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All the people taking anxiety drugs w/benzos


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In our nation especially in this economy, there must be thousands and thousands of people taking benzos.  When they finally get off it... rather try I wonder what it is going to be like.  After a few years since 08?  My Lord it will be a benzo w/d epidemic....Then what.. What I hope is that finally the doctors will know and it'll be on talk shows and the news big time.  Why isn't there anything now.  I'd love to watch a talk show of people going through what we're going through, and how even after jumping the months of w/d sxs.....  "Our society is in a enormous benzo w/d and this has been hidden for years, now it is an all out epidemic in our society."  I can hear it now... Can you imagine the multitude of people that are on benzos?  It is mind boggling!  Then celebrities will come out of the closet and be on talk shows showing the horrors of benzo w/ds... Wouldn't it be nice?  Why is it taking so long?  I think alot of people think that doctors are all knowing, well they aren't.... I listened to my body and saw my hands shaking and realized maybe this is a w/d from not taking my K. hummmmmmmmmmmm.... Then I searched the internet and found this place.  No doctor told me to come here.
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Yes, I agree with you and wonder if society truly realizes how these benzo's affect every aspect of society and the liklihood that many people are walking around in tolerance withdrawl and also full blown withdrawl with no idea of what is wrong with them.  I can assume that the medical industry is making a bundle with all of their false diagnosis's. I now have a new appreciation for people .  Before, I would look rather strangely at people who would blow up in a rage or be highly irritable.  Now, I don't as I have to wonder what their RX history is and could this possibly be benzo withdrawl. Not a excuse for behavior but empathy.  Also, just read a interesting book called the Age of Anxiety, A history of Almerican's Turbulent Affair with Tranqualizers by Andrea Tone.  It was very interesting and gave the whole history for benzo's from day one and also the legal battles and attention that they have received.  It's very interesting but a bit boring.....but I have alot of time on my hands while waiting for the effects of these drugs to reverse

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