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Parker new post?


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Did I imagine or dream that a Parker came back yesterday and wrote a ‘non’ success story?

I can’t find it and I literally can’t work out of it was real.

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Did I imagine or dream that a Parker came back yesterday and wrote a ‘non’ success story?

I can’t find it and I literally can’t work out of it was real.


Yes, Parker came back and wrote a success story.

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Did I imagine or dream that a Parker came back yesterday and wrote a ‘non’ success story?

I can’t find it and I literally can’t work out of it was real.


Yes, Parker came back and wrote a success story.


Where is it?  ???

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Did I imagine or dream that a Parker came back yesterday and wrote a ‘non’ success story?

I can’t find it and I literally can’t work out of it was real.


Yes, Parker came back and wrote a success story.


Where is it?  ???


Parker decided to delete the contents of her posts, this is her prerogative.

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I think there is still a lot of confusion for BB members.  Parker posted that she reinstated and this was placed in the Success Stories??  I know success stories have to be approved by admin.  This is very confusing.


Reinstatements do happen but have been posted in an appropriate section.  This was upsetting to say the least for many members.  A brief explanation would be appreciated.  Success stories are the only hope many people cling to.  What happened here?

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I think there is still a lot of confusion for BB members.  Parker posted that she reinstated and this was placed in the Success Stories??  I know success stories have to be approved by admin.  This is very confusing.


Reinstatements do happen but have been posted in an appropriate section.  This was upsetting to say the least for many members.  A brief explanation would be appreciated.  Success stories are the only hope many people cling to.  What happened here?


We have a small team and do not have the capability to monitor every board. Once we are made aware of a misplaced post, whether through a Report or someone on the team finding the post, we move it. 


As I said, the content of the post was deleted by parker and the thread was removed. We do things in as timely manner as possible.


I don't think that parker meant to upset anyone about her decision.



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I guess she has a very good reason to reinstate, like a sudden life event? It's been such a long time since she wrote her last posts, I hope she was able to enjoy the last 5 years since her last post.


I wish her well  :smitten:

If Parker is reinstating, no wonder it made a lot of people feel bad here... I do also. But we should not forget that TONS of people healed 100%.


I hope it's just a little bump on the recovery road :)

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I guess she has a very good reason to reinstate, like a sudden life event? It's been such a long time since she wrote her last posts, I hope she was able to enjoy the last 5 years since her last post.


I wish her well  :smitten:

If Parker is reinstating, no wonder it made a lot of people feel bad here... I do also. But we should not forget that TONS of people healed 100%.


I hope it's just a little bump on the recovery road :)


Parker is in perimenopause and now on a low dose of Effexor, .25 mg Klonopin, and hormone therapy. She said that she is enjoying her life and living fully now.

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Parker made a personal decision on how to move forward with her health and life.  This is what we are all trying to do.  No judgements here.


But I am questioning her judgement when posting her reinstatement story on "Success Stories."  It shook a lot of people up.  I am protective of people going through this horrific w/d.  No one benefited from having to read this reinstatement story when they expected a  benzo free success story.  Success stories are sacred around here. 

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I wish her well too.


But this just goes to show that not everyone who suddenly disappears from the forum goes on to heal. I’ve always wondered why someone as active, influential and devoted to the forum and people on here as Parker would suddenly disappear without telling ANYONE why she left, What happened, etc. If you look back at Parker’s posts before she “disappeared” she was literally posting multiple posts a day. For someone to just up and leave without coming back at all, something must have happened or they reinstated. People kept telling folks on here “well healed people don’t hang out on this forum anymore they move on with their lives”. That certainly isn’t the case here, and provably many other cases out there.


I’m glad she came back and told us. It’s a little odd she posted In the success story section, but at least now we know what happened.

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Oh, so that is why I couldn’t find it. Thought was going mad....

I am glad she is ok.

If I could reinstate and stay on I would.

I should have dine that in December 2017 when tried and it still worked before damaged was caused to muscles and joints instead of listening to ppl on here saying not to and drugs are bad etc.

They were the right thing for me.

Now can’t take anything and body literally crushing itself.

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I wish her well too.


But this just goes to show that not everyone who suddenly disappears from the forum goes on to heal. I’ve always wondered why someone as active, influential and devoted to the forum and people on here as Parker would suddenly disappear without telling ANYONE why she left, What happened, etc. If you look back at Parker’s posts before she “disappeared” she was literally posting multiple posts a day. For someone to just up and leave without coming back at all, something must have happened or they reinstated. People kept telling folks on here “well healed people don’t hang out on this forum anymore they move on with their lives”. That certainly isn’t the case here, and provably many other cases out there.


I’m glad she came back and told us. It’s a little odd she posted In the success story section, but at least now we know what happened.


Actually she came back here because I asked her in PM the permission to translate her post "what's happening in our brain" and to publish it on my new french website about benzo withdrawal.


Otherwise I highly doubt she would have come back here.


And maybe she just left for some holidays or whatever 5 years ago then lost the need to come back here to post after a few days away from it. Happens all the time.


See, you are focusing on the negative while there is a perfect logical answer  ;) same goes for people who just left BB.

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Well the truth here is that she did not go on to heal. That’s what I mean by people on here making assumptions about people leaving and healing. False reassurance.
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Well the truth here is that she did not go on to heal. That’s what I mean by people on here making assumptions about people leaving and healing. False reassurance.


What about people like me who still are here to support others while being in the last steps of final healing??

I really understand you feel bad, but your attitude of doom all the time is hard on me sometimes. Maybe THIS could be another explanation why people like me, who really feel so good right now that being here on bb is not priority number 1, leave forever??


...vent over. Nice again :smitten:

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Well the truth here is that she did not go on to heal. That’s what I mean by people on here making assumptions about people leaving and healing. False reassurance.


What about people like me who still are here to support others while being in the last steps of final healing??

I really understand you feel bad, but your attitude of doom all the time is hard on me sometimes. Maybe THIS could be another explanation why people like me, who really feel so good right now that being here on bb is not priority number 1, leave forever??


...vent over. Nice again :smitten:


Thank you for sticking around. It gives me and many others hope.  :smitten:

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Well the truth here is that she did not go on to heal. That’s what I mean by people on here making assumptions about people leaving and healing. False reassurance.


What about people like me who still are here to support others while being in the last steps of final healing??

I really understand you feel bad, but your attitude of doom all the time is hard on me sometimes. Maybe THIS could be another explanation why people like me, who really feel so good right now that being here on bb is not priority number 1, leave forever??


...vent over. Nice again :smitten:


Thank you for sticking around. It gives me and many others hope.  :smitten:


Oh thank you. The reason is, that when I started here on the board... there were elder members who helped me so much. I just think I owe it to this board to give back now. I wished I had done YouTube clips. It is unbelievable how I look and talk today in comparison to the times I was polydrugged or while tapering or in withdrawal..

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Well the truth here is that she did not go on to heal. That’s what I mean by people on here making assumptions about people leaving and healing. False reassurance.


What about people like me who still are here to support others while being in the last steps of final healing??

I really understand you feel bad, but your attitude of doom all the time is hard on me sometimes. Maybe THIS could be another explanation why people like me, who really feel so good right now that being here on bb is not priority number 1, leave forever??


...vent over. Nice again :smitten:


I’m not denying that there are people who heal and just move on. Or have issues with people on this forum because of attitude or political or whatever reasons and decide to leave. But you’d see traces of that on posts. Like Florida guy or east coast mentioning her health problems.


My attitude is doom and gloom because I’m suffering so much, only worsening, and the people and posts that have given me some hope are the ones that seemed To have a hell of a withdrawal. I haven’t had a single window, I only took the drug for 1 month, my symptom list has grown from 10ish to 60+ in the past year. I’m not following any trajectory that the success stories relate. Parker’s old posts completely resonated with me because of her detailed description of many symptoms I have. She chronicalled 5 years of hellish symptoms and her ending of reinstatement was definitely discouraging.


Not everyone heals.

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I didn’t start this thread so ppl could start arguing.


If Parker feels better on the drugs then lucky her. I wish I had that choice.


That is a kind of healing.

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Well the truth here is that she did not go on to heal. That’s what I mean by people on here making assumptions about people leaving and healing. False reassurance.


What about people like me who still are here to support others while being in the last steps of final healing??

I really understand you feel bad, but your attitude of doom all the time is hard on me sometimes. Maybe THIS could be another explanation why people like me, who really feel so good right now that being here on bb is not priority number 1, leave forever??


...vent over. Nice again :smitten:


I’m not denying that there are people who heal and just move on. Or have issues with people on this forum because of attitude or political or whatever reasons and decide to leave. But you’d see traces of that on posts. Like Florida guy or east coast mentioning her health problems.


My attitude is doom and gloom because I’m suffering so much, only worsening, and the people and posts that have given me some hope are the ones that seemed To have a hell of a withdrawal. I haven’t had a single window, I only took the drug for 1 month, my symptom list has grown from 10ish to 60+ in the past year. I’m not following any trajectory that the success stories relate. Parker’s old posts completely resonated with me because of her detailed description of many symptoms I have. She chronicalled 5 years of hellish symptoms and her ending of reinstatement was definitely discouraging.


Not everyone heals.


I think it depends on how you feel. If you feel your life is good, it can be a life with even a permanent damage. Thats why I encourage you to already try to make something out of what you have left. I know that there are members who really just had to wait it out and then they were back to normal. I was not one of these lucky members, but I consider my life as wonderful and worthful today, even if I still have to work on some issues. My way to recovery was different to the strategies of others, but I have seen many people here with the same experience as I did. We cannot change the past and we cannot see the future. But we can create the best out of now, and very often this plants a seed for something flourishing later.

I can understand that you are disappointed or discouraged from parkers story, I dont know much about her and how she was doing. All I can say is, that even this must not be the end of her experience. You think its a failure or a setback but it can at the same time just be another path.

I am a human with a lot of diseases on top, but I am happy, I look good:-) and I have a life. I fought hard to get this life. Maybe I am not the role model for everyone, but at least the proof that everything is possible. So instead of reaching out to people who assure you that the world is going to be darker and darker, -  why not reaching out for new things, information, strategies, to improve, learn.. whatever. But thats just my way to healing or to handle life in general. - I just LOVE to learn.

Maybe your way is different - and even your way to handle it right now, - who says I am right?? Maybe you feel better in a year, or 2 years, and you will never come back and just enjoy life. I have seen this happening so often here. Sending you a hug. Just keep the factor X as a positive factor in mind..

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Sorry Ajusta..


I had these kind of hallucinations often in wd. I once dreamt I had ordered the dogs food on amazon. Untrue. Or I did dream or think I had spoken to a friend and this person told me wtf??



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I don't think Parker reinstating had anything to do with her not healing from withdrawal. I think she healed and enjoyed life, but then other health issues came up, and unfortunately this is how most physicians choose to treat symptoms. She knew the risks, but thats a personal decision. People need to realize that women have hormones that play a big role in withdrawal. Women go on benzos and SSRI's for menopause all the time to help symptoms, its not a we never heal issue.
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I don't think Parker reinstating had anything to do with her not healing from withdrawal. I think she healed and enjoyed life, but then other health issues came up, and unfortunately this is how most physicians choose to treat symptoms. She knew the risks, but thats a personal decision. People need to realize that women have hormones that play a big role in withdrawal. Women go on benzos and SSRI's for menopause all the time to help symptoms, its not a we never heal issue.


I agree with what you said.  I know of several women who did in fact start AD's during peri-menopause and menopause. They were also given a benzo to take short term while the AD took effect.  Menopause and hormones, what a mix.  I was (long since passed this point) very sensitive to estrogen changes that caused terrible migraines. A small dose of HRT solved this completely. When the data came out about the negative effects of HRT, I stopped and didn't need anything else by that point.


pianogirl  :smitten:

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It’s just completely bizarre to me that someone who KNOWS how horrific Wd is and how long the suffering is would willingly put the poison in their body again. I’d die before I physically put another pill in my mouth. It’s different if the wd wasn’t as bad or long, but Parker was on here for like 7 years..


It’s like someone who almost died of peanut allergies would risk eating it again.

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It’s just completely bizarre to me that someone who KNOWS how horrific Wd is and how long the suffering is would willingly put the poison in their body again. I’d die before I physically put another pill in my mouth. It’s different if the wd wasn’t as bad or long, but Parker was on here for like 7 years..


It’s like someone who almost died of peanut allergies would risk eating it again.


Your peanut butter analogy is accurate in my case. I might have been inadvertently given a benzo for one of my surgeries since this nightmare began, but it was only because I lacked the strength to make an issue of it.


Otherwise, for me to willingly start taking these drugs again, would mean a slow and agonizing death.


That is not an exaggeration...these drugs almost killed me once from long term use....I can't risk ever taking them again long term(short term for me would be one pill in an emergency setting/or as an anesthesia). As I said...surgery is/has been the only exception...or if I'm in a hospital and am having a seizure/possibly facing death thus requiring a benzo or similar powerful drug.


If I ever start taking these drugs again....I'll be surprised and I'm certain I would regret it. I've seen others on BB regret their decision to get back on them too many times. It is risky...but as everything in life, it's a personal choice.





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It’s just completely bizarre to me that someone who KNOWS how horrific Wd is and how long the suffering is would willingly put the poison in their body again. I’d die before I physically put another pill in my mouth. It’s different if the wd wasn’t as bad or long, but Parker was on here for like 7 years..


It’s like someone who almost died of peanut allergies would risk eating it again.


So your saying if there was a drug that would stop all your withdrawal symptoms you wouldn't take it or just another benzo?

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