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That's awesome, Banana Man! Great work! When did your mental symptoms leave you? This is the things that plagues me the most!
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How to kill a living thing!


This is not all about benzos, although it has everything to do with your recovery from benzos, confused? I was too before I started this journey, but I looked at it from a different angle, thinking outside of the box! Have I got your attention? then read on if you really want to live.


    Animal or vegetable, in fact any living creature or plant on this planet needs the basics of life to live but you know this, in fact everything I write about this is really no secret at all, you’re just in a box. Example...you know that if you don’t give your tomato plants water they will die, you don’t give your dog water, it will die, give them some water and they’ll be fine? well they’ll live for a bit but again you know they need some food as well, of course you know this but they’re going to need something else, yes sunshine! So now you know how to keep something or anything alive. You now also understand...How to kill a living thing!


    If we were to take a human being, a heathy one! Someone who has always eaten properly, never smoked cigarettes or used drugs, (by drugs I also obviously mean pills!) took regular exercise and basically lived what I call an ordinary sort of life, well if we were to then lock them up in a room, closed the blinds, gave them a TV and maybe an iPad and some books, fed them, but not particularly well, not let them exercise and let them think they had some hideous disease, in fact brainwashed them into thinking this through the iPad you had given them, what do you think would happen to them if you were to leave them in there for two or three years, in fact without a time limit, much like a long term hostage situation. What would happen? You can guess, they would deteriorate, lose muscle, not be bothered to wash, not feel so hungry, become depressed, feel unwell , lose hope etc. etc. Sounds familiar doesn’t it.


    This person was fit and healthy, what if we did this to someone who was already unwell, in fact they were unwell and in recovery from chemical poisoning. You wouldn’t do this because you’d say it would probably kill them as quite the opposite is needed. Once again you know this and we can do the same with any animal or plant, so let’s think about a tomato plant, let’s put it in the shed in a corner and just give it a little water without any feed. It might last a few weeks or even months, and only months if it were in good compost. Eventually it would look sick, the leaves would yellow and it would droop whilst it struggled to live, i don’t think it would bare any fruit, It would just look like it didn’t want to live. How about if I were to crush up some pills into dust and put it into the watering? any pills will do and that includes vitamin pills. See I doesn’t matter wether it’s benzodiazepines, antihistamines antidepressants, painkillers or whatever you fancy, it will kill it!


    All pills are made of chemicals, even the so called vitamin pills. Do you really think they got vitamin b out of some fresh meat or eggs, like mashed them up and extracted the vitamins out of it? Do you think they juiced up several thousand oranges and then dried it out and made some vitamin c pills out of it? They have tricked you into thinking these pills are made to help you live longer, bull crap. Take gabapentin for example, now don’t get paranoid because a lot of you take this drug and you’ve got to realise the drug companies came up with this one just for you because everyone coming off benzos has heard about gaba, so the pill fits perfectly for you, it’s addictive and you’re going to need to taper off this one too. The body doesn’t know the difference between a benzo or a painkiller, it just knows both are made of chemicals and will react accordingly.


    I tried in vain to give my dog a worming pill the other day, try as I might she just wasn’t having it so I wrapped it in a piece of bread and covered the bread with jam to fool her, she even managed to spit it out after first eating the bread and jam. If you need more convincing that all pills are deadly poisonous try eating your pills by crushing them in your mouth first, this is our first main defence to stop unwanted stuff going into our bodies. Chew them up good and proper, what does it taste like? the taste is so disgusting it makes me sick just thinking about it. You really wouldn’t try this though because even without trying you know they would taste disgusting. Swallow whole, that’s what it usually says on the back of the box and for good damn reasons as well and then we only do that because a doctor said it was ok.


    At this point some of you might feel like screaming at me, to tell me that pills/medications heal people, cure them, make them better. Haven’t you learned anything yet? Pills are poisonous and will kill anything living, you have been brainwashed into thinking that medications save life or help you live longer. Do you really think they want a population full of old people who rely on the young to pay the taxes and feed them. Years ago they convinced my grandpa it was good for your health to smoke cigarettes until we become a little wiser. Now they put on the front of the packet, smoking will kill you. I would like to think that this could someday happened to pill packets, but there’s no chance in hell of that happening. You need to stop taking them now before they do kill you, albeit very slowly or just succeed in making you even sicker. I really do hope this paragraph alone changes your mind.


    I feel by now you know how to kill a living thing.

We don’t want to be doing this though, especially with our own self and very slowly too. Let’s live, this is just a little more difficult and that’s why people just sit on the couch and do nothing about it at all. It’s easy to kill the tomato plant but a little more effort is needed to help it grow and bare fruit. Feed it good compost, place it in a warm sunny spot, if it’s in a glass house give it plenty of fresh air, make sure it gets watered every day, prune and trim, even talk to it, not sure if that works but it doesn’t hurt. It’s just common sense, one doesn’t even need to think outside of the box. So lying in bed is easier than getting up and going out of the house, thing is you’re not being held hostage or locked up, it’s all because a little effort is needed. You’ll use every excuse in the book to convince yourself that you’re too unwell to even move, I don’t buy that.


    Stay on the couch or in bed or live again? Once you decide to fix yourself don’t expect a quick fix. A friend of mine took in one of those rescue dogs. It looked very sick  like it could die, it was skin and bone, frightened to death and it’s hair was falling out. It had been kept cooped up in a kennel for years, hadn’t been fed properly, nor walked, it was very weak. At first it didn’t even want to come out of the box he brought it home in. Over the first few days my friend encouraged the little doggie to come outside, it was very scared but eventually he had her play with a little ball, this gave her an appetite and so she was spoilt and fed on lean red meat, as well as doggie food. After two weeks she was being walked every day. I thought to myself what a comeback and as the weeks turned into months she grew bigger, stronger and fitter, she was running circles around us, within three months she looked like a butcher’s dog.


    If you can get from your couch or bed and manage it to the toilet then you’re not too ill to win your health back. I have a blog entitled. "How I stay ahead in benzo withdraw...this is what I did."




So if you are in a real bad way but are able bodied you can get well, it will be a slow recovery though. Basically if it took you years to become unwell, then it may take a while to fix yourself, good news is just about everyone will heal. So you’ve heard it take years, maybe you’re thinking that’s how long it will be but some heal in just a few months, so don’t think negative, go in between all the recovery stories you heard. Statistics show that most heal 6-12 months with most seeing good improvements at 6 months. The more you work at it and the cleaner you live will all be a factor in the time it takes you to heal. But don’t let time be the factor, just in the knowing that you will get better regardless of how long it’s going to take is surely all the hope one needs.


    I’ve wrote this to help you and others to understand that a pill ain’t going to fix you when it was a pill that made you ill. And you’ve got to realise that if you just lie in bed or sit around on the couch complaining and telling yourself that you will never get better or that you will be like this forever, then sadly that just might be the case. You have a choice and I’m just making you aware of this, if I can help just one person get better then I’ve succeeded and so have you. I know you’ll say that you can’t do it and that I or anyone else doesn’t understand your situation, but I do.


A clip copy from my blog "Benzo withdraw from another perspective. My personal views."




"I will never get better " YES you will!

"I will feel like this for the rest of my life" NO you won’t!

"My case is different to everyone else’s " NO it’s not!

"I have something seriously wrong with me" NO you don’t!

"I’m just one of them who won’t get better" YES you will!


    Try reading my posts and links to my blogs and topics. Remember I am only trying to help you, I am not getting at anybody at all. I reiterate this because I know benzos and withdrawal can do some weird stuff to ones head and I don’t want to upset anyone. I just want you better.


I wish everyone all the hope in the world.


Banana Man.



I copied this from my blog, it’s my own thoughts. I hope it helps. I have more of this on my blog.

Keep fighting the fight... Banana Man.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Congrats on the time and thanks for writing this. I'm at the beginning of being forced to cold turkey 5mg of diazepam, so it's good to hear from someone who's been in the same boat. I'm also five months off long term opiate use and just starting to feel pretty much over that, so it's disappointing that I'm about to dive into benzo withdrawal hell. It's also daunting to hear that people suffer for months or years after getting off benzos, but I think it's important to remember that it gets better in that time. It's frustrating to still be feeling symptoms after struggling for so long, so that's probably why the lingering stuff is even more irritating. Where I am it's hard to see the light of the tunnel and it's good to hear stories from people that have made it to the other side.
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Well I shouldn’t read into it too much my friend because only the struggling are on here, most people can just stop and don’t even use this site, some may taper even when they didn’t need to. You may well be better in weeks or months, everybody’s journey is there own.

We truly are the minority!

It’s good to see that you got of suboxone!

Good luck and hold on to hope.

You’ll get out alive...we all do 😉


Banana Man

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