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So who else has lost friends during this journey?


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I was wondering who else has lost all or some of your "friends" during your withdrawal journey?


Myself, I thought I used to have tons and tons of friends. I always had somewhere to go, something to do, people calling me to go fishing, hang out, or what have you. Since going through this I can honestly say I am down to ONE friend now.  I guess part of it is my fault because I would feel too crappy to go do anything with them. Heck, Sometimes I was too bad to even feel like talking on the phone.  I suppose they got tired of hearing me say "nah I dont feel like hanging out, Im sorry"  I dont really know. 


The one friend I do have I have only known for a few years.  Even my long time friends has disappeared. I tried to explain it over and over to them, to no avail.

It's just depressing to look back on what I've destroyed through this.

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I have lost a few.. I still keep in touch with several of them.

If anything on my part.. I have lost more family than friends.


You will make new friends &c.

After this is over with some of your friends from the past... may reunite, who knows.


I say, "If they can't be there when your sick or not feeling well, and only there when you feel normal"...

they may not have been your friend in the first place.


Friends come and go.. but what's important is you having your health back..

It is depressing, but I would focus on "You" at the time.



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Most of my --so called friends--- are gone now, disappearing faster than a cloud of dust on a windy day.


My tried and true friends, along with my dog Charlie, are still here to support me through the tough times. Their friendship is the glue that holds me together when I feel like I am going to fall apart.


I think that one of the reasons why we lose friends is that they feel so uncomfortable when around us. It is easier for them to just fade away..... than it is for them to cope with their feelings and self-doubt.... as to how they should react to us.


Out of sight....Out of mind.

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