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I dont want to move an I just don't care


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I don't undersand. first it was bad anxiety an out reality an all the wd symptoms between Xanax doses.


now I stabilized Xanax doses 3x a day instead of 2 so no withdrawal nightmare.


I'm in day 5 of crossover to Valium. my emotions are going crazy. yesterday anger then crying. today I haven't moved i just don't care anymore about anything I'm fed up dealing with this.


Ive been following a strict diet cause inmay I've candida or parasites


but with these new emotions i just feel like breaking down in tears an eating everything in site because I'm so sick of dealing with this. I'm also dealing with my girlfriend of two years leaving me, I lost my house, my job, my motorcycle, had to sell everything. I sleep on my moms couch an I just want to eat an be happy an normal. I don't know what to do. is there a vitamin or something to help with depression that won't interfer with my crossover.


i don't get it I don't feel my withdrawal symptoms all I feel is hopelessness an sadness an I want to cry an eat ice cream an cookies but if I have Canada it will make it worse . I wanna exercise but I just don't care enough to move. I can't find one glimpse of light or hope to hold onto to make me think positive.


how do I cope, how could this be benzo I'm only on day 5 if switch to Valium.

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I'm sorry you are getting hit with all these emotions.  You are going though a difficult period in your life and medication changes at the same time.  I hope your mother understands that your are going though withdrawal and is supportive of you for this.  I got depressed during withdrawal too.  It will be a lot easier for you to deal with all of your losses once you are benzo free, so maybe this should be your first preoccupation.  Jonny, take it one moment at a time, one day at a time. 

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Hi Jonny,


The drug attacks us physically, emotionally and mentally, so what you're feeling is normal.  The feelings you're dealing with are caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain, caused by the drug.  I'm sorry you're dealing with so much right now, I can see this is the worst possible time to have to go through this, but you're doing a good thing for yourself.  :)

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it's not fair doctors get away with handing out pills without knowing the long term dangers. they go through 8 years if school for what? to sign there name on a prescription form.


the while system is flawed, it's run on money an power with total disregard for human life. I wish I could find a way to bring it all down .

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I have the same type of depression. This maybe why I'm eating a lot.

Is it like a gloomy "Orange" depression?

Only way I can describe it.



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