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Diet for Stomach Issues??


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Hello All..


I'm in a wave at my 8-1/2 month mark and for the first time, I'm having stomach/digestive issues.  Ughhh.


I've been eating small, frequent meals throughout this recovery process...but even some of my small meals set me off.


What are good foods to try?  I currently avoid all sugar (including fruit), caffeine, alcohol, processed foods.  I do eat vegies, lean protein and carbs...not much else, is there?   


Also, I cannot have...supplements (natural or homeopathic), nuts, eggs, shellfish. 


I appreciate any input..



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I drank a lot of warm broth during taper and after jumping.  Sometimes it was all I could eat or wanted to eat.  Beef, chicken or vegetable, whatever was on hand. 


I never found a diet that worked for me, sometimes it seemed like no matter what I would eat, I would get symptoms.


I cook my own food and rarely eat restaurant food, but the symptoms persist.  I like a variety of foods and figure if it is fresh, it is good enough.  I don’t get more fussy than that, mainly to keep my mental state calm. 

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Hi Diana

Are you eating bread? Gluten in bread, pasta makes my tummy swell and causes horrible pain and digestive issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm sensitive to a lot of stuff, but lean protein (fish, chicken, beans) with vegetables are my staples. I also do very well on quinoa (red is better than white for me, though), steel cut oats, and buckwheat.
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I switched to mostly meat and veggies to settle my stomach and that helped.  I know it sounds counter intuitive, but eating a chicken drumstick was my goto food for not upsetting my stomach.  Carbs seem to be okay, if my stomach is already okay, but once it is upset, I know that things with sugar and carbs can not be tolerated in large amounts. 
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Thanks so much everyone...


I apologize for the delay in response.


I do eat bread but am learning that I am better off not doing so.  I do eat lots of lean meat and vegetables, easing up on the bread thing.


I just discovered I'm pretty low on B12 (via blood test).  I tried a supplement (stupid) and that just sent me into a tailspin of symptoms, so now trying to get more B12 from food.  Pretty sure my body won't tolerate 20,000 to 40,000 x the DRA, so I'm going to start with Total Cereal and more B12 rich foods.


If anyone has any words of wisdom on how to sneak a vitamin in your body in larger doses, I'm all ears.  :)





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Do you like sardines? They have lots of B12. I'm not crazy about them, but I think it's time that I eat some. I don't do well with cereals.


I'm just wondering why so many people on BB seem to be deficient in B12. I've never been tested for it, and I should be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks so much everyone...


I apologize for the delay in response.


I do eat bread but am learning that I am better off not doing so.  I do eat lots of lean meat and vegetables, easing up on the bread thing.


I just discovered I'm pretty low on B12 (via blood test).  I tried a supplement (stupid) and that just sent me into a tailspin of symptoms, so now trying to get more B12 from food.  Pretty sure my body won't tolerate 20,000 to 40,000 x the DRA, so I'm going to start with Total Cereal and more B12 rich foods.


If anyone has any words of wisdom on how to sneak a vitamin in your body in larger doses, I'm all ears.  :)




May I ask what kind of reactions you are having to food, symptom wise? I’m getting blurred vision, sedated drugged like feeling, worsening cognition, dizziness  and more.

Carbs seem to be the worst for me so I’ve tried just eating meat and greens for a while to see if things settle down. I’m also very sensitive to supplements like you. Severely deficient in vitamin D and b12. I’m going to do my best to get more sun and try beef liver (heard it’s rich in vitamin b12)

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  • 1 month later...



    I had two ulcers.  It was bad, husband also had terrible gas where you could not be in the same room near him and it went on for months.


    We discovered the Keto Diet with Intermittent Fasting.  I tried it first because of the obvious.......benzo taper.  Took a few months but WOW.......worked.  Apparently coconut oil (pure extra virgin and cold pressed) heals the gut.  Amazingly healed my gut and also restores our metabolism which is damaged by the Benzos. 


    So husband noticing how well I was doing as compared to how I was before I began the diet......decided to try it.  Well, within three months, gas problem disappeared and the pain he had "stenosis" dissipated extensively. 


    A person CAN lose weight on this if you decide.  But I had already lost 35 lbs in one month from CT....so I cycled the diet.......in other words, I had Sweet Potatoes and more carbs than they suggest but still avoiding all refined foods/sugars, etc. 


    The best teachers I found to help me IMHO was and is Dr. Berg on YouTube.  You can decide to research this for yourself.  That's how I did it and it does help ..helped me a lot.

Again, you decide.  My only wish is to help others as others helped me in here.


    This is a horrific experience and not for the fainthearted that's for sure.  But you do what you decide is best for you.


    Wish you the very best.


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