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Did quitting caffeine speed up your healing?


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Yeah lactulose is like straight sugar basically. Crazy. I took the MagCitrate capsules and they did absolutely nothing. But I only took it twice and gave up. I am so spewing that I ever started taking senna laxatives it seems like it's almost as hard as benzos to get your gut back on track.
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I quit caffeine about a year ago.  It did not speed up my healing.  However, being caffeine free definitely aided in sleep.  About a month ago, I had a cup of coffee, and I was just super super wound up. This demonstrated to me the action of caffeine on an already damaged nervous system. So, from that I can say that quitting caffeine will contribute to your healing in a small way.
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After the caffeine wakes me up, my head starts buzzing and I get brain fog; anyone else? I'm already fatigued. I do not know what I would do without a cup of coffee.
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I quit caffeine about a year ago.  It did not speed up my healing.  However, being caffeine free definitely aided in sleep.  About a month ago, I had a cup of coffee, and I was just super super wound up. This demonstrated to me the action of caffeine on an already damaged nervous system. So, from that I can say that quitting caffeine will contribute to your healing in a small way.


How long did it take for you to feel better after quitting? Withdrawal sx? The sleep is a big one. I know it effects my sleep a lot.

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Quitting caffeine helped me, then I started drinking it again and it set me back.


I recommend the book Caffeine Blues by Stephen Cherniske to anyone on here. Caffeine affects GABA, cortisol, stress hormones, and a bunch of other stuff that we don’t need to mess with in wd.


I quit caffeine out of desperation to get sleep. Cortisol spikes woke me up every night. EVERY night. After a couple months off and a strict diet, my sleep improved. Like a genius, I thought I could drink coffee again because I was feeling better - bad idea. I am now suffering again. I’m currently tapering coffee and am doing 1 cup of 1/2 caffeinated and 1/2 decaf.


My experience shows a direct correlation. The coffee also made me moody. It’s so interesting - if anyone hears the slightest whiff of a suggestion that they should give up coffee, they get defensive really quick. It’s an addictive substance that artificially causes stress hormones to release in the body. We don’t need to be in fight-or-flight every morning.


I love coffee as much as you, trust me, but during wd I just can’t do it.

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You are exactly right mate. As soon as I mention that coffee is terrible stuff people automically say things like 'coffee has antioxidants'....''coffee can stop cancer according to research studies' and so on. Coffee is great if you have it how we're supposed to...once a week or something. But drinking this shit daily and all day like some do is freaking terrible. The whole world is in denial. I was able to quit benzos and lyrica easier than I can with coffee. It's addictive as heck.
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You are exactly right mate. As soon as I mention that coffee is terrible stuff people automically say things like 'coffee has antioxidants'....''coffee can stop cancer according to research studies' and so on. Coffee is great if you have it how we're supposed to...once a week or something. But drinking this shit daily and all day like some do is freaking terrible. The whole world is in denial. I was able to quit benzos and lyrica easier than I can with coffee. It's addictive as heck.

Tea is the same people rave about health benefits but its still fkn caffeine!! whether its black tea which I drank or green tea, even chocolate has it in so that's an avoid as well, and I rarely ate that and when I did it was only 2 squares a time of 100% dark chocolate.    I am now on day 5 no tea today, fancy one but not having one plus I made sure there's no tea in my home and I didn't put any in my food delivery  order.  I can't cut it down gradually so I CT'd it, just wish I could do the same with these fkn Benzos man!! :tickedoff: I had to do the same with Alcohol, weed, and Cigs when I stopped 6 year's ago I CT'd all of it on the same day it was not fun but , I did  it.


The other thing is as well as other symptoms  getting worse I suddenly erupted in itching eczema form hell a 5 months , and the only change was I began drinking tea after a very long abstinence from it and the abstinence was because I  suddenly noticed at the time tea was actually making some symptoms a lot worse, and I'd forgotten about that after not drinking caffeine for 2 year's before I started again. So I am hoping eventually I'm going to see some positive results as 5 days after drinking it every day since February isn't that long to undo any damage the caffeine has done to me overall its fkn evil stuff when you read up on it plus its a fkn psychoactive bloody drug!!


                                                                        Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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After the caffeine wakes me up, my head starts buzzing and I get brain fog; anyone else? I'm already fatigued. I do not know what I would do without a cup of coffee.

Well obviously its not doing you any good at all is it? And you may find the fatigue gets better once your off for a while as as you crash after the initial high wears off anyway , I'm fatigued , and went back on the tea hoping it would help which it did for a very short time then I ended up getting worsening and more symptoms plus bloody eczema from hell!! :D                                                                                                           


                                                  Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Here's a LONG list compiled from 'Caffeine Blues' on the adverse health affects and other dangers of caffeine:

    Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed foods/ beverage commodities - if not organic, it is literally a cup of chemicals.

    Caffeine increases blood pressure (hypertension) and stress hormone levels

    One study documented significant increases in thought disorder and psychosis after caffeine administration.

    Caffeine produces metabolic, biochemical and emotional stress

    Caffeine causes blood sugar swings

    Fatigue, sleep disturbances are often caused by a coffee/ caffeine habit

    Fatigue, depression and brain fog can result from caffeine withdrawal

    "... caffeine decreases learning skills in a number of ways. It constricts blood vessels in the brain, leading to marked reduction in cerebral blood flow, and interferes with brain biochemistry." (p. 288)

    "A single 250-milligram dose of caffeine (the equivalent of about 2.5 six-ounce cups of coffee) has been shown to increase levels of stress hormone epinephrine (commonly known as adrenaline) by more than 200 percent." (p. 56, Caffeine Blues)

    "...women consuming high amounts of tea suffered 80 percent more PMS [pre-menstrual syndrome]." (p. 321) "Women who consumed more than 4.5 cups of tea per day were almost 10 times as likely to suffer from PMS as women who drank none." (p. 242) "Basically, the more caffeine you consume, the worse your PMS will be." (p. 240)

    Adverse effect on children's growth: "One recent study in Guatemala found that taking children off caffeine for just five months resulted in 22 percent gains in length compared to the group that continued drinking coffee." (p. 292, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine contributes to irritability, anxiety, anger, headaches and nervousness.

    Tiredness during the day, disturbed sleep

    Caffeine causes increased loss of B vitamins (measured in the urine)

    "One study demonstrated that chronic, heavy caffeine ingestion can be associated with depression and may also cause anxiety and panic in panic disorder patients [...] In a study of agoraphobia and panic attacks, caffeine consumption exacerbated anxiety in 54 percent of the patients and triggered panic attacks in 17 percent." (p. 243)

    Menopausal hot flashes and their intensity is linked to caffeine consumption.

    "Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco [...] found a significant association between caffeine consumption and reduced bone mass." (p. 232, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine dramatically reduces iron absorption, contributing to iron deficiency.

    Caffeine increases calcium loss and the risk of osteoporosis

    Caffeine produces short-term mood elevation but contributes to rebound depression

    "... caffeine contributes significantly to anxiety, hostility, and depression. In turn, these are powerful risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers." (p. 229)

    "...conclusive research has found a significant association between caffeine intake and miscarriage." (p. 229, Caffeine Blues)

    Sleepiness, tiredness, feeling disorganized (this effect has been reported to be stronger on women than men)

    "Caffeine causes a marked constriction [to the veins] that limits the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients to the tissues [= to cells]." (p. 221) This constriction of veins affects the brain, peripheral blood vessels, and the eyes (e.g. glaucoma). Uric acid also causes the painful condition of gout.

    "...one of the breakdown products of caffeine is methyluric acid, and that can add to the body's uric acid burden." (p. 220, Caffeine Blues) [High uric acid in the body (hyperuricemia) can cause kidney disease, among other problems.]

    "Men can significantly reduce their risk for urinary and prostate problems by getting off coffee and caffeine" (p. 216)

    "Recovery [from fibromyalgia] is unlikely as long as your adrenals are stressed. Avoiding caffeine will greatly increase your change of recovery"

    "Any caffeine intake only worsens [stage 4] sleep disturbance. [...] Anyone with disturbed Stage 4 sleep will have aches and pains from unrepaired microtrauma that occurs in the muscles and connective tissue." (p. 213)

    Caffeine addiction can make asthma symptoms worse (the withdrawal from caffeine can cause an asthma attack, thus the faulty view that caffeine helps with this)

    Exhausted adrenal glands - which caffeine contributes to in no small way - are unable to produce either sufficient DHEA or cortisol, and this double whammy sets the stage for autoimmune disease.

    Mood disorders


    "Caffeine raises blood sugar levels and disrupts the blood sugar-regulating effects of insulin [...] Caffeine raises fatty acid levels in the blood [...] and can significantly increase the risk of heart disease [...] Caffeine raises the homocysteine levels [...] Caffeine causes vascular resistance, in which blood vessels constrict and circulation is reduced. [...] Caffeine raises stress hormone levels [...] Chronic stress, including feelings of irritability and hostility, has been linked to the development of insulin resistance, leading to the diabetic state." (p. 199-200, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine accelerates aging by impairing immunity

    Caffeine has been shown to inhibit DNA repairs

    The net effect of caffeine use is accelerated aging, especially of the skin and kidneys

    Caffeine is a common trigger for migraine and other types of headache.

    "Whether or not you suffer from tension or migrane headaches, you have to ask yourself if you want to consume a drug (caffeine) that clamps down the blood vessels of your brain and restricts oxygen delivery to millions of cells." (p. 189-190)

    Caffeine increases tension in the jaw, shoulders, back and neck.

    "In one study, individuals with chronic back pain were found to be consuming an average of nearly 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, while matched controls (people the same age and occupation without back pain) averaged less than half that amount." (p. 183)

    "... the critical role played by melatonin in regulating immunity and sleep. I presented evidence that caffeine and coffee, especially when combined with other stressors, significantly reduce melatonin levels. And melatonin's effect on the GI tract [gastro-intestinal tract] is more than calming. Researchers believe that melatonin's principal role in the GI tract is to promote healing and boost immune defense." (p. 180, Caffeine Blues)

    "In clinical practice, I saw hundreds of patients whose irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, food allergy, gastritis, heartburn, bloating, and abdominal pain improved or healed completely once they got off coffee." (p. 181, Caffeine Blues)

    Coffee contributes to ulcer formation because of its harsh acids (which are even worse in decaf coffee). Caffeine itself stimulates acid secretion in the stomach and interferes with the protective action of GABA. This becomes even more of a problem if coffee is consumed on an empty stomach.

    Caffeine and chronic stress elevate blood levels of cortisol, which suppresses a number of immune functions, including production of secretory IgA (sIgA), which is a powerful microbial agent. When sIgA levels are low, 'H. pylori' is allowed to proliferate and cause ulcers. When sIgA levels are high, H. pylori and other pathogens in the mouth, throat, and gastrointestinal tract are quickly destroyed. "When viewed in this way, H. pylori is actually a second risk factor. Stress, caffeine, elevated cortisol, and suppressed IgA production are the primary factors contributing to ulcer risk." (p. 176)

    Coffee is the frequent cause of both constipation and diarrhea. Caffeine tends to pull water out of the digestive tract, leading to hard stools that are difficult to pass.

    Coffee interferes with the digestion of protein

    "Caffeine is one of those substances (along with refined sugar, 'fake fats', and hydrogenated oils) that is completely foreign to the human gastrointestinal tract." (p.168, Caffeine Blues)

    Coffee raises homocysteine and lowers magnesium. The correct levels of these are critically important for someone high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Alzheimer's disease is also characterized by abnormally high homocysteine levels.

    "Moderate coffee drinkers with high cholesterol had more than seven times the risk of heart attack, while heavy coffee drinkers had eighteen times the risk of non-coffee drinkers." (p. 162)

    "... blood cholesterol levels appear to rise in direct proportion to the number of cups of coffee consumed, and we now know what causes this rise in blood cholesterol. It's not the caffeine, as once thought, but two other chemicals (diterpene alcohols) naturally found in coffee: cafestol and kahweol." (p. 144, Caffeine Blues)

    "... the increased risk of heart attack was seen starting at one to two cups of coffee per day." (p. 161, Caffeine Blues)

    Modest amount of caffeine taken before exercise produced dangerous elevations in blood pressure in 45 percent of subjects.

    "If a person were injected with 500 milligrams of caffeine, within about an hour he or she would exhibit symptoms of severe mental illness, among them, hallucinations, paranoia, panic, mania, and depression. But the same amount of caffeine administered over the course of a day only produces the milder forms of insanity for which we take tranquilizers and antidepressants." (p. 124-125)

    "Research has also found that caffeine ingestion is associated with lower academic performance and greater incidence of psychosomatic illness." (p. 120)

    The caffeine-depression connection is very clear.

    "... the feelings of tiredness and depression that come three hours after a cup of coffee are seldom associated with caffeine. We blame something else, like the weather or a boring job." (p. 111, Caffeine Blues)

    "Coffee cuts you off from the brain's higher centers of reasons and evaluation because you are forcing your brain into defensive, emergency overdrive." (p. 95)

    A single cup of coffee can reduce the iron absorption from a meal as much as 75 percent.

    "GABA has a unique ability to calm the mind without putting you to sleep. [...] Caffeine, it turns out, disrupts the normal metabolism of GABA. Here's this wonderful brain biochemical that increases the 'filter mechanism' of the brain, helps you to step back and see clearly even under stress, and caffeine screws it up. Thus, in the maze of life you never make it to the cheese." (p. 70-71, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine lowers the stress threshold in virtually anyone.

    Caffeine elevates cortisol, which leads to DHEA (= a steroid-hormone) deficiency. DHEA levels are an indicator of the health of the adrenal glands, and low DHEA levels have also been linked to aging, lack of energy, lack of sex drive, etc. (Stephen Cherniske has written another book about DHEA: The DHEA Breakthrough)

    "There is an intriguing but not fully understood connection between stress, caffeine, and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and MS." (p. 67, Caffeine Blues)

    "The 'energy' you receive from caffeine is really just a loan from your adrenals and liver, and the interest is extremely high." (p. 64)

    Caffeine causes adrenal exhaustion, i.e. the exhaustion of the adrenal glands. Adrenal exhaustion, in turn, has other consequences: "I was seeing patients every day with serious health problems that strong, healthy adrenals could have prevented. Why were these people vulnerable to allergy, inflammation, hypertension, infection, and fatigue?" (p. 65, Caffeine Blues)


"Let's face it, remaining healthy and strong throughout life is a battle. Caffeine is the Trojan Horse. It looks like a gift but instead delivers adrenal stress, low blood sugar, mood and energy swings, fatigue, depression, malnutrition, and disturbed sleep."

(p. 94, Caffeine Blues)


    "Caffeine effects your nervous system. [...] Sitting up in a chair, extend your arm straight out in front of you, locking the elbow, palm down. Look at the tips of your fingers. If there is any noticeable trembling, chances are that caffeine has already damaged your nervous system. [...] The good news is that this damage can be repaired, but not until you get your caffeine intake under control."

    (p. 39, Caffeine Blues)



    "You must remember why caffeine has these temporary beneficial effects. It's all part of the stress response, the ancient survival mechanism that enabled us to survive in times of imminent danger. The increased respiratory efficiency that caffeine provides is purely a Phase 1 phenomenon; adrenal hormones are poured out to dilate the bronchial airways in order to send more oxygen to the muscles."

    (p. 206, Caffeine Blues)


    "... smokers who drink coffee have the deck stacked against them when they try to quit. That's because without the cigarette stimulation, their caffeine detox system slows down, resulting in enormous increases in blood caffeine levels (up to 200 percent). As you imagine, this produces severe anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and insomnia. Added to the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, it's enough to send even a highly motivated person running back to Marlboro country. The take-home message here is: If you're going to quit smoking (the most positive step you can take to improve your health), it is highly advisable that you decrease your caffeine intake at the same time."

    (p. 54-55, Caffeine Blues)

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Here's a LONG list compiled from 'Caffeine Blues' on the adverse health affects and other dangers of caffeine:

    Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed foods/ beverage commodities - if not organic, it is literally a cup of chemicals.

    Caffeine increases blood pressure (hypertension) and stress hormone levels

    One study documented significant increases in thought disorder and psychosis after caffeine administration.

    Caffeine produces metabolic, biochemical and emotional stress

    Caffeine causes blood sugar swings

    Fatigue, sleep disturbances are often caused by a coffee/ caffeine habit

    Fatigue, depression and brain fog can result from caffeine withdrawal

    "... caffeine decreases learning skills in a number of ways. It constricts blood vessels in the brain, leading to marked reduction in cerebral blood flow, and interferes with brain biochemistry." (p. 288)

    "A single 250-milligram dose of caffeine (the equivalent of about 2.5 six-ounce cups of coffee) has been shown to increase levels of stress hormone epinephrine (commonly known as adrenaline) by more than 200 percent." (p. 56, Caffeine Blues)

    "...women consuming high amounts of tea suffered 80 percent more PMS [pre-menstrual syndrome]." (p. 321) "Women who consumed more than 4.5 cups of tea per day were almost 10 times as likely to suffer from PMS as women who drank none." (p. 242) "Basically, the more caffeine you consume, the worse your PMS will be." (p. 240)

    Adverse effect on children's growth: "One recent study in Guatemala found that taking children off caffeine for just five months resulted in 22 percent gains in length compared to the group that continued drinking coffee." (p. 292, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine contributes to irritability, anxiety, anger, headaches and nervousness.

    Tiredness during the day, disturbed sleep

    Caffeine causes increased loss of B vitamins (measured in the urine)

    "One study demonstrated that chronic, heavy caffeine ingestion can be associated with depression and may also cause anxiety and panic in panic disorder patients [...] In a study of agoraphobia and panic attacks, caffeine consumption exacerbated anxiety in 54 percent of the patients and triggered panic attacks in 17 percent." (p. 243)

    Menopausal hot flashes and their intensity is linked to caffeine consumption.

    "Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco [...] found a significant association between caffeine consumption and reduced bone mass." (p. 232, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine dramatically reduces iron absorption, contributing to iron deficiency.

    Caffeine increases calcium loss and the risk of osteoporosis

    Caffeine produces short-term mood elevation but contributes to rebound depression

    "... caffeine contributes significantly to anxiety, hostility, and depression. In turn, these are powerful risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers." (p. 229)

    "...conclusive research has found a significant association between caffeine intake and miscarriage." (p. 229, Caffeine Blues)

    Sleepiness, tiredness, feeling disorganized (this effect has been reported to be stronger on women than men)

    "Caffeine causes a marked constriction [to the veins] that limits the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients to the tissues [= to cells]." (p. 221) This constriction of veins affects the brain, peripheral blood vessels, and the eyes (e.g. glaucoma). Uric acid also causes the painful condition of gout.

    "...one of the breakdown products of caffeine is methyluric acid, and that can add to the body's uric acid burden." (p. 220, Caffeine Blues) [High uric acid in the body (hyperuricemia) can cause kidney disease, among other problems.]

    "Men can significantly reduce their risk for urinary and prostate problems by getting off coffee and caffeine" (p. 216)

    "Recovery [from fibromyalgia] is unlikely as long as your adrenals are stressed. Avoiding caffeine will greatly increase your change of recovery"

    "Any caffeine intake only worsens [stage 4] sleep disturbance. [...] Anyone with disturbed Stage 4 sleep will have aches and pains from unrepaired microtrauma that occurs in the muscles and connective tissue." (p. 213)

    Caffeine addiction can make asthma symptoms worse (the withdrawal from caffeine can cause an asthma attack, thus the faulty view that caffeine helps with this)

    Exhausted adrenal glands - which caffeine contributes to in no small way - are unable to produce either sufficient DHEA or cortisol, and this double whammy sets the stage for autoimmune disease.

    Mood disorders


    "Caffeine raises blood sugar levels and disrupts the blood sugar-regulating effects of insulin [...] Caffeine raises fatty acid levels in the blood [...] and can significantly increase the risk of heart disease [...] Caffeine raises the homocysteine levels [...] Caffeine causes vascular resistance, in which blood vessels constrict and circulation is reduced. [...] Caffeine raises stress hormone levels [...] Chronic stress, including feelings of irritability and hostility, has been linked to the development of insulin resistance, leading to the diabetic state." (p. 199-200, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine accelerates aging by impairing immunity

    Caffeine has been shown to inhibit DNA repairs

    The net effect of caffeine use is accelerated aging, especially of the skin and kidneys

    Caffeine is a common trigger for migraine and other types of headache.

    "Whether or not you suffer from tension or migrane headaches, you have to ask yourself if you want to consume a drug (caffeine) that clamps down the blood vessels of your brain and restricts oxygen delivery to millions of cells." (p. 189-190)

    Caffeine increases tension in the jaw, shoulders, back and neck.

    "In one study, individuals with chronic back pain were found to be consuming an average of nearly 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, while matched controls (people the same age and occupation without back pain) averaged less than half that amount." (p. 183)

    "... the critical role played by melatonin in regulating immunity and sleep. I presented evidence that caffeine and coffee, especially when combined with other stressors, significantly reduce melatonin levels. And melatonin's effect on the GI tract [gastro-intestinal tract] is more than calming. Researchers believe that melatonin's principal role in the GI tract is to promote healing and boost immune defense." (p. 180, Caffeine Blues)

    "In clinical practice, I saw hundreds of patients whose irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, food allergy, gastritis, heartburn, bloating, and abdominal pain improved or healed completely once they got off coffee." (p. 181, Caffeine Blues)

    Coffee contributes to ulcer formation because of its harsh acids (which are even worse in decaf coffee). Caffeine itself stimulates acid secretion in the stomach and interferes with the protective action of GABA. This becomes even more of a problem if coffee is consumed on an empty stomach.

    Caffeine and chronic stress elevate blood levels of cortisol, which suppresses a number of immune functions, including production of secretory IgA (sIgA), which is a powerful microbial agent. When sIgA levels are low, 'H. pylori' is allowed to proliferate and cause ulcers. When sIgA levels are high, H. pylori and other pathogens in the mouth, throat, and gastrointestinal tract are quickly destroyed. "When viewed in this way, H. pylori is actually a second risk factor. Stress, caffeine, elevated cortisol, and suppressed IgA production are the primary factors contributing to ulcer risk." (p. 176)

    Coffee is the frequent cause of both constipation and diarrhea. Caffeine tends to pull water out of the digestive tract, leading to hard stools that are difficult to pass.

    Coffee interferes with the digestion of protein

    "Caffeine is one of those substances (along with refined sugar, 'fake fats', and hydrogenated oils) that is completely foreign to the human gastrointestinal tract." (p.168, Caffeine Blues)

    Coffee raises homocysteine and lowers magnesium. The correct levels of these are critically important for someone high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Alzheimer's disease is also characterized by abnormally high homocysteine levels.

    "Moderate coffee drinkers with high cholesterol had more than seven times the risk of heart attack, while heavy coffee drinkers had eighteen times the risk of non-coffee drinkers." (p. 162)

    "... blood cholesterol levels appear to rise in direct proportion to the number of cups of coffee consumed, and we now know what causes this rise in blood cholesterol. It's not the caffeine, as once thought, but two other chemicals (diterpene alcohols) naturally found in coffee: cafestol and kahweol." (p. 144, Caffeine Blues)

    "... the increased risk of heart attack was seen starting at one to two cups of coffee per day." (p. 161, Caffeine Blues)

    Modest amount of caffeine taken before exercise produced dangerous elevations in blood pressure in 45 percent of subjects.

    "If a person were injected with 500 milligrams of caffeine, within about an hour he or she would exhibit symptoms of severe mental illness, among them, hallucinations, paranoia, panic, mania, and depression. But the same amount of caffeine administered over the course of a day only produces the milder forms of insanity for which we take tranquilizers and antidepressants." (p. 124-125)

    "Research has also found that caffeine ingestion is associated with lower academic performance and greater incidence of psychosomatic illness." (p. 120)

    The caffeine-depression connection is very clear.

    "... the feelings of tiredness and depression that come three hours after a cup of coffee are seldom associated with caffeine. We blame something else, like the weather or a boring job." (p. 111, Caffeine Blues)

    "Coffee cuts you off from the brain's higher centers of reasons and evaluation because you are forcing your brain into defensive, emergency overdrive." (p. 95)

    A single cup of coffee can reduce the iron absorption from a meal as much as 75 percent.

    "GABA has a unique ability to calm the mind without putting you to sleep. [...] Caffeine, it turns out, disrupts the normal metabolism of GABA. Here's this wonderful brain biochemical that increases the 'filter mechanism' of the brain, helps you to step back and see clearly even under stress, and caffeine screws it up. Thus, in the maze of life you never make it to the cheese." (p. 70-71, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine lowers the stress threshold in virtually anyone.

    Caffeine elevates cortisol, which leads to DHEA (= a steroid-hormone) deficiency. DHEA levels are an indicator of the health of the adrenal glands, and low DHEA levels have also been linked to aging, lack of energy, lack of sex drive, etc. (Stephen Cherniske has written another book about DHEA: The DHEA Breakthrough)

    "There is an intriguing but not fully understood connection between stress, caffeine, and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and MS." (p. 67, Caffeine Blues)

    "The 'energy' you receive from caffeine is really just a loan from your adrenals and liver, and the interest is extremely high." (p. 64)

    Caffeine causes adrenal exhaustion, i.e. the exhaustion of the adrenal glands. Adrenal exhaustion, in turn, has other consequences: "I was seeing patients every day with serious health problems that strong, healthy adrenals could have prevented. Why were these people vulnerable to allergy, inflammation, hypertension, infection, and fatigue?" (p. 65, Caffeine Blues)


"Let's face it, remaining healthy and strong throughout life is a battle. Caffeine is the Trojan Horse. It looks like a gift but instead delivers adrenal stress, low blood sugar, mood and energy swings, fatigue, depression, malnutrition, and disturbed sleep."

(p. 94, Caffeine Blues)


    "Caffeine effects your nervous system. [...] Sitting up in a chair, extend your arm straight out in front of you, locking the elbow, palm down. Look at the tips of your fingers. If there is any noticeable trembling, chances are that caffeine has already damaged your nervous system. [...] The good news is that this damage can be repaired, but not until you get your caffeine intake under control."

    (p. 39, Caffeine Blues)



    "You must remember why caffeine has these temporary beneficial effects. It's all part of the stress response, the ancient survival mechanism that enabled us to survive in times of imminent danger. The increased respiratory efficiency that caffeine provides is purely a Phase 1 phenomenon; adrenal hormones are poured out to dilate the bronchial airways in order to send more oxygen to the muscles."

    (p. 206, Caffeine Blues)


    "... smokers who drink coffee have the deck stacked against them when they try to quit. That's because without the cigarette stimulation, their caffeine detox system slows down, resulting in enormous increases in blood caffeine levels (up to 200 percent). As you imagine, this produces severe anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and insomnia. Added to the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, it's enough to send even a highly motivated person running back to Marlboro country. The take-home message here is: If you're going to quit smoking (the most positive step you can take to improve your health), it is highly advisable that you decrease your caffeine intake at the same time."

    (p. 54-55, Caffeine Blues)


I assume caffeine is one of the most studied drugs since we had it for so long and is used in huge amounts. That means you will find studies showing bad things about the drug. What I would do is look for the methods they used in these studies and also look into how many participants they had and for what duration. I would also see other studies on the same subject and look into meta analyst where they take all the studies they can find on the subject and analyze it and come to a conclusion. Like this for example, where they ask: does caffeine increase the chance of panic attacks for people with panic disorder. Their conclusion: In this systematic review and metaanalysis, about half (48%) of adults with PD experienced panic attacks after caffeine consumption.




With that being said and to answer the original question, did quitting caffeine speed up your healing?

I don't think it made go faster, but it certainly made it easier because for me caffeine increased anxiety. I'm more or less fully healed now and I can drink a lot of coffee without a problem. I used coffee to see how my progress was going. At the start, 1/5 of a cup would be enough. Now I can drink a couple of cups without a problem.

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Here's a LONG list compiled from 'Caffeine Blues' on the adverse health affects and other dangers of caffeine:

    Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed foods/ beverage commodities - if not organic, it is literally a cup of chemicals.

    Caffeine increases blood pressure (hypertension) and stress hormone levels

    One study documented significant increases in thought disorder and psychosis after caffeine administration.

    Caffeine produces metabolic, biochemical and emotional stress

    Caffeine causes blood sugar swings

    Fatigue, sleep disturbances are often caused by a coffee/ caffeine habit

    Fatigue, depression and brain fog can result from caffeine withdrawal

    "... caffeine decreases learning skills in a number of ways. It constricts blood vessels in the brain, leading to marked reduction in cerebral blood flow, and interferes with brain biochemistry." (p. 288)

    "A single 250-milligram dose of caffeine (the equivalent of about 2.5 six-ounce cups of coffee) has been shown to increase levels of stress hormone epinephrine (commonly known as adrenaline) by more than 200 percent." (p. 56, Caffeine Blues)

    "...women consuming high amounts of tea suffered 80 percent more PMS [pre-menstrual syndrome]." (p. 321) "Women who consumed more than 4.5 cups of tea per day were almost 10 times as likely to suffer from PMS as women who drank none." (p. 242) "Basically, the more caffeine you consume, the worse your PMS will be." (p. 240)

    Adverse effect on children's growth: "One recent study in Guatemala found that taking children off caffeine for just five months resulted in 22 percent gains in length compared to the group that continued drinking coffee." (p. 292, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine contributes to irritability, anxiety, anger, headaches and nervousness.

    Tiredness during the day, disturbed sleep

    Caffeine causes increased loss of B vitamins (measured in the urine)

    "One study demonstrated that chronic, heavy caffeine ingestion can be associated with depression and may also cause anxiety and panic in panic disorder patients [...] In a study of agoraphobia and panic attacks, caffeine consumption exacerbated anxiety in 54 percent of the patients and triggered panic attacks in 17 percent." (p. 243)

    Menopausal hot flashes and their intensity is linked to caffeine consumption.

    "Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco [...] found a significant association between caffeine consumption and reduced bone mass." (p. 232, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine dramatically reduces iron absorption, contributing to iron deficiency.

    Caffeine increases calcium loss and the risk of osteoporosis

    Caffeine produces short-term mood elevation but contributes to rebound depression

    "... caffeine contributes significantly to anxiety, hostility, and depression. In turn, these are powerful risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers." (p. 229)

    "...conclusive research has found a significant association between caffeine intake and miscarriage." (p. 229, Caffeine Blues)

    Sleepiness, tiredness, feeling disorganized (this effect has been reported to be stronger on women than men)

    "Caffeine causes a marked constriction [to the veins] that limits the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients to the tissues [= to cells]." (p. 221) This constriction of veins affects the brain, peripheral blood vessels, and the eyes (e.g. glaucoma). Uric acid also causes the painful condition of gout.

    "...one of the breakdown products of caffeine is methyluric acid, and that can add to the body's uric acid burden." (p. 220, Caffeine Blues) [High uric acid in the body (hyperuricemia) can cause kidney disease, among other problems.]

    "Men can significantly reduce their risk for urinary and prostate problems by getting off coffee and caffeine" (p. 216)

    "Recovery [from fibromyalgia] is unlikely as long as your adrenals are stressed. Avoiding caffeine will greatly increase your change of recovery"

    "Any caffeine intake only worsens [stage 4] sleep disturbance. [...] Anyone with disturbed Stage 4 sleep will have aches and pains from unrepaired microtrauma that occurs in the muscles and connective tissue." (p. 213)

    Caffeine addiction can make asthma symptoms worse (the withdrawal from caffeine can cause an asthma attack, thus the faulty view that caffeine helps with this)

    Exhausted adrenal glands - which caffeine contributes to in no small way - are unable to produce either sufficient DHEA or cortisol, and this double whammy sets the stage for autoimmune disease.

    Mood disorders


    "Caffeine raises blood sugar levels and disrupts the blood sugar-regulating effects of insulin [...] Caffeine raises fatty acid levels in the blood [...] and can significantly increase the risk of heart disease [...] Caffeine raises the homocysteine levels [...] Caffeine causes vascular resistance, in which blood vessels constrict and circulation is reduced. [...] Caffeine raises stress hormone levels [...] Chronic stress, including feelings of irritability and hostility, has been linked to the development of insulin resistance, leading to the diabetic state." (p. 199-200, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine accelerates aging by impairing immunity

    Caffeine has been shown to inhibit DNA repairs

    The net effect of caffeine use is accelerated aging, especially of the skin and kidneys

    Caffeine is a common trigger for migraine and other types of headache.

    "Whether or not you suffer from tension or migrane headaches, you have to ask yourself if you want to consume a drug (caffeine) that clamps down the blood vessels of your brain and restricts oxygen delivery to millions of cells." (p. 189-190)

    Caffeine increases tension in the jaw, shoulders, back and neck.

    "In one study, individuals with chronic back pain were found to be consuming an average of nearly 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, while matched controls (people the same age and occupation without back pain) averaged less than half that amount." (p. 183)

    "... the critical role played by melatonin in regulating immunity and sleep. I presented evidence that caffeine and coffee, especially when combined with other stressors, significantly reduce melatonin levels. And melatonin's effect on the GI tract [gastro-intestinal tract] is more than calming. Researchers believe that melatonin's principal role in the GI tract is to promote healing and boost immune defense." (p. 180, Caffeine Blues)

    "In clinical practice, I saw hundreds of patients whose irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, food allergy, gastritis, heartburn, bloating, and abdominal pain improved or healed completely once they got off coffee." (p. 181, Caffeine Blues)

    Coffee contributes to ulcer formation because of its harsh acids (which are even worse in decaf coffee). Caffeine itself stimulates acid secretion in the stomach and interferes with the protective action of GABA. This becomes even more of a problem if coffee is consumed on an empty stomach.

    Caffeine and chronic stress elevate blood levels of cortisol, which suppresses a number of immune functions, including production of secretory IgA (sIgA), which is a powerful microbial agent. When sIgA levels are low, 'H. pylori' is allowed to proliferate and cause ulcers. When sIgA levels are high, H. pylori and other pathogens in the mouth, throat, and gastrointestinal tract are quickly destroyed. "When viewed in this way, H. pylori is actually a second risk factor. Stress, caffeine, elevated cortisol, and suppressed IgA production are the primary factors contributing to ulcer risk." (p. 176)

    Coffee is the frequent cause of both constipation and diarrhea. Caffeine tends to pull water out of the digestive tract, leading to hard stools that are difficult to pass.

    Coffee interferes with the digestion of protein

    "Caffeine is one of those substances (along with refined sugar, 'fake fats', and hydrogenated oils) that is completely foreign to the human gastrointestinal tract." (p.168, Caffeine Blues)

    Coffee raises homocysteine and lowers magnesium. The correct levels of these are critically important for someone high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Alzheimer's disease is also characterized by abnormally high homocysteine levels.

    "Moderate coffee drinkers with high cholesterol had more than seven times the risk of heart attack, while heavy coffee drinkers had eighteen times the risk of non-coffee drinkers." (p. 162)

    "... blood cholesterol levels appear to rise in direct proportion to the number of cups of coffee consumed, and we now know what causes this rise in blood cholesterol. It's not the caffeine, as once thought, but two other chemicals (diterpene alcohols) naturally found in coffee: cafestol and kahweol." (p. 144, Caffeine Blues)

    "... the increased risk of heart attack was seen starting at one to two cups of coffee per day." (p. 161, Caffeine Blues)

    Modest amount of caffeine taken before exercise produced dangerous elevations in blood pressure in 45 percent of subjects.

    "If a person were injected with 500 milligrams of caffeine, within about an hour he or she would exhibit symptoms of severe mental illness, among them, hallucinations, paranoia, panic, mania, and depression. But the same amount of caffeine administered over the course of a day only produces the milder forms of insanity for which we take tranquilizers and antidepressants." (p. 124-125)

    "Research has also found that caffeine ingestion is associated with lower academic performance and greater incidence of psychosomatic illness." (p. 120)

    The caffeine-depression connection is very clear.

    "... the feelings of tiredness and depression that come three hours after a cup of coffee are seldom associated with caffeine. We blame something else, like the weather or a boring job." (p. 111, Caffeine Blues)

    "Coffee cuts you off from the brain's higher centers of reasons and evaluation because you are forcing your brain into defensive, emergency overdrive." (p. 95)

    A single cup of coffee can reduce the iron absorption from a meal as much as 75 percent.

    "GABA has a unique ability to calm the mind without putting you to sleep. [...] Caffeine, it turns out, disrupts the normal metabolism of GABA. Here's this wonderful brain biochemical that increases the 'filter mechanism' of the brain, helps you to step back and see clearly even under stress, and caffeine screws it up. Thus, in the maze of life you never make it to the cheese." (p. 70-71, Caffeine Blues)

    Caffeine lowers the stress threshold in virtually anyone.

    Caffeine elevates cortisol, which leads to DHEA (= a steroid-hormone) deficiency. DHEA levels are an indicator of the health of the adrenal glands, and low DHEA levels have also been linked to aging, lack of energy, lack of sex drive, etc. (Stephen Cherniske has written another book about DHEA: The DHEA Breakthrough)

    "There is an intriguing but not fully understood connection between stress, caffeine, and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and MS." (p. 67, Caffeine Blues)

    "The 'energy' you receive from caffeine is really just a loan from your adrenals and liver, and the interest is extremely high." (p. 64)

    Caffeine causes adrenal exhaustion, i.e. the exhaustion of the adrenal glands. Adrenal exhaustion, in turn, has other consequences: "I was seeing patients every day with serious health problems that strong, healthy adrenals could have prevented. Why were these people vulnerable to allergy, inflammation, hypertension, infection, and fatigue?" (p. 65, Caffeine Blues)


"Let's face it, remaining healthy and strong throughout life is a battle. Caffeine is the Trojan Horse. It looks like a gift but instead delivers adrenal stress, low blood sugar, mood and energy swings, fatigue, depression, malnutrition, and disturbed sleep."

(p. 94, Caffeine Blues)


    "Caffeine effects your nervous system. [...] Sitting up in a chair, extend your arm straight out in front of you, locking the elbow, palm down. Look at the tips of your fingers. If there is any noticeable trembling, chances are that caffeine has already damaged your nervous system. [...] The good news is that this damage can be repaired, but not until you get your caffeine intake under control."

    (p. 39, Caffeine Blues)



    "You must remember why caffeine has these temporary beneficial effects. It's all part of the stress response, the ancient survival mechanism that enabled us to survive in times of imminent danger. The increased respiratory efficiency that caffeine provides is purely a Phase 1 phenomenon; adrenal hormones are poured out to dilate the bronchial airways in order to send more oxygen to the muscles."

    (p. 206, Caffeine Blues)


    "... smokers who drink coffee have the deck stacked against them when they try to quit. That's because without the cigarette stimulation, their caffeine detox system slows down, resulting in enormous increases in blood caffeine levels (up to 200 percent). As you imagine, this produces severe anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and insomnia. Added to the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, it's enough to send even a highly motivated person running back to Marlboro country. The take-home message here is: If you're going to quit smoking (the most positive step you can take to improve your health), it is highly advisable that you decrease your caffeine intake at the same time."

    (p. 54-55, Caffeine Blues)


I assume caffeine is one of the most studied drugs since we had it for so long and is used in huge amounts. That means you will find studies showing bad things about the drug. What I would do is look for the methods they used in these studies and also look into how many participants they had and for what duration. I would also see other studies on the same subject and look into meta analyst where they take all the studies they can find on the subject and analyze it and come to a conclusion. Like this for example, where they ask: does caffeine increase the chance of panic attacks for people with panic disorder. Their conclusion: In this systematic review and metaanalysis, about half (48%) of adults with PD experienced panic attacks after caffeine consumption.




With that being said and to answer the original question, did quitting caffeine speed up your healing?

I don't think it made go faster, but it certainly made it easier because for me caffeine increased anxiety. I'm more or less fully healed now and I can drink a lot of coffee without a problem. I used coffee to see how my progress was going. At the start, 1/5 of a cup would be enough. Now I can drink a couple of cups without a problem.



I'm using coffee to do the same thing. In the beginning, I could have NO COFFEE. Now, I can have two cups in the morning. I am afraid if I cut it completely, I won't be able to fully go back. Although it causes the brain fog, it does wake me up for the whole day. I used to do two cups in the morning and a caffeine drink in the afternoon to get me through work. I have cut the afternoon caffeine out completely. The day I didn't have morning coffee, I was sleepy by like 12. I cant take naps because I will have a panic attack. So, it's one evil for another. Really, it is making my withdrawal easier and livable.

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Quitting caffeine helped me, then I started drinking it again and it set me back.


I recommend the book Caffeine Blues by Stephen Cherniske to anyone on here. Caffeine affects GABA, cortisol, stress hormones, and a bunch of other stuff that we don’t need to mess with in wd.


I quit caffeine out of desperation to get sleep. Cortisol spikes woke me up every night. EVERY night. After a couple months off and a strict diet, my sleep improved. Like a genius, I thought I could drink coffee again because I was feeling better - bad idea. I am now suffering again. I’m currently tapering coffee and am doing 1 cup of 1/2 caffeinated and 1/2 decaf.


My experience shows a direct correlation. The coffee also made me moody. It’s so interesting - if anyone hears the slightest whiff of a suggestion that they should give up coffee, they get defensive really quick. It’s an addictive substance that artificially causes stress hormones to release in the body. We don’t need to be in fight-or-flight every morning.


I love coffee as much as you, trust me, but during wd I just can’t do it.


Yeah "Caffeine Blues" was pretty eye opening for me too... It gets the idea that "caffeine actually gives you energy" out of your head very quick and shows you the endless cycle of exhaustion/stimulation that caffeine subjects you to. Also, knowing that the energy and focus I'm feeling is just a stress response REALLY hit me hard. Why am I doing this to myself? And I was a huge coffee drinker since my early 20s and grew to love black tea during my withdrawal, so it's not easy for me to admit that it's no longer helping me.


I gave up my second tea last week. I'll do this for a while and then get rid of the morning tea. It's been about a week with only 1 tea in the morning and my mood has improved but my sleep still hasn't. I guess it takes three weeks for hormones to adjust, etc. I've felt a little more pain and some irritability but overall it's worth it just to have a better, more stable mood.


Having said all this... I know I couldn't have given up caffeine in the worst of my withdrawals. At one point, it was the only reason I had to get out of bed, it helped with pain, cleared my heard and allowed me a brief respite from this hell. I'm 5 years out now, so I'm in a better position to try and wean off caffeine. It's not easy when our bodies are already a mess.


Hope you are all feeling OK today  :thumbsup:

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I'm praying 🙏🏾 I don't jinx myself by posting this, but its now Day 8 Caffeine free,( I was drinking 1 to 3 cups of black tea a day with organic milk and raw honey in ) and my non stop itching I had develop along with Eczema ( Atopic dermatitis) at the same has stopped for a few days now, about  5??  and I was constantly tearing at myself badly 24/7 for 9 months , all I've had is the odd itch once or twice which is miraculous. Ive got scars and  discoloured patches where I was scratching so much as the itching was hell and keep me awake or the itching woke me up from sleep it was terrible!


I also had to do what called 'Wet wrapping" https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/resources/patient-information/dermatology/wet-wrapping.pdf  because the itching and  the eczema (Atopic dermatitis) was so bad and sometime it helped, other times it never and its bloody uncomfortable and aggravated my burning nerve pain too as the warps have to be tight like a second skin plus your soaking wet and freezing!!


I also spent a LOT of money trying all sorts of oils, creams, all natural stuff for the eczema and the non stop itching, anything that was non steroidal we can't use steroids in any form while in withdrawal and tapering its a big avoid, and I ended up going through a LOT of jars of you name it I tried it, but even with emollients etc on my skin, wet wraps I was till having itching from hell most of the time.


Now its a big difference, the eczema while its still there isn't inflamed and spreading now and its not red and inflamed , plus unless you ran your hand over my skin you wouldn't even be aware of it, it did look like bad psoriasis as it was thick red and flaky, and quite fugal looking in some places as well. I did treat my skin for fungus too just in case but it still persisted. It was also  begin to spread to other places on my body and what I had was bad enough , but its beginning to retreat now.


The thing is this Eczema (Atopic dermatitis) is  an Autoimmune Disease, which means the body has turned on it self and is attacking it!


Atopic dermatitis significantly associated with several autoimmune diseaseshttps://www.healio.com/news/dermatology/20170202/atopic-dermatitis-significantly-associated-with-several-autoimmune-diseases.


I worked  it was possibly the Tea or  milk, causing it but was more inclined it was the Tea after reading that  Caffeine  blocks to DAO enzyme ( so do Benzos) that break down histamine, and not only that it also raises glutamte , plus the soil  Coffee beans and Tea bushes are gown in may also be rampant in Fluoride that the plants absorb so does anything that absorbs the Caffeine form the plant too, Fluoride is a Neurotoxin. There's also other chemicals besides Caffeine in these plants that do shit to our system , and that's in a healthy non drug user or Benzo damaged body and brain .



So if its doing that WTF else is it doing to us when we're already trying to mend damage? I am now praying that the longe I ma off this shit that I will see some more improvement, as obviously it WAS causing damage, more than I realised and sit was probably holding me back from healing or at least some minor or maybe bigger improvement in various symptoms even long standing ones and creating more problems that I end up with an Autoimmune disease? I look at withdrawal that way its as if we have some autoimmune illness as its that bad and bloody Caffeine causes Autoimmune illness plus other chemicals in the plants as well as depending on what's in the soil they grew in? 


My advice now? Stop it ASAP. even people saying they only noticed minor adjustments when they stopped may be missing a lot more healing after they stopped than they realise,  I really believe that now, just because I still had symptoms I had while drinking the Tea as I had before I started again after not drinking Caffeine for 2 year's I believed that too, now I'm wondering in 9 months how much more than I know did I shoot myself i the head never mind in the foot!!!


Who knows what progress I could have possibly made this last 9 months as bad as I was I could be feeling better by now and be more functional, now its going to probably take longer than 9 months to recover from what I did to myself by using Caffeine, yes using as its a psychoactive *legal* drug,  all that time yet I'm too shit scared to take anything, and I'm in agony!! I'm even scared to take the fkn Diazepam I take and I'm only taking that because I have to taper off the evil shit!! !@##$%^&*()_! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!




                                            Nova xxxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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  • 4 months later...
caffeine is indeed GABA energic. i felt healed and was drinking coffee from july until feb. Now im having terrible GI problems 
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Yes, caffeine acts on GABAA, but as an antagonist.  We generally try to avoid strong GABAA agonists during withdrawal. 
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