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I have a friend who....Really, it's not me!


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So, you know how people want to ask a question for themselves, but they're afraid, so they call the person in question, A Friend  :thumbsup:


But it really isn't me.  You can see in my signature what I'm dealing with!  :-\


But, here's what's going on with my friend.


Anxiety, depression, and OCD, has lead to Cymbalta, 90mg a day.  Severe OCD, lead to adding Abilify, 5mg a day.  I do think the Abilify has helped his OCD.  His been on the combination for over 3 years now.  :o


But, here's the question.  Just about every morning he starts having severe nightmares, making him shake and try to wake himself up to get away from them.  He drifts back to sleep, just to have the dream continue, eventually forcing himself to get out of bed.  :'( :'(


So, what do you think?  Is it the AD or the Abilify or both or dose or.....???:sick:


I'm also doing research on-line, but wanted to see what you might think.  I know everyone responds to meds differently, but still thought maybe someone might have encountered this.


Thank folks!!  :smitten:

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APs are probably more known for nightmares.

I had the worst one's ever on AP!

But there will probably be people that tell you that about AD as well.

So really, you can never really know unless your friend changed doses, or tapered off both separately. What does his doc think?


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I’m also on Abilify 25 mgs and have horrific nightmares. I wake up at least a few times a night screaming, crying and certain it’s real. I also have involuntary muscle jerking of my arms and legs which were especially bad while I was tapering off klonopin and Wellbutrin.

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Hello there one day.

I met with my psychiatrist just now and she says for me it’s not the Abilify but rather the Effexor causing my nightmares. She researched her desk reference while I was with her and says Abilify isn’t known to cause nightmares. Go figure!

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