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My Theory/ramble: Keto is a Benzo trap


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For anyone who does not know, the ketogenic diet is a fad eating strategy that has gained popularity in the last few years. It originated as a treatment for epilepsy and while it’s generally safe, It can cause lowered alcohol tolerance, and electrolyte imbalances in the first few weeks. These electrolyte imbalances can cause symptoms like shortness of breath, lightheadedness, palpitations, insomnia, and anxiety. If any of this sounds related to Benzo then I’m living proof that there is some correlation. This diet is why I was given a script for Ativan in the hospital and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the Ativan destroyed me in a short amount of time. I worry that this fad is going to get many more people wrapped up in this Benzo world Becouse it’s the perfect trap that lowers your resilience and causes anxiety symptoms that are gonna get you pegged as a nut. Does this sound plausible? Has anyone heard of anything like It?
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Consciously counting your carbohydrate intake is certainly a modern thing but our ancestors weren't eating themselves into type 2 diabetes by consuming 57 pounds of sugar every year, like most people do today.


The idea that eating a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in fats and protein is a "fad" diet is laughable. It only seems that way because only a small percentage of the food in restaurants and grocery stores is "real" food, the rest is packaged junk that is loaded with sugar and preservatives and who knows what else. Our idea of what is normal to eat is a direct result of the horrible choices we have today.


What do you think your great, great, great grandfather would see as odd, a big hunk of steak and a serving of cauliflower with a glass of water to chase it down, or a typical meal at Chili's with some nachos as an appetizer, unlimited coca cola, a chicken tender dinner and a big piece of chocolate cake with ice cream as dessert? Funny how these chronic diseases only started popping up after the government and "health authorities" started telling us what we need to eat.


Matter of fact there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the opposite of your theory is true- https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr+ken+berry+anxiety. Just as heart disease and diabetes weren't a problem 100 years ago before we started eating all of this junk, mental issues were also not the problem that they are today. Of course there are probably other factors that play into this as well but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to link our modern diet to many of the health issue that plague us today.

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6 years after benzo withdrawal, non-stop torture from insane body aches and pains as well as bloating and benzo belly stopped within a week of starting a keto diet.

I've been on a keto diet for a year now and still feel that switching to keto was one of the best things I've done for myself.


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What about all the studies that show eating meat increases heart disease. Also, animal protien contains IGF-1 which in high doses grows cancerous tumors.
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What about all the studies that show eating meat increases heart disease. Also, animal protien contains IGF-1 which in high doses grows cancerous tumors.


The first thing you have to ask is "where does this information come from?"


This information is based on epidemiological studies. Weak, weak science. And who are the studies funded by? Most of us here know that the medical industry is heavily influenced by big pharma. You don't think there are big business and political interests behind "official" nutritional advice? The sad fact is that you simply cannot rely on "conventional wisdom" when it comes to anything you put in your body.


If you draw your conclusions about the safety of eating meat based upon a questionnaire, it makes perfect sense that at first glance it would look like meat is bad for you because the same "rebels" who are going against conventional dietary advice eating a bunch of meat are people who are also doing all sorts of other truly unhealthy things such as smoking, heavy drinking, eating a bunch of foods that are fried in seed oils, etc.


100 years ago people weren't dying of heart disease, cancer and complications from diabetes, yet they ate plenty of fatty meats. Yet we are lead to believe that fat and meats and cholesterol are bad for us.


I highly recommend looking into this further. There are more and more people looking into this every day and it's easy to find hours and hours of videos on youtube that explain all of this in detail.


The benzo thing should be a wake up call to all of us. If people we trusted with our lives can make us incredibly ill will so called "safe" drugs, then turn around and look us in the eye and tell us that we are crazy, don't think for one second that you aren't getting horrible advice when it comes to other aspects of your health.



Check out Dr. Ken Berry on youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIma2WOQs1Mz2AuOt6wRSUw


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6 years after benzo withdrawal, non-stop torture from insane body aches and pains as well as bloating and benzo belly stopped within a week of starting a keto diet.

I've been on a keto diet for a year now and still feel that switching to keto was one of the best things I've done for myself.


Same here. Closing in one one year eating keto and I have lost 20 lbs, eliminated my benzo belly, acid reflux, eczema and allergies- stuff that I have been dealing with my entire life outside of the times I changed my diet to low carb.

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What about all the studies that show eating meat increases heart disease. Also, animal protien contains IGF-1 which in high doses grows cancerous tumors.


The first thing you have to ask is "where does this information come from?"


This information is based on epidemiological studies. Weak, weak science. And who are the studies funded by? Most of us here know that the medical industry is heavily influenced by big pharma. You don't think there are big business and political interests behind "official" nutritional advice? The sad fact is that you simply cannot rely on "conventional wisdom" when it comes to anything you put in your body.


If you draw your conclusions about the safety of eating meat based upon a questionnaire, it makes perfect sense that at first glance it would look like meat is bad for you because the same "rebels" who are going against conventional dietary advice eating a bunch of meat are people who are also doing all sorts of other truly unhealthy things such as smoking, heavy drinking, eating a bunch of foods that are fried in seed oils, etc.


100 years ago people weren't dying of heart disease, cancer and complications from diabetes, yet they ate plenty of fatty meats. Yet we are lead to believe that fat and meats and cholesterol are bad for us.


I highly recommend looking into this further. There are more and more people looking into this every day and it's easy to find hours and hours of videos on youtube that explain all of this in detail.


The benzo thing should be a wake up call to all of us. If people we trusted with our lives can make us incredibly ill will so called "safe" drugs, then turn around and look us in the eye and tell us that we are crazy, don't think for one second that you aren't getting horrible advice when it comes to other aspects of your health.



Check out Dr. Ken Berry on youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIma2WOQs1Mz2AuOt6wRSUw


100 years ago the lifespan for men was 48 years, too.  Animal fat does take a toll.

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100 years ago the lifespan for men was 48 years, too.  Animal fat does take a toll.


It isn't nearly as simple as that. 100 years ago many people still lived a difficult and dangerous life. In 1920 you were a lot more likely to die from a simple infection and much less likely to have heart disease.


The idea that animal fats cause heart disease is based on very poorly controlled studies. Same goes for a lot of the nutritional advice for things that are supposedly good for us. Think the food pyramid is based on solid scientific information that was derived from randomized, controlled studies? Not even close.


Again, I encourage everyone to look into this. The average person would probably be shocked to know exactly how un-scientific these nutritional guidelines are.




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I think my post gave the wrong idea. I think keto is great but it’s pretty common knowledge that it can cause electrolyte imbalance at the beginning. Doctors being ignorant as shit and who brush off any symptom that they don’t understand as anxiety are gonna hand out Benzo to these people, that’s where the danger lies and that’s what happen to me. I’m just warning people that its prolly not a good idea to take a Benzo while doing keto because it lowers tolerance to alcohol and at least in my case, Benzos too.
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I would say just watch your kidney function. I didn't realize kidneys don't process a lot of meat well, as it causes more acid in the system, and I was anemic, so I ate meat to try to rectify it. My kidney function got worse. Of course I'm old, but just a caution. It would be good to have the kidneys checked out in a lab test to make sure they're functioning well on a keto diet. People trying to relieve themselves of ckd (myself included) are moving towards a plant-based diet.
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I think my post gave the wrong idea. I think keto is great but it’s pretty common knowledge that it can cause electrolyte imbalance at the beginning. Doctors being ignorant as shit and who brush off any symptom that they don’t understand as anxiety are gonna hand out Benzo to these people, that’s where the danger lies and that’s what happen to me. I’m just warning people that its prolly not a good idea to take a Benzo while doing keto because it lowers tolerance to alcohol and at least in my case, Benzos too.


Yes, the electrolyte imbalance can be an issue but what you are saying has a lot more to do with doctor's inability to deal with things that fall outside of the mainstream than anything.

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I would say just watch your kidney function. I didn't realize kidneys don't process a lot of meat well, as it causes more acid in the system, and I was anemic, so I ate meat to try to rectify it. My kidney function got worse. Of course I'm old, but just a caution. It would be good to have the kidneys checked out in a lab test to make sure they're functioning well on a keto diet. People trying to relieve themselves of ckd (myself included) are moving towards a plant-based diet.


I have had multiple blood tests eating keto and my kidneys are just fine.


Don't believe everything the so called "experts" tell you-


Dr Berry is one of the good guys. He had his own come to jesus moment when he realized that all of the standard dietary advice that he had been giving his patients (and following himself) was doing nothing but making people sick. He decided to look CLOSELY at the science (or more accurately a lack thereof in many cases) and solved many of his own health issues simply by changing his diet.


Dr Berry has tons of great videos, even some material about anxiety, depression and autoimmune issues. Several times I have heard him mention the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs. He is definitely on our side. If I lived in Tennessee I would be a patient of his in a second.



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100 years ago the lifespan for men was 48 years, too.  Animal fat does take a toll.


It isn't nearly as simple as that. 100 years ago many people still lived a difficult and dangerous life. In 1920 you were a lot more likely to die from a simple infection and much less likely to have heart disease.


The idea that animal fats cause heart disease is based on very poorly controlled studies. Same goes for a lot of the nutritional advice for things that are supposedly good for us. Think the food pyramid is based on solid scientific information that was derived from randomized, controlled studies? Not even close.


Again, I encourage everyone to look into this. The average person would probably be shocked to know exactly how un-scientific these nutritional guidelines are.


Maybe, I’m certainly not an expert.  However as a kid in the 50s and 60s I watched my dad eat a steady diet of bacon and eggs, sausage, everyone else’s fat rinds from their cuts of steak, etc.  He died from a sudden massive coronary attributed to atherosclerosis at age 51 while kayaking on the American River. He was an active guy, a geologist that spent months at a time in Alaska charting in wilderness areas accessible only by helicopter, so no couch potato.  Of his three kids, none of us has followed that sort of diet and we’re all alive and well, free of heart disease in our 60s.

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Another factor is how the meat is raised. A cow that is fed gmo corn and injected with all kinds of hormones all it’s life is not going to have the same effect on your body as a healthy grass fed cow. Processed meats are bad. I also think that your genes play a big part in it, where your descendants are from changes what your body can tolerate.
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I would say just watch your kidney function. I didn't realize kidneys don't process a lot of meat well, as it causes more acid in the system, and I was anemic, so I ate meat to try to rectify it. My kidney function got worse. Of course I'm old, but just a caution. It would be good to have the kidneys checked out in a lab test to make sure they're functioning well on a keto diet. People trying to relieve themselves of ckd (myself included) are moving towards a plant-based diet.


I have had multiple blood tests eating keto and my kidneys are just fine.


Don't believe everything the so called "experts" tell you-


Dr Berry is one of the good guys. He had his own come to jesus moment when he realized that all of the standard dietary advice that he had been giving his patients (and following himself) was doing nothing but making people sick. He decided to look CLOSELY at the science (or more accurately a lack thereof in many cases) and solved many of his own health issues simply by changing his diet.


Dr Berry has tons of great videos, even some material about anxiety, depression and autoimmune issues. Several times I have heard him mention the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs. He is definitely on our side. If I lived in Tennessee I would be a patient of his in a second.




Well, a guy I'm following for ckd (dadvicetv.com) did follow Dr. Berry's advice, and his kidneys worsened. So that's what scared me. He's on a modified keto diet now by eating one meal a day.


One thing that bothers me about the plant-filled diet is the plethora of carbs used. I eat a lot of egg whites for the protein and other foods that are high in protein. I've been eating fish instead of meat. This is all so confusing!!

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I think my post gave the wrong idea. I think keto is great but it’s pretty common knowledge that it can cause electrolyte imbalance at the beginning. Doctors being ignorant as shit and who brush off any symptom that they don’t understand as anxiety are gonna hand out Benzo to these people, that’s where the danger lies and that’s what happen to me. I’m just warning people that its prolly not a good idea to take a Benzo while doing keto because it lowers tolerance to alcohol and at least in my case, Benzos too.


I am somebody who has greatly benefited from the Keto diet but I am very sympathetic to what happened to you.  The idea that you would be prescribed a benzo for the keto flu is malpractice in my mind.  A simple google search from that doctor would have found numerous posts regarding these symptoms which can take place in the first few weeks of beginning the keto diet.  If he would have done that, he would have seen that a simple electrolyte supplement would have remedied the situation.  Instead, he went right to the prescription pad and did you far more damage than one could think possible.  It was the absolute worst move he could have made and, in my opinion, it should have cost him his license. 

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What about all the studies that show eating meat increases heart disease. Also, animal protien contains IGF-1 which in high doses grows cancerous tumors.


The first thing you have to ask is "where does this information come from?"


This information is based on epidemiological studies. Weak, weak science. And who are the studies funded by? Most of us here know that the medical industry is heavily influenced by big pharma. You don't think there are big business and political interests behind "official" nutritional advice? The sad fact is that you simply cannot rely on "conventional wisdom" when it comes to anything you put in your body.


If you draw your conclusions about the safety of eating meat based upon a questionnaire, it makes perfect sense that at first glance it would look like meat is bad for you because the same "rebels" who are going against conventional dietary advice eating a bunch of meat are people who are also doing all sorts of other truly unhealthy things such as smoking, heavy drinking, eating a bunch of foods that are fried in seed oils, etc.


100 years ago people weren't dying of heart disease, cancer and complications from diabetes, yet they ate plenty of fatty meats. Yet we are lead to believe that fat and meats and cholesterol are bad for us.


I highly recommend looking into this further. There are more and more people looking into this every day and it's easy to find hours and hours of videos on youtube that explain all of this in detail.


The benzo thing should be a wake up call to all of us. If people we trusted with our lives can make us incredibly ill will so called "safe" drugs, then turn around and look us in the eye and tell us that we are crazy, don't think for one second that you aren't getting horrible advice when it comes to other aspects of your health.



Check out Dr. Ken Berry on youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIma2WOQs1Mz2AuOt6wRSUw


100 years ago the lifespan for men was 48 years, too.  Animal fat does take a toll.


Lifespan does not mean that everybody dropped dead at 48.  It is an average of all deaths at the time.  It means that infant mortality was incredibly high and that people were dying of simple infections and accidents which are uncommon today like being eaten by a sabertooth tiger or falling off a cliff chasing buffalo. 

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Maybe, I’m certainly not an expert.  However as a kid in the 50s and 60s I watched my dad eat a steady diet of bacon and eggs, sausage, everyone else’s fat rinds from their cuts of steak, etc.  He died from a sudden massive coronary attributed to atherosclerosis at age 51 while kayaking on the American River. He was an active guy, a geologist that spent months at a time in Alaska charting in wilderness areas accessible only by helicopter, so no couch potato.  Of his three kids, none of us has followed that sort of diet and we’re all alive and well, free of heart disease in our 60s.


Research the truth behind saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease. We still don't know exactly what is going on but it is becoming more and more apparent that the enemy is likely inflammation that is caused by sugar and unhealthy fats such as seed oils.


The "officials" (such as the AHA) are quietly backing off of the narrative that has been pushed on us for years that saturated fats are killing us, but don't expect there to be a huge press conference where they admit they are wrong. Waaaaaay too much profit in statin drugs and office visits for that to ever happen.


A short video with more great knowledge on this topic from Dr Berry- 


This is a fantastic, eye opening documentary about the importance of getting a calcium score to see if you actually have heart disease and to be able to track it- 


A simple, cheap test that objectively measures heart disease. Insurance won't pay for you to have this test, but they will gladly put you on statin drugs.


The whole system is broken and we are being lied to. This isn't tin foil hat conspiracy theory stuff, you can verify all of this with a quick google search. Scary to think that modern medicine can operate based upon these principles, but does that actually surprise anyone here?

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I have to say l don't know what the diet was in America 100 years ago however in Ireland it was very high carbohydrate diet mainly potato and bread.Meat was a luxury which few could afford.As for healthier yes as their lives were very physically demanding.
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100 years ago, the diet in my community was primarily home grown, home harvested, home prepared & home preserved meats, grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, honey, milk, beer, whiskey and all else that the earth, combined community efforts and continental/intercontinental commerce provided.


Entertainment, social services, social activities and education were similarly community oriented but also diverse and well rounded. Citizens were well informed of local and global current events as well as being well versed in history, philosophy, literature, mathematics, arts and sciences.


Essentially no one lacked in the necessities and comforts of life and all were able to thrive locally or move to wherever their minds and resources permitted. 

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I would say just watch your kidney function. I didn't realize kidneys don't process a lot of meat well, as it causes more acid in the system, and I was anemic, so I ate meat to try to rectify it. My kidney function got worse. Of course I'm old, but just a caution. It would be good to have the kidneys checked out in a lab test to make sure they're functioning well on a keto diet. People trying to relieve themselves of ckd (myself included) are moving towards a plant-based diet.


Terry...can I ask...what else are you eating/drinking to get your "required" protein intake? How many eggs are you eating on an average weekly? Not long ago I saw a man at the checkout counter buying only eggs and nothing else...he must have had around 12 cartons of eggs. He looked like a cyclist as he was dressed as one. I asked him a question about all the eggs, but he basically avoided responding back to my innocent request on the subject. ;D


I was curious, because I lean toward a high egg intake, weekly. I will remove one of the yokes periodically....more often than not lately.


So, a meal without a yolk ends up being a meal of two eggs, minus one yolk. I average two eggs a day...and have for some time thanks to the benzo damage to my system. I seem to tolerate them well enough...unlike red meat. I eat red meat sparingly, due to how it affects me.

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I've been trying the keto diet for about five days now. I've also stopped eating anything past 6 or 7 at night. I've been sleeping much better the past four nights. I don't know for sure if it's just the keto diet or the fact that I'm not eating late at night, but I'm going to keep at it and hope the increased sleep will make some of the other horrible mental symptoms get better.
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After reading this post, I'm technically not doing a proper keto diet then because I haven't cut out fruits and veggies. I won't do that fully. So I'm still eating fruits and veggies with lots of meat, nuts, eggs, and cheese. I suppose that's a pretty healthy diet then even with the carbs from fruits and veggies. I am technically lowering my carbs and sugar but cutting out buns, tortilla shells, chips, and other stuff of that nature.
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I've done most variations of some of the more popular diets out there. None of them had any real effect. Keto was ok but I'm already skinny so it wasn't sustainable for more than a couple of months. And I didn't really feel any better. I went to the extreme and also tried the Carnivore diet for a month. Some interesting takeaways from that for sure but not sustainable. Now someone with alot of weight to lose might have a much different experience on the Keto diet because they are losing weight and getting to a healthy BMI. If they haven't ever been there before then they will definitely experience a lift in well being.


The only thing that's helped me is cutting out dairy, edit: refined sugar (I still eat fruit), and processed / boxed food items. I'm sticking to whole foods now; carbs, non-carbs, healthy fats, and protein. You can tell which foods are bothering you by doing an elimination diet... but that's a whole different world of hurt.

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