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thinking of a hysterectomy - thoughts?


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Getting personal here, but I'm mid forties and some of my "female" stuff has not been fun (pain, enough blood for a crime scene..tmi..i know - keeping it real). Considering a partial hysterectomy (uterus only). I know I will need to wait till I'm a few ore months down the road in my healing so I feel a bit more stable.

Pms can be pretty bad - tempting to be rid of my ovaries to fix that - but that would mean hormone replacement therapy and i tried progesterone once and it made me very loopy - so that is not an option.


Just putting out a feeler for feedback on this. I know there's 6 weeks of doing nothing which might drive me crazy as i "need" to keep busy. I'm thinking maybe fall like october-ish, which puts me done the 6 weeks before winter hits. My garden stuff will be done by then so I can allow myself to physically rest.

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I had a partial while in my 40's for some of the reasons you mention, it was a good thing for me and even though they say 6 weeks of rest, you can still do a lot.  Of course, I made it a point to avoid vacuuming and other stuff I didn't want to do but somehow I managed to do the stuff I liked.  ;) 


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Pamster: I'll def be sure to be "selective" on what I do - or don't do  ;) (if I do this)


Eric - I  have been wondering if its med related and did want to wait a bit more before i make any choices. Thanks so much for the research based info - i love evidence! Nothing surprises me about psyche meds anymore at this point! I'll wait more months to see what happens.

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My 2 cents of experience:


I took the contraceptive pill all my life (I'm nearly 32) and I stopped it a year before taking and withdrawing from benzos. I had no problem except some menstrual pain at day 1 of my period.


After my withdrawal, I suffered from massive PMS. So much pain I was CRYING, and most of all, a HUGE wave of despair/depression/anxiety. Each months. It started 11 months ago.


I don't know why, but the last 3 months the PMS diminushed drastically. The pain is still there, but the despair became mild in april, even non-existent in may and june 2020. I really don't understand what's going on, because I was sure I was doomed to feel this very bad wave each month until I'm 50+ yo. I really think that benzo withdrawal exacerbed by 100 my pre-existing, mild PMS. But I'm not sure... waiting for the next several periods to confirm it.

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Skalliz: omg - thank you for HOPE. Seriously the physical pain/discomfort/increased bleeding is rough, BUT the worst part is the depression/anxiety.

In the past i would be a little "weepy" (like  "oh thats a sad movie/commercial"), but this is all doom and gloom/panic. Lasts about 3-4 days. Crazy!


Hoping this fades like some of the other symptoms.

Hoping yours keeps improving too!!! :thumbsup:

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  • 3 months later...
since i didnt know anything about withdrawl and was told by tons of docs and pharmacists that this couldnt be what was causing my symptoms...i decided it could be pmdd. i had a full hyst at 41yrs old. my sis had a partial at 44 for fibroids and bleeding issues. it definitely wont hurt to do the partial.
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I agree with Becks, trina. I had the devil of a time with perimenopause -- as you say, enough blood for a crime scene, pain, all that good stuff. Then I hit true menopause and ahhhhhh . . . all that nonsense stopped. I had a little bleeding a year or so into my "real" menopause but my gyno investigated and I had a d & c (it felt kind of like a roto-rooter in there -- but painless) and that fixed things. I was pretty young when I had this -- late forties.


Just my experience. Might be helpful to you.





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Well here's my update...a lot of this is benzo related....my monthly showing up sooner the past two months but I don't care about that. Emotionally I am better where I don't feel like I'm being thrown into acute.


I met with my obgyn and it doesn't seem I'm perimenopausal but maybe headed that way. A hysterectomy is not my answer but I was kinda coming to that conclusion anyway. I can kinda live with the physical stuff now that the mental stuff is lessened. Funny how our perspectives change about "what we can handle" after going through bento wd!

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When I was perimenopausal, I had my period every two weeks for months and as you said, enough blood for a crime scene too.  They say that the age your mother went into menopause is the age that you will too probably.  I agree with Oregonkatz, to wait and see if it's menopause coming.
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Well here's my update...a lot of this is benzo related....my monthly showing up sooner the past two months but I don't care about that. Emotionally I am better where I don't feel like I'm being thrown into acute.


I met with my obgyn and it doesn't seem I'm perimenopausal but maybe headed that way. A hysterectomy is not my answer but I was kinda coming to that conclusion anyway. I can kinda live with the physical stuff now that the mental stuff is lessened. Funny how our perspectives change about "what we can handle" after going through bento wd!




I had a hysterectomy for pain. That is how I ended up on Valium. They just handed it to me to take for months bc I wasn’t healing.  About a week ago I pieced together that I came off of a very low dose of Xanax .25 mg 6 months before my hysterectomy but I didn’t have as many symptoms before so I strongly believe looking back I had pain from WD. Which lead to being prescribed after surgery. And then all the kindling. Looking back Knowing what I do now, I wish I would have waited. I had no idea about benzos at all. Only thing I’m sad about is I was 28 and wanted another kid but the pain I couldn’t handle at the time .  .

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  • 1 month later...
Have you had a pelvic and vaginal ultrasound done? You could have a fibroid tumor, which is a benign type of tumor that can show up in middle-aged women. I was your age and had heavy menstrual flow, turned out to be a fibroid tumor. I had a uterine ablation done, this is when they remove the lining of the uterus. Problem solved. No incision (they dilate the cervix and remove it that way). Removing the uterus can affect the pelvic floor because it helps hold the bladder in place. I went into perimenopause when after it was done, and my menopause itself was fairly mild. I knew someone who had a hysterectomy and regretted it because her bladder dropped and was protruding into her vagina. She had to wear a pessary to hold up her bladder because she became incontinent. I would get the untrasound done to rule out any causes. Benign uterine polyps can also cause heavy bleeding, they too can be removed through the cervix.
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Trina, I think this is important . . . what BenzoLottie just said:



Have you had a pelvic and vaginal ultrasound done?


I had one done when I was having my bleeding and pain, and nothing weird showed up. That reassured me, and the D & C took care of the random bleeding.


So if you're still worried, maybe you could talk to your gyno about it. Although It seems that the trouble is benzo-related. What a pi** off. I'm sorry Trina.










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thanks...they were goignto do an ablation last year but my uterus is tilted (awesome...) and they could not do it for that reason.


I saw my ob/gyn awhile back and she never suggested the ultrasound. I think I'll wait a bit loner bc each month is different except fro the crazy bleeding.


I cannot go through perimenopause right now...this benzo thing is enough:)

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