot and uncalled for. My opinion.


^^^^^ ... Dunno’, seemed rather apt to me.


Even after all that’s been said here, it seems nobody is learning anything.


These ‘claims’ in print here are all unfounded and with no proof of such whatsoever... it is called ‘defamation of character’, and potentially liabilis.


Do you have legal personal protection insurance?


If not... then just retract your ‘stuff’ and stop it.


I am trying to help you all here.


Let it go.


Are you seriously threatening legal action in an opinion based forum?


^^^^^ ... I didn’t do that... I’m not the one having my livelihood trashed here, I’ve no reason to sue anyone.


Also, just for the record... there is no such thing as an “opinion” that can’t be potentially liabilis.


They’re also not “opinions” here... they’re accusations... and they’re potentially subject to liabilis.


Like I’ve said before, this isn’t a game.


You are directly responsible for your print here... if it is deemed liabilis, then you are leaving yourself wide open to potential legal action against you.


That’s life... take it in.


And like I also said before... I’m trying to help you... ☺️


You’re clearly not ‘getting it’ though, but never mind.


I honestly don't think Ajusta cares , but I leave it to her to respond if she wishes.

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