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Thyroid questions anyone


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This is specifically for anyone who tested normal with the tradtional Thyroid bloodwork and who subsequently tested low with an alternative test.  Has anyone had relief taking Thyroid medication?  Was it T3 or T4?  What test was performed?


My understanding is that low thyroid can contribute to depression, which I have.  But I also have anxiety.  High thyroid can contribute to anxiety.


I am very confused how thyroid supplementation can help with anxiety.



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I don't have specific answers to your questions about thyroid but I feel it's very difficult to assign anything to your thyroid when you're still withdrawing from Clonazepam.  When I was where you are, I went on hormones thinking my symptoms were from menopause but soon realized they were withdrawal symptoms. 


Certainly if your thyroid levels are out of whack then you should address this but don't expect any miracles in the way of feeling better by adjusting your hormone, you won't know real relief until you're off the drug and recovered from the damage.

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I had my thyroid removed in 2008 while I was recovering from my cold turkey and since that time I've been on synthroid.  Some years my blood work comes back and I'm hyperthyroid, other years I'm hypothyroid but to tell you the truth, I can't tell the difference.  The Dr adjusts my medication each time in attempts to get me back into optimum range.  I read that I'm likely to feel difficulties with each extreme but I don't.  This is why I'm telling you that expecting big changes with hormone treatment might not happen.  Of course, maybe I'm just not very in tune with my body and you may feel a benefit, who knows with this stuff?  :-\
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Benzos will absolutely create disturbances w thyroid. It should repair itself

Edit: Removed profanity.



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benzometoo- Sorry to comment late. Just saw the post. I have Hashimoto's thyroid issues and have kept tight rein on levels during WD. Full panel with T3 and T4 levels is necessary to figure out what's happening as the TSH thyroid stimulating hormone can be within normal range while out in the body, it's T3 T4 are low. Here's a great reference for what/why of tests.



Thyroid is affected during WD due to prolonged stress on many systems. A chemical called orexin rises during long stress. Too much causes hypervigillance and insomnia. It affects the HPA hypothalamus pituitary axis- the feedback loop for the thyroid.


Yes anxiety/depression can be related to thyroid, primarily the active form T3. Supposed to be the body converts as needed, but due to genetics and other cofactors missing, some people are poor converters. I order a T3 med from AllDayChemist and buy T4 locally. My doctor is pleased because the combo keeps stuff optimum.


Back to orexin- It has been found with both as well.There's some genetic predisposition to have low/high. levels of it. Although this is entitled "How to Increase Orexin" the bottom 1/3 tells how to lower it too.




If I wer guessing, I'd lean towards too low thyroid and too high orexin due to WD. I have lots of posts for supplements I've used. Might want to check it out. Best of luck.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello! Did anyone have elevated tsh during withdrawal? Mine has jumped then lowered but isn’t quite back down in normal range. I have no hereditary or health risks for hypothyroid and the nature of the numbers make me think it was / is the stress of withdrawal? Has anyone else experienced ? Want to avoid medication..


:( :( :(

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Hello! Did anyone have elevated tsh during withdrawal? Mine has jumped then lowered but isn’t quite back down in normal range. I have no hereditary or health risks for hypothyroid and the nature of the numbers make me think it was / is the stress of withdrawal? Has anyone else experienced ? Want to avoid medication..


:( :( :(


My thyroid numbers fluctuated as well. I too chose to avoid medicating. Last 3 times I've been checked, I am in the normal range. The benzos....and possibly Elavil and Ambien caused thyroid to act up. Thankful to be off of them.

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Thank you for sharing ! I have never ever had issue and assumed the tsh going up and then down had to be a result of the extreme stress and physical effects of withdrawl. It’s trending down now so hopeful of my theory stands it will be within normal soon. Did you have hair loss from wd?
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  • 2 months later...
I am in the same boat, never any issues and now my TSH is 3.9, Dr thinks I am hypo, will check again in 90 days.  I am struggling just reducing 1 percent per month!!
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  • 1 year later...



I'm in much the same boat one resultover active then under active. Now TSH result just came in and no results message  need to speak to Dr.


I know this is older post but wanted to see if any of you are off now and has the Thyroid sorted itself out?.


Sorry in bad wave and can't stop mind racing with worst case etc

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When I was on the benzo's and Z-drugs and even after I got off of them it didn't make my hypothyroidism any worse and I've been borderline hypothyroid for many decades.  In fact my TSH was lower when I got off.  It isn't true that being on benzo's and Z-drugs will affect your hormones like your TSH and T3 and T4.   
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I’m still struggling, I am having some tests soon to see where I am at.  I have thyroid nodules that have to be watched.  Mine started prior to withdrawal, I don’t know how much withdrawal has made an impact??


Best advice get tested, cut out dairy and grains…it really helped me.

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  • 8 months later...
I discovered that I have issues with my thyroid by accident. When I went to the gym regularly, I couldn't get rid of belly fat, though I did my best. My trainer told me that it might be a hormonal issue. I also read about it here https://betterme.world/articles/hormonal-belly-men/. So, I did the test and it turned out to be true. But I didn't take any supplements. I was recommended to try some lifestyle changes first (quality sleep, regular exercise, avoiding stress, limiting salt intake, drinking more water, eating more protein and whole foods, etc.). Fortunately, it works for me. The last test showed a good result. Aso, I finally lost belly fat.
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