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Two questions


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I've wanted off benzos for years. I tried tapering off of Ativan a couple of times and failed, and since then I never had the courage to try again. I thought it would be impossible, really. But the reason I'm coming off the poison now is because I'm being forced to. My doctor who had prescribed them to me for about 5 years thought she was leaving for another clinic. She wrote me a script with 2 refills, which she never did before, and I took them to a different pharmacy thinking my drug card would cover them. It didn't and I couldn't afford them. They did, however, let me buy 12 of them. So, my doctor ended up not leaving and continued to write my prescriptions which went to the pharmacy where they were only a few dollars. I got to the point where I was under a lot of stress and I was having a lot of (what I now know were) inter-dose withdrawals, so I ended up maybe about 6 pills short before my next prescription. I went back to the costly pharmacy to buy 12 pills again (it was the second time I'd done this in a three month time span) and the pharmacist refused. He ended up calling the clinic I go to and spoke to another doctor, telling them that I had been going around trying to get pills. So this witch called me and told me that I was taking 180 pills in 2 weeks. THAT NEVER EVER HAPPENED. I  have no idea where she got her numbers, but long story short, my doctor got scared that she was going to get in trouble and refused to write me any more prescriptions for ativan. So...referred to a psychiatrist who basically has cold turkeyed me, etc. Now for my questions. Did you come off the benzos by choice or were you forced, and the other question is, are doctors refusing to prescribe meds either benzos or pain pills even though it was them who helped people get hooked in the first place? Where I love, docs are scared to prescribe anything. Even those in the ER are very reluctant to do it because they're afraid they'll go to prison.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I came off xanax by choice and yes, many docs here in NE PA are refusing to prescribe benzos and opiates and thumbs up to them.


Patty  xo

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I agree that drug regulation is needed, but I think it's very unethical to force people into a cold turkey withdrawal.
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