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Ritalin (Methylphenidate)


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Does someone knows if Ritalin (Methylphenidate) can be helpful in any way?

I was diagnosed with ADHD years ago but never took it


Thank you



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  • 1 year later...
Interested in this as well. I just started taking Concerta and have seen a huge reduction in my symptoms the last few weeks. Contrast that to a year of tapering and trying a dozen other medications - nothing has really helped. But Concerta is helping me it seems.
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Well, guess everyone know that those drugs are amphetamine-like drugs,  so it can provide good feeling effects,  but i dont know about whats like to withdrawal from them, I have problems to focus, to organize things and to accomplish things, i didnt had this prior to psych drugs and benzos, i dont know if its just the drugs (depressive  sx and anxiety sx) thats preventing me of starting and accomplish things or if its really adhd, but def i  suffer now from symptoms related to adhd, and after a benzo withdrawal,  i guess i will not be able to "treat" any sort of ADHD given the CNS sensibility after using benzos ( but im not sure about that),  but its not hard to say that a amphetamine like drugs would give you a "well being "  or we could say, high,


Interested in this as well. I just started taking Concerta and have seen a huge reduction in my symptoms the last few weeks. Contrast that to a year of tapering and trying a dozen other medications - nothing has really helped. But Concerta is helping me it seems.

You had relief in what symptoms?


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My most disruptive symptoms are psychological, including anxiety at severe levels, constant overwhelm/dread/terror, cognitive impairment, difficulty concentrating, etc.


These symptoms impacted me so strongly I had difficulty with even basic tasks like showering or prepping food. I've started to improve over the last year, but it's been very slow. I'm still not independently functional. I'm on medical leave for work, need family to watch my kids, etc.


But things have sort of turned the corner just recently. I'll take care of something and then after the fact notice that I just did it naturally and it wasn't a huge struggle. And I'm in shock that it just happened. I've tried many other medications over the last year and have not seen any obvious improvements until Concerta. It feels like I have access to part of my brain that was completely unavailable during withdrawal and post-withdrawal.


I don't know how long this will last and if I'll need to taper down from Concerta as well. (I am legitimately prescribed it for ADHD). I know everyone is different, but for me, this has been such an incredible, stark difference. I was very hesitant to try a stimulant (I considered it 8 months ago), but didn't want it to make my anxiety worse. The fact that it is having the opposite effect is fascinating to me.

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I understand how hard this is

Its good to know that concerta its making it easier to cope, are you 8 months off ? Im aswell, until some days ago I was still in constant agony given the anxiety levels and anxiety related symptoms as ocd like toughts, overthinking,  some sort of social paranoia like anxiety, and the list goes on , mood, doing things or enjoying doing things, you know all this benzo wd and psych drug withdrawal symptoms ,


Im having relief from this sort of overwhelming anxiety related symptoms the last few days, 


Things are still far from good, i cant do much..  aswell im still on another drug that i know that in my case helps me to cope,


  ..if this drug os helping you to cope with this benzo mess, i think you got do to what you got to do to survive and its good to know you found something to cope like i did back in 2015,


Those problems, focusing, learning ability,  organization, and accoplishing things kept ongoing even after having relief from the worst back then, probably some were side effetcts from the drug used to cope, and i cant tell whats  really depression, whats are just s/e , what or if its all benzo WD related,  so adhd its something i could think about in the future, 


  How long are you off from benzos, and whats symptoms are still ongoing ?  Hoping that things keep moving forward for you,

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