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Withdrawal Symptom?


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I am down to 1.25 mg of klonopin and about to drop again but this past week I've had like nothing but headaches and this horrible feeling in my head, I guess it could be called malaise? It's just a general feeling of like feeling horrible everywhere, it's kind of scaring me, I'm not sure if I should goto my doc again or what, He told me to cut the amount im on currently in half take it for 3 days then half again and 3 days later be off it completely but this seems wayyy quick, so I'm still doing a slow taper but this feeling comes and goes and at night I get head pressure and it's just stressing me out pretty bad. Anyone have the same issues coming off klonopin?
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Hey chris! you're right about it being 'wayyy quick!


What was your dosage before you started tapering, and how long have you been tapering? Also how long were you on the klonipin before you started cutting?


If you could hold this dosage for a week or two, that would be great. It'd give your body time to "catch up" to the cuts you've been making. Generally we recommend cutting no more than 10% of your dose at a time and making cuts every ten days to two weeks. If you get to feeling too bad, you might want to consider going back to your last dosage and stabilizing.


Hang in there; I'm sure others will be by to help out.



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I started klonopin about 7 months ago, went from 1 mg a day to 1.5 then 2 then 2.5 and hit 3 mg and went ok im needing too much and its making me have balance issues so I started tapering, since I onyl took 3 mg instead of 2.5 only once in awhile I went down from 2.5 and am now at 1.25, I've been tapering since January 1st I think, I'm not positive on it.
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hi chris  so you went from 3 mg - to 1.5 mg in a little over a month?


it would help to know exactly what you are doing - and it would be helpful to put full amount you are tapering in your footer - date of first cut (taper) and add each cut/taper to your footer - that way you are focused and others will know where you are.


so you are not feeling well - i would suggest at this time you hold you taper so your healing can catch you.


stop alcohol and caffeine consumption so you can rest/sleep at time and help to cut down on withdrawal symptoms - everything you mentioned is not unusual - it is just to what degree you are experiencing these discomforts.


i don't know if your first cut was the beginning of january or end of january - would make a difference and then exactly what day and month was your second cut.


the usual amount cut is 10% from you total dose and that cut is typically held for 10 days - that gives you an idea.


once you enter the correct information into your profile - it is there and all you need to do is add to it.  so click on profile (green button at top of this page) a page will open - look to left - change profile information - click 2nd choice - scroll down - see that wide part towards the bottom - enter in your starting dose - 3mg - date of first taper cut - amount of 1st taper cut & date - amount of 2nd taper cut - date of 2nd taper cut


now scroll down and click - finished on lower right - this will save this inforamtion and make it available to you and those helping you.



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Hi Chris!

I think I talked to you a few weeks ago on another thread. I was on klono and my taper started around 1.25. I did .125mg cuts. slower than what you are doing I think. I didnt have too much of an issue with headaches, but everyone can have different wd symptoms. It is said that sx usually hit you where you have some vulnerability. So maybe you tend to have headaches anyway?

regardless of that, headaches, headpressure is quite a common wd sx. So is yucky blech maliase feelings. Absolutely. ;)

Stay with the slower taper, you'll be better for it in the long run. Hopefully your doctor will supply you with enough to do this.


And don't cut more than once weekly.

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I originally was cutting .125 mg every 5 days, once I hit 1.5 mg I slowed down because I started having withdrawal problems, I stayed at that for about 13 days then dropped another .125, my cuts have only been .125 tho and nothing bigger than that. I think I started my taper around January 25th actually, and like I said I was going a bit fast, every 5 days is kinda quick, but ya the feeling of malaise comes off and on, I have no suicidal tendencies but the feeling I get from it is so horrible it makes you like wanna just die, then an hour later I'm fine, it's eery.
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Savor the fine moments.


If you slow down a tad and let your body catch up, you should be fine. All that you're experiencing is normal for withdrawal.



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Thanks Rufus, I haven't felt that feeling of malaise since I was very depressed before so it was scary for me but I'll try not to think about it and just try and go on with the day =).
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actually you had some real good luck up till you had a problem - don't worry - just slow down - usually a cut is held for 14 days at 10% of original dose - when you get really down on your cuts then you can modify and take smaller cuts.
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