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toxins-metals-mercury not helping receptor growth


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We need more of our receptor growth, I heard we've got to detox metals and especially mercury and flush it all out because the metals are in the way of the gaba receptors growing and that's why some of us take longer to heal.
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I have no idea if any of that is true or not. It very well may be, I have never heard of anything like that.


The most accepted explanation of what is going on has nothing to do with toxic metals or mercury. The benzos over time down regulate the benzo receptors. It is thought that the shape of the receptors probably changes too temporarily. It is not a matter of growing anything, but allowing the GABA to connect like it did pre-benzo use. The benzos sort of make the receptors lazy and they have to readjust and be able to reconnect as they did in the past with GABA.


As far as why it takes people longer to heal. Well there are various factors including age, amount of dosage, time on the medication, gender, taper rate, etc. No matter what the factors are...we are waiting for the receptors to no longer be down regulated and return to normal.



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