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Need to get off lorazepam, zolpidem and Seroquel to get ECT - ASAP!


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I have intimate knowledge of ECT - have worked with it and know it well. Also have had clients that were post-ECT. You can do psychopharmacology 101 and know that taking 4 CNS depressants can cause depression.





I don't doubt you. But, we since this is not what we are about (there is little knowledge about this subject around here), and we don't know you from Adam, it is better to supply references to resources, especially when making absolute statements. This is applicable to all our members. I did make some searches at the time of the above posts from Beeper, and the information I found was mixed. Although I read of peoples concerns about ECT, I didn't find anything that felt very authoritative. I'm not saying that it doesn't exist (my search was limited), only that I didn't find it. Can you point Beeper and the rest of us to good information?

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Hi Beeper,

just wanted to finally answer you...

Thanks, by the way, for welcoming me into the community!

Sounds like we have some things in common - (as we all have here).


As I said initially, I've struggled with depression for many years - I believe puberty and hormones to be the "physical" culprit, but coming from an alcoholic, dysfunctional family, messed me up also.

I too lost my only sibling, my younger sister almost 3 years ago now.

She was only 46, but fell victim to alcoholism.

She was the sweetest person I've ever met, and I still can't believe she's gone...

She left a 22 year old son, who is now drinking himself, and I pray for him every day.

As my father died from alcoholism years ago, also, I only have my mother - who is totally "dysfunctional" and my nephew - so it's a sad little family that's left.


I'm very, very lucky in that I have a wonderful husband.

I'd be dead by now without his support and love.


I struggle spiritually a lot, and that aggravates my depression.

Right now, I'm "back into" "faith" and perseverance, so that is helping me again.


I just posted on "Alternative therapies and support" re: Lithium and St. John's Wort.

You might want to read my post, as it is a lot of what I've gleaned about learning how to beat depression.


I have heard that ECT does help some people.

I was not one of them.

Exhaust getting off of the benzos and try some of the supplement protocols - and I can't recommend Dr. Hyman's book enough.....

I do feel that I have a naturally "melancholy nature" - I can't help it, when I see the sad state of the world.

But, I used to be able to function in it, wasn't bedridden and housebound by it - so I know there are things that are

broken or "off", and need to be fixed in my system.


I chose the Ashton taper, as it made sense to me.

Maybe it'll take a little longer, but I don't care if I get better in the end.

Dr. Ashton sounded like she had a proven method, and I'm partial to European methods, as I believe American doctors are way behind the times.

That's just my take on it....


I just wanted to add one other thing that's very hard on me.

We never had children.

We had a Beautiful, red, miniature poodle for 14 years, and we had to put her to sleep last June.

I am completely and utterly devastated by her loss.

Our world revolved around her, she was our child, our little girl, my baby girl.

She was so intelligent....

My husband and I are grieving terribly over losing her.

When I see all the pet pictures here, I have to not look at them, it hurts too much.

Losing her has definitely made my depression worse, I am grieving  - as you are grieving.

That is a very, very legitimate/organic cause for depression.


I actually had a "good" day today.

I know that I have more terrible days ahead, but I'm making my second taper cut tomorrow, and I'm really

hoping that coming off of the benzos, are going to be a major part in making me better.

From all that I've read on Benzo Buddies, and through my personal research, I now believe it to be a HUGE factor in causing depression.


I'll say special prayers for you.

I can honestly and practically say, that I feel your pain.

I think we can get better.

But it's going to take some BIG work.....


I'll travel with you, if you need a bud.

With love,




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