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My Theory/ramble: Keto is a Benzo trap


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If it keeps raining and this cyclone drops down, I will be on a kangaroo diet.. That should put a spring in my step... :(


Seriously, I know we have done this subject many times, but I have come across vague references to keto and the NO-ONOO?? Cycle.. Can anyone point me in a direction to something more solid in regards to that..?? -With a benzo or medication connection (if possible)..


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I think we find  what we are looking for often to support our own views

however there are many other views

opposite  this  as FG has shared and posted often.

It kind  of  depends on who or what we individually believe for ourselves

and what works for us individually.




However I am sure I could turn up ( and I found many  :laugh:  )

re bananas and their problems also ...


we all need to listen to our own bodies, and do what suits us

individually as we are all different.


If it keeps raining and this cyclone drops down, I will be on a kangaroo diet.. That should put a spring in my step... :(


Seriously, I know we have done this subject many times, but I have come across vague references to keto and the NO-ONOO?? Cycle.. Can anyone point me in a direction to something more solid in regards to that..?? -With a benzo or medication connection (if possible)..


Cantfly I posted this ages ago on one of ramcons threads .


Its more about the nitric oxide     

re nitric oxide https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/207151


However here  is a whole thread on Chewing the fat




with lots of info for you to peruse.  ::)  lots of info there,

yet I am unsure if Keto is even mentioned.


  Good luck with your Kangaroo diet    :laugh:

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I never understood the point of looking back to see how people were eating 50, 100, or a thousand years ago as if somehow they were more enlightened and picky about what they ate rather than eating whatever was available.  Science, and life in general, is forward looking, not backward.  The reality is that we don't know yet what the optimal human diet is or if there even is one.  Like Skyblue said, it could very well be that this is different for each individual. 


When it comes to politics, mental health, and diets, very few people are shy about stating their opinions.  More importantly, even fewer are embarrassed if they are proven wrong.  Anybody can find a study these days that supports their version of optimal simply because it feels right, it agrees with their view of the world.  What we need is more research and research which isn't manipulated by interested parties for the sake of pushing an agenda. 

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I would say just watch your kidney function. I didn't realize kidneys don't process a lot of meat well, as it causes more acid in the system, and I was anemic, so I ate meat to try to rectify it. My kidney function got worse. Of course I'm old, but just a caution. It would be good to have the kidneys checked out in a lab test to make sure they're functioning well on a keto diet. People trying to relieve themselves of ckd (myself included) are moving towards a plant-based diet.


Terry...can I ask...what else are you eating/drinking to get your "required" protein intake? How many eggs are you eating on an average weekly? Not long ago I saw a man at the checkout counter buying only eggs and nothing else...he must have had around 12 cartons of eggs. He looked like a cyclist as he was dressed as one. I asked him a question about all the eggs, but he basically avoided responding back to my innocent request on the subject. ;D


I was curious, because I lean toward a high egg intake, weekly. I will remove one of the yokes periodically....more often than not lately.


So, a meal without a yolk ends up being a meal of two eggs, minus one yolk. I average two eggs a day...and have for some time thanks to the benzo damage to my system. I seem to tolerate them well enough...unlike red meat. I eat red meat sparingly, due to how it affects me.


I have modified my diet to include fish. Sometimes (not often) I have a little chicken, about 2 oz. I eat the whites of eggs. Beans have protein. Plants have protein. Nuts, tofu, etc. I'm not a big egg yolk eater, though.

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I have modified my diet to include fish. Sometimes (not often) I have a little chicken, about 2 oz. I eat the whites of eggs. Beans have protein. Plants have protein. Nuts, tofu, etc. I'm not a big egg yolk eater, though.


Terry, I'm not a big fish eater. I love a variety of fish...but I'm a phobic when it comes to whether it is fresh or not and thus safe to eat. I do eat fish...but very rarely.


It is apparently not that difficult to get one's daily protein intake by eating the foods you mentioned, and at the same time eat little to no meat. I need to watch how much meat I eat...I'm sure it's hard on my system....it seems like I know when I've eaten too much of it. It requires a lot of energy to digest meat.


I do eat a fair amount of roasted almonds. Recently I've added sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds with the almonds. I roast the almonds myself....just have to be careful not to overcook them under the broiler.

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After reading this post, I'm technically not doing a proper keto diet then because I haven't cut out fruits and veggies. I won't do that fully. So I'm still eating fruits and veggies with lots of meat, nuts, eggs, and cheese. I suppose that's a pretty healthy diet then even with the carbs from fruits and veggies. I am technically lowering my carbs and sugar but cutting out buns, tortilla shells, chips, and other stuff of that nature.


Sounds closer to a Paleo diet. Eating whole foods and getting rid of processed sugar and starchy foods is probably the biggest positive step that one can take, and a lot of people thrive on that type of diet without having to drop the overall carbs super low.


I look at it as a spectrum with Paleo being at one end and carnivore diet being at the other end, keto is in the middle. You might want to try and do some experimenting with that spectrum. You might end up back at a Paleo type diet but you also might find even bigger benefits narrowing things down even further. I improved my acid reflux on a Paleo type diet but it wasn't until I moved to keto that I was able to lose weight and eliminate my eczema and allergies and completely eliminate my acid reflux. I haven't tried full on carnivore but I am interested in that and I should also try experimenting with cutting back on dairy, as that can be an issue for some people.


Intermittent fasting is a separate deal but there is more and more evidence coming out that this is also beneficial. Sounds like you are on the right track.

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If it keeps raining and this cyclone drops down, I will be on a kangaroo diet.. That should put a spring in my step... :(



Mmmmm I had kangaroo when I was in Australia over 20 years ago. It was DELICIOUS!

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If it keeps raining and this cyclone drops down, I will be on a kangaroo diet.. That should put a spring in my step... :(



Mmmmm I had kangaroo when I was in Australia over 20 years ago. It was DELICIOUS!

HOPtodothis, -I bet you did well at cross country races as a kid..!! They sure are hard to catch..!! :)


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It is apparently not that difficult to get one's daily protein intake by eating the foods you mentioned, and at the same time eat little to no meat. I need to watch how much meat I eat...I'm sure it's hard on my system....it seems like I know when I've eaten too much of it. It requires a lot of energy to digest meat.


This is simply not true and the only reason people today think this way is all of the anti-meat propaganda that has been floating around for the past few decades.



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It is apparently not that difficult to get one's daily protein intake by eating the foods you mentioned, and at the same time eat little to no meat. I need to watch how much meat I eat...I'm sure it's hard on my system....it seems like I know when I've eaten too much of it. It requires a lot of energy to digest meat.


This is simply not true and the only reason people today think this way is all of the anti-meat propaganda that has been floating around for the past few decades.


Yes, the web is full of articles about how digesting meat is so much more difficult than digesting plants. Cats have very weak and delicate digestive systems with very short large intestines, because they eat meat. Cows have a whole extra stomach (the rumen) and very long large intestines, because they eat grass.


Mammals can't digest the cellulose found in plants. The cellulose can only be digested by bacteria in your digestive systems. And almost all the bacteria in your digestive systems are in the large intestines. Cows have cellulose-digesting bacteria in their rumen too.

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It is apparently not that difficult to get one's daily protein intake by eating the foods you mentioned, and at the same time eat little to no meat. I need to watch how much meat I eat...I'm sure it's hard on my system....it seems like I know when I've eaten too much of it. It requires a lot of energy to digest meat.


This is simply not true and the only reason people today think this way is all of the anti-meat propaganda that has been floating around for the past few decades.


I base my conclusions on how I feel, not on what I read.


Red meat tends to be very hard for me to digest and that conclusion is not based on anti-meat propaganda. I also no longer have a gall bladder. And, no doubt, I had to have it removed, in part, as a result of the benzo ordeal.


My feelings about one's preferred diet is, if it works for you then that is a good thing. But, if you are having health issues that occurred after a change in diet....then it would be wise to consider that that might be the problem.


I still eat red meat...at least, for right now. Just not that much. I have always had meat in my diet. And I grew up as a teenager/young adult, in an environment when not eating meat was gaining popularity...not necessarily because of diet issues...but rather based on animal activism, that's my guess.


This subject is very complicated, because I feel our food source is already compromised, due to how it is grown/handled. So, no matter how careful we are with what we eat...we will never(at least not under the current state of affairs on earth) be able to have an ideal diet that yields to optimum health.


But that doesn't mean we don't do our best to achieve what we consider/find to be optimum food(s) intake. We are all different as to our over all state of health...thus one size does not fit all as we might like it to.

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Diets are individual.


From my blood tests, it appears that meat is not good for my kidneys. That's me. I also feel a lot better eating plant-based meals with some sardines and salmon thrown in, as well as a few whole eggs and mostly egg whites. Due to the last blood test that I had, I improved quite a bit. But there's a long way to go to feel optimum.


I wouldn't be eating this type of food if I hadn't had kidney problems, but now that I'm on it, I'll probably remain on it for the rest of my life. I've felt better than at any time during the benzo mess. I'm also getting a handle on inflammation, which has been terrible for me during the benzo crap.


I've had to modify my diet. I was eating too many packaged vegan foods. Now I've been concentrating on vegetables and fruits. I must admit that I still have a very strong sweet tooth!

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I have read that the KETO diet can cause metabolic changes in your body in the beginning.  I am not surprised that you were given benzos in the ER.  This is a very common practice when somebody is in distress.  I am so sorry that you were given benzos. People going on any extreme diet should consult a doctor first; you did not mention if you did or not.  In any event, I am glad you realize that benzos are dangerous and glad you are getting off them or are off of them.  You will heal.  A sensible balanced diet with portion control is always best. Good luck.
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My feelings about one's preferred diet is, if it works for you then that is a good thing. But, if you are having health issues that occurred after a change in diet....then it would be wise to consider that that might be the problem.


Yes, but you also have to keep in mind that a big diet change in any direction can result in an adjustment period for your body so it's hard to judge the true benefits or drawbacks until you have stayed with it for a fair amount of time.


People going on any extreme diet should consult a doctor first; you did not mention if you did or not. 


When you compare keto to the typical modern western diet that most of us know it might seem extreme, but keep in mind that with the advent of the modern diet came heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Our ancestors didn't have a Whole Foods right around the corner with fruits and vegetables from all around the globe.


As far as talking to a doctor about starting a new diet, good luck finding one that does anything but parrot standard boilerplate dietary advice.


Most of us are now acutely aware of the fact that doctors can give really, really bad advice about prescription drugs. What makes you think that you are going to be able to get good dietary advice from them? Diet is just another example of a health issue that you have to take into your own hands. Once you are educated yourself, only then you will be able to know when you are getting proper advice from a healthcare professional.

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My feelings about one's preferred diet is, if it works for you then that is a good thing. But, if you are having health issues that occurred after a change in diet....then it would be wise to consider that that might be the problem.


Yes, but you also have to keep in mind that a big diet change in any direction can result in an adjustment period for your body so it's hard to judge the true benefits or drawbacks until you have stayed with it for a fair amount of time.



That is true...give it time and see what happens.

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