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Request for Titration Schedule/Spreadsheet for 3 x 1 mg Lorazepam daily


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Hello All.


I'm hoping someone can guide me on this?

I've been taking Lorazepam 1mg, three times daily for about 10 years.

I'm interested in water titration and would like to go slowly. I've had 2 extreme withdrawal experiences from cutting too fast in dosage.

I'm open to learning and my doctor is supportive.


Many thanks.




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Would your doctor be willing to prescribe a combination of regular lorazepam tablets (0.5mg) and either the commercially available lorazepam oral solution or a compounded oral solution or a compounded oral suspension?
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If you can get a liquid formulation, it'll make things a little easier.


If you can't, you can make a suspension using alcohol (alternatively propylene glycol) and water.  You must first solubilize the drug in a small amount of alcohol (vodka works).  Crush the pill and add 2-3 ml of vodka.  Stir it around for several minutes, then add some water.  Some people add water to make 100 ml.  Some add water to make 300 ml.  Doesn't really matter as long as you're consistent. 


If you can get the liquid formulation from your doctor/pharmacist, you'll simply add some of that to the water.  You won't have to dissolve a pill into alcohol first.


To do a micro-taper, you'll remove a small amount (e.g. 1 ml) from the suspension each day so that you drink a little less each day.  You adjust how much you reduce each day depending on how you're feeling.  You can go as slowly as you need to.


Hope this helps.

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