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Big concern about titrating and dry cutting..


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Inadvertently removing too much benzo. If you are liquid titrating you do not know how much benzo you are removing. You pill is mostly filler and binder. The amount of benzo needed to make a .5 clonazapam tablet is less than half a grain of rice. There is a chance that you removed more benzo than filler and binder and there is no way to know. You can have the same problem dry cutting. Benzo is not uniform throughout the pill, so you may have shaved off more benzo than you knew. There is no way to solve this, it is a risk inherent in self tapering.    ( i borrrowed this) 

  BUT THIS IS A BIG WORRY OF MINE.  how DO we KNOW FOR SURE we are getting enough benzo in our doses or maybe, too much???  thankyou.  If anyone could address this, please??

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I am not an expert on anything.


I think though, as long as you use the whole pill at some point, you don't have to worry. Does that make sense? Save your powder if you do that and use that in a subsequent dose.


I used to take half of a 0.5mg klonopin pill in the morning and one 0.5 at night. When I cut those halves, some were cut poorly by me with odd shapes, and sometimes I just cut a bunch of them at a time so I could have a bottle of half-pills ready. I never noticed anything.


Then I had updosed before I began my taper and got back down to 0.25 in the morning and 0.5 at night and again, even though I was in the midst of a taper, noticed no difference based on how neatly or messily I had cut the pills.


(I used liquid titration to get from 1mg down to 0.75mg.)

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