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what do I do if i'm on my 3rd Antiibiotic and nothing is working?


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Hello, I thought that what I had was coronavirus, because I was so sick with a terrible cough and weakness and chest burning, and all the doctors are telling me that's what it is without even testing me, but now I'm starting to think that I have a cold that's been really bad and lingering, that i've been unable to treat because the first ABX did not work( augmentin), the second one caused me to have a terrible reaction ( azithromycin) so I stopped it midway and I just started omnicef and it's only the 2nd day, my cold feels better, so the antibiotic is helping, but i'm starting to have a reaction again I think, terrible paraesthesias, chest burning, weakness to the point where I can't even get out of bed any more, and sudden blood sugar drops where I rush to the kitchen to eat something, I have 8 more days of ABX to go and even though it seems to be working, I don't know if I can survive this ABX. What do I do? If you happen to know a doctor here in Denver who's benzo wise, and won't be diagnosing me with COVID or putting me back on benzos please let me know. I'm starting to get to where i'm worse than acute, scared to death to go to hospital and I do need to take care of this bad cold/bronchitis bout but I also don't know how to survive an antibiotic. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  • 2 years later...
Hello ,how are you feeling now .... I've been on acute withdrawals since 2-3 weeks now , I've been feeling healed after being 3 years off benzos and year off my AD... I took Azithromycin for a chesty cough I had , I was scared it was something like COVID.... I took a total of 6 tablets of 500mg .. when I stop a whole lot of symptoms started again with anxiety and akathisia worse , fatigue and stomach symptoms.... A reply would calm my head
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