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neuropsych test


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Hey everyone. I'm scheduled to take this test in a few months and I am worried it will test my raw IQ using timed tests. My processing speed has taken a big hit since all this and I get extremely anxious and sensitive over this issue. I tried a few timed tests and was so nervous I couldn't think straight and it made things worse, much worse. I don't even want to read or write anything on this forum because of the fatigue. So far I plan on just doing some brain training games on Lumosity and maybe some practice IQ tests online just so I can be prepared to answer the types of questions that will get thrown at me. I probably should just review some subjects on youtube as well. Any other suggestions? Does a neuropsych evaluation test IQ and what is the best way to prepare for it?
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Mamoot, are you doing a full evaluation or just a partial one? Sometimes they will only test certain areas that might have been affected. I'd suggest doing only a partial evaluation to start. That will give you a proxy for IQ but not a definite score. Full evaluations last a pretty long time and might be pretty unpleasant for that reason. They're also expensive.


You can take another test in a year or whenever you've improved substantially. The test is timed, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you don't do as well as you think you should, you can just take it again later. Cognition can be impaired for over 2 years post-withdrawal, so I would expect a lower score.

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Back when I took my GRE test (long ago), I did a few practice problems to get used to the format, but mostly tried to relax and get good sleep before the exam.
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A couple friends in healthcare say I need a Neuro-Psych Eval.


Dunno if for Alzheimer or Parkinson...


When I'm fully OFF of what's causing it, IF any of the bad things are happening - they'll still be there.



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Appreciate the replies. The hardest part has been getting the will to quit cannabis. Not sure the extent it's impairing my cognition but I know it is on a profound level considering I haven't been sober since late 2014 from GABA drugs. I have not stopped using cannabis daily since jumping, so my brain is probably confused and needs an extended break to heal better. Plus it is edibles. They get you way more impaired than smoking does. I want to at least try to use later in the day instead of the morning. The anhedonic depression makes quitting weed almost impossible right now. If I'm not ready to take the test in January I will more than likely postpone it. My state insurance probably won't let me take the test multiple times or as many times as I ask either so I will be labeled retarded for the rest of my life, hurting my already poor confidence level. Honestly, it isn't worth getting this test right now if I'm this hurt from WD. It's difficult to sleep well right now too and I have to make a miserable commute to take this test. They said it was 2 hours long too maybe longer. I was thinking the same thing too DG on that time frame for WD. It seems 2 years sounds reasonable considering my drug history. I think I would be surprised if I make a full recovery within that time frame. Not blaming BB or anything but it has given me a bleaker outlook on how much we recover. At least it is possible though and that keeps me going. I also never CT'd anything which should increase my chances of conquering this horrible affliction. The worst symptoms I feel is mental fatigue, depression and cognitive impairment. I really need to quit this daily cannabis bullshit. In the past I would always take breaks from it.
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