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Desparate housewives


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my favorite show on t-v - seems we have a few dedicated watchers of this show.


anyone have a favorite episode? character?


right now gabby and bree are my fav's

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my favorite show on t-v - seems we have a few dedicated watchers of this show.


anyone have a favorite episode? character?


right now gabby and bree are my fav's


I was crazy about the first season, but just couldn't get into the second, and I dumped it. But Gabby and Bree were always my favorites.

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I like all the Characters but I think they put Carlos in the funniest situations. Like when Gabby was having an affair and he beats up the wrong guy. Then he goes to jail and gets beat up because Gabby does not pay the protection money. They are just constantly doing things to him. Now he is blind!


I wonder if they are writing Mike off the show? I know he’s in drug rehab but will he return?



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mike in real life owns a baseball team - so maybe he is base balling.


yea carlos and gabby are a real trip - they certainly put some zip into the program - but they all add something - at first i had my favorites and was bored anytime they were not on - but their lives intertwine in the most interesting way.


i have grown to appreciate them all.

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I seen in the TV guide Desperate housewives is not on at all this Sunday and the following week is a rerun. I hope they are not out of episodes! End that writers strike. :tickedoff:


I do remember last year Orson hitting Mike with the car. I don’t think they ever addressed why he did it.



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wouldn't re-runs air anyway this time of year?  i am not a real savvy t-v watcher maybe reruns are only suppose to run in the summer.


they do some real creative splicing on reruns - it isn't the same show scene per scene - they mix the scenes up from different episodes to create one show.

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IT'S BACK and it's good! :laugh:  Just finished watching it on Tivo and I am impressed it's this good.  Those writers must be well rested!
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I watched and LOVED the first season, then two episodes into the second (or third), I hated it! It was the one where the new neighbor had her psycho son locked in the Attic or basement  It was like, "ok, this show has jumped the shark!"

Haven't watched it since.

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Talking of 'jumping the shark', I switched on my box a couple of months ago, started channel-hopping, and there was The Fonze getting ready to 'jump the shark'! I had heard the phrase from somewhere, and it suddenly jumped to the front of my mind. It all now made sense! It was absurd, and I knew immediately what was meant by the phrase. :laugh:
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Talking of 'jumping the shark', I switched on my box a couple of months ago, started channel-hopping, and there was The Fonze getting ready to 'jump the shark'! I had heard the phrase from somewhere, and it suddenly jumped to the front of my mind. It all now made sense! It was absurd, and I knew immediately what was meant by the phrase. :laugh:


Colin that is so funny, cuz when I wrote that i was wondering if anyone would know what I was talking about, lol!

I heard it a couple of years ago, and had to do an internet search to find out what it meant.   :laugh: 

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BINGO thats where it comes from


bobers, I love  it when I am able to inform and educate people on this wonderful forum! :laugh:

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Talking of 'jumping the shark', I switched on my box a couple of months ago, started channel-hopping, and there was The Fonze getting ready to 'jump the shark'! I had heard the phrase from somewhere, and it suddenly jumped to the front of my mind. It all now made sense! It was absurd, and I knew immediately what was meant by the phrase. :laugh:


Colin that is so funny, cuz when I wrote that i was wondering if anyone would know what I was talking about, lol!

I heard it a couple of years ago, and had to do an internet search to find out what it meant.   :laugh: 


I think the phrase is hardly known of in the UK.

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I think the phrase is hardly known of in the UK.


Well see, that just means you are especially observant! ;D


I was surprised to hear you say you even have Happy Days there. It is so "Americana"  ::)

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I think that, generally speaking, the creators of great comedy series in the UK will kill-off their show before it 'jumps the shark'. When I see something great, like Frasier, it is sad to see the later series, with Niles married, and the show strung out to death. One show that I think is great is Arrested Development. It is a blessing that the show was not popular enough in States for ten or twelve series to be made - this would have ruined it. Do any of you American's like Arrested Development? Sorry, I'm getting off-topic.


Colin You Brits just had a flashback to the old Teddy Boys a subconscious reaction to the FONZ :laugh:


Just how old do you think I am! :laugh:


Isn't it weird how 70's Happy Days appears now! ;D Well, it does to me, but then we don't have an idealised view of the 50s in the UK, so there is nothing about the show (beyond the cloths) that reminds us of the 1950s. We were a very different country to the US in the 50s. We were still recovering from WW2 and still had rationing. We were also having to pay off 'a lone' to the US that was given to the UK after WW2 - we only finshed paying off the lone about a year ago - I shit you not! ???:laugh: Now, I really am off-topic!!! :-[

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rationing. We were also having to pay off 'a lone' to the US that was given to the UK after WW2 - we only finshed paying off the lone about a year ago - I shit you not! ???:laugh:


We're sorry :(  :laugh:

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Do any of you American's like Arrested Development? Sorry, I'm getting off-topic.




I haven't watched it but heard it's pretty great.

But I loved Frasier! And Niles and Lillith, lol! And Eddie! :smitten:

But you are right, though it didn't quite Jump The Shark, it did go downhill at the end. 

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Now, I really am off-topic!!! :-[


Colin, you can't be off-topic because we are in off-topic, and if we are in off-topic no topic is off-topic. :2funny:

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Do any of you American's like Arrested Development? Sorry, I'm getting off-topic.




I haven't watched it but heard it's pretty great.

But I loved Frasier! And Niles and Lillith, lol! And Eddie! :smitten:

But you are right, though it didn't quite Jump The Shark, it did go downhill at the end. 


I think Niles getting married was probably the shark jumping moment for Frasier, but there were other shark moments too candidates too - each and every-one of Daphney's family must count as contenders! ;D


Anyway, back to Desparate Housewives - I've never watched more than about 15 mins - I'm not keen.

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