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Strange symptom, pain under arm and in back


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Just wondering if anyone can lend insight on this. Around the day I jumped I started having pain underneath my arm/armpit area and figured it had something to do with my lymph nodes. Benzos affect everything so I didn’t think anything strange about it. But around the same time my back started hurting at about the same “height” on my body, almost like you took your hand under my arm then followed it straight around a few inches to my back. I’ve had back pain off and on so thought nothing but this pain didn’t feel like a sore stiff muscle it felt different. Kindof a “tickly “ radiating pain. Where I’d have to wiggle a bit to get relief. Hard to explain. Anyway my armpit pain started to subside this morning but strangely my back has too. Which makes me think these two items are connected. Also the location indicates that. Has anyone heard of or experienced this together and know anything about it? I usually blame everything on benzos but not so sure this time. It could be the lymph node pain and/infection spread to my back somehow but is now clearing. I’ll probably still get a breast cancer screen as that’s always good to rule out  but just curious of anyone else’s thoughts. Thanks.
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I get severe tightness in whole back including upper back and around into lateral muscles that go under armpits.
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I get pain and tightness also in strange places but for me, more burning/numbness.  I would hold off and see if it gets a little better since you are saying it's now clearing - it probably is related.
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Just wondering if anyone can lend insight on this. Around the day I jumped I started having pain underneath my arm/armpit area and figured it had something to do with my lymph nodes. Benzos affect everything so I didn’t think anything strange about it. But around the same time my back started hurting at about the same “height” on my body, almost like you took your hand under my arm then followed it straight around a few inches to my back. I’ve had back pain off and on so thought nothing but this pain didn’t feel like a sore stiff muscle it felt different. Kindof a “tickly “ radiating pain. Where I’d have to wiggle a bit to get relief. Hard to explain. Anyway my armpit pain started to subside this morning but strangely my back has too. Which makes me think these two items are connected. Also the location indicates that. Has anyone heard of or experienced this together and know anything about it? I usually blame everything on benzos but not so sure this time. It could be the lymph node pain and/infection spread to my back somehow but is now clearing. I’ll probably still get a breast cancer screen as that’s always good to rule out  but just curious of anyone else’s thoughts. Thanks.


Hi Mountain.


Could be benzos.  Could be unrelated.  Could be shingles...pain radiates with that and at first and feels “tingly” as it follows a nerve pathway. Keep an eye out for a rash.


Maybe it’s paresthesia which is benzo related? 


Maybe gallbladder issue? Pain radiates with that too though I never had pain in my armpit with that.  I’ve had my gallbladder out for more than 35 years now so I could have forgotten some symptoms.  I was obstructed with stones and vividly recall severe pain in between my shoulder blades and it kind of wrapped around my rib cage. 


I hope you feel better soon.









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Hi mountain,


I get pain in lymph nodes under my arms, also in my groin. 


Also get pain my back, which seems related to the underarm pain.


Sounds similar to what you are experiencing. 


I think it's WD mountain, but don't really know. 


So sick of it all. 


And the bags under my eyes are disgusting.  :-\






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Hi mountain,


I get pain in lymph nodes under my arms, also in my groin. 


Also get pain my back, which seems related to the underarm pain.


Sounds similar to what you are experiencing. 


I think it's WD mountain, but don't really know. 


So sick of it all. 


And the bags under my eyes are disgusting.  :-\





Thanks everyone.


Sept if it’s Shingles I totally give up lol


Thanks Dee, sorry you’re experiencing it too but glad you know what I’m talking about. Its a weird feeling in my back for sure. Hope you’re feeling better and better. I have bags now too. Actually more dark circles than bags. But ran my hands through my hair today and not a single hair came out. Can’t remember the last time that happened. Could the hair fall have stopped so quickly? Maybe I’ll have bags but won’t be bald after all.

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That's awesome mountain.  Hair loss easing up, ie.  8)


Hope you're doing well following your jump. 


I'm still having problems, but good to know that the road is now clear for full recovery, healing. 


We will survive mountain. 




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That's awesome mountain.  Hair loss easing up, ie.  8)


Hope you're doing well following your jump. 


I'm still having problems, but good to know that the road is now clear for full recovery, healing. 


We will survive mountain. 





Thank you Dee. I am still having symptoms feeling particularly down today. The back pain got worse as I slept I actually took a neproxin and that didn’t help much. Was mostly fine during the day we will see what tonight looks like. I guess I’m lucky to sleep at all. We are healing.  :smitten:

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We are definitely healing mountain.  Any day off this shit is a day of healing.


I know what you mean about feeling down.  This experience would bring the best of us down.


But only temporarily.  :)




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Just wondering if anyone can lend insight on this. Around the day I jumped I started having pain underneath my arm/armpit area and figured it had something to do with my lymph nodes. Benzos affect everything so I didn’t think anything strange about it. But around the same time my back started hurting at about the same “height” on my body, almost like you took your hand under my arm then followed it straight around a few inches to my back. I’ve had back pain off and on so thought nothing but this pain didn’t feel like a sore stiff muscle it felt different. Kindof a “tickly “ radiating pain. Where I’d have to wiggle a bit to get relief. Hard to explain. Anyway my armpit pain started to subside this morning but strangely my back has too. Which makes me think these two items are connected. Also the location indicates that. Has anyone heard of or experienced this together and know anything about it? I usually blame everything on benzos but not so sure this time. It could be the lymph node pain and/infection spread to my back somehow but is now clearing. I’ll probably still get a breast cancer screen as that’s always good to rule out  but just curious of anyone else’s thoughts. Thanks.


Hi Mountain.


Could be benzos.  Could be unrelated.  Could be shingles...pain radiates with that and at first and feels “tingly” as it follows a nerve pathway. Keep an eye out for a rash.


Maybe it’s paresthesia which is benzo related? 


Maybe gallbladder issue? Pain radiates with that too though I never had pain in my armpit with that.  I’ve had my gallbladder out for more than 35 years now so I could have forgotten some symptoms.  I was obstructed with stones and vividly recall severe pain in between my shoulder blades and it kind of wrapped around my rib cage. 


I hope you feel better soon.




Sept I think you guessed it, I see I have a rash today.  :-[ Also feel flu like symptoms. I'm pretty sure it's Shingles so I'm going to the doc in the morning. So it isn't benzo related... but then it is. I can only guess that I would get shingles in my early 40's due to a compromised immune system... which is due to the benzos. I cannot win, I get off this drug then get hit with this. I was just feeling triumphant today because I was able to mow my lawn, which I couldn't do a few weeks ago. This only makes me more angry about these drugs and that they cause so much suffering. Thanks for the suggestion Sept., because I would never have known what this was or probably gone to the doctor if you hadn't mentioned it. I didn't know anything about shingles, I always thought it was something sickly elderly people got.

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I feel so sorry for you!!  After all you’ve been through and then this??  It’s just a cruel world!  Hopefully you’ll get some antiviral drugs that will help the healing process.  Stress can play a big role in shingles as well as a compromised immune system and an unknowing exposure to someone with chicken pox. 


It definitely isn’t an old person’s illness.  My brother was in his early 30’s when he got a terrible case of it. Shingles aren’t contagious so that’s a positive for anyone you’ve been in contact with.  However, a person who has never had chicken pox can get chicken pox from shingles. Weird. 


Rest and meds are the best you can do to help alleviate symptoms. 


I really hope you feel better soon!  I’m sorry I may have guessed right.  :(


Be well soon!






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I feel so sorry for you!!  After all you’ve been through and then this??  It’s just a cruel world!  Hopefully you’ll get some antiviral drugs that will help the healing process.  Stress can play a big role in shingles as well as a compromised immune system and an unknowing exposure to someone with chicken pox. 


It definitely isn’t an old person’s illness.  My brother was in his early 30’s when he got a terrible case of it. Shingles aren’t contagious so that’s a positive for anyone you’ve been in contact with.  However, a person who has never had chicken pox can get chicken pox from shingles. Weird. 


Rest and meds are the best you can do to help alleviate symptoms. 


I really hope you feel better soon!  I’m sorry I may have guessed right.  :(


Be well soon!





Thank you Sept yes I got the antivirals. It is very frustrating. Going to lay down now.

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Hello everyone,



I hope the shingles heal quickly.  I’m so sorry you are dealing with this on top of benzos.


SaraSue  :smitten:



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