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How will I survive this? :(


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This is hell no doubt but you will make it through. You will get off of the drug. The hardest thing about this process is the time and patience it takes. The wd is very difficult and sometimes excruciating at times but we keep pressing forward. I have had some awful sxs that have lasted months not days but when they pass I get the courage to cut again. It's the times when we feel so awful that we think we can't do it another day. Don't listen to that voice it's a benzo lie. So many have blazed the trail before us and one day we'll be those people. Don't give up, don't let this drug beat you down. One day this will all be a memory. Keep fighting for yourself and your kids they're worth it and so are you.


All the best,


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Hi Marc,


I wanted to give you the perspective of someone who quit cold turkey, getting the drug out of your body doesn't necessarily equate to feeling better, I suffered for over a year.  The problem with this drug is it causes changes to your brain, and it takes time for your brain to heal.  By going slow, you hopefully minimize your symptoms enough to function while your brain is healing.  Each time you reduce your dose, your brain has to remember it's original function before the drug, overloading it by going too quickly doesn't make the healing any faster, it just makes it more painful. 


I totally understand wanting to get the drug out, but you would do well to listen to what your body is telling you. 





It's nice to hear you at least got better after a year. I'm 9 months off and I'm still in bad shape. I also came off Prozac several months ago which made things worse and I'm still on another med. Can I ask what symptoms you had? Are they posted anywhere?



Marc ~If you're going to fast I agree with others take it slow. I was rapidly tapered off and I've been suffering for 9 months now. Had I known about the Aston method I would have done it. Most people on here say you don't suffer as long if you come off slow.


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I had a good day. A really good day. I’ve slowed the taper a bit and things leveled off. It’s a relief even though I will go through the same viscous cycle all over again when I drop.  At least there is a small light at the end of the tunnel.
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