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Eating a whole LOT!


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I am tapering off of xanax and I'm in the beginning stages of this 20 year affair.  I think I might be the only one here who is having this....I'm hungry!  I'm use to not being so excited about the whole eating thing.  Now I'm going for the comfort foods.  Big on carbs and even crave protein.  Thought that my blood sugar dropped cuz I've been shaky so I eat, but I think it's the w/d.  Has anyone experienced an increase in appetite?  I've packed on a few pounds too...
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Early in my taper, I did feel more hunger and craved carbs, but that lasted maybe a week, then I decided to eat more veggie...lots more!  That helped fill me up, and also supplied "good" carbs, so I'm losing a bit of weight now.  Sometimes though, it's not my determination to do so, but w/d that lessens my appetite.  Protein is very good, and helps with blood sugar problems. I don't eat a lot of meat..beans and rice really helps.  :thumbsup:






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I am RIGHT there with ya!!! I have put on like at least 15 lbs so far since tapering and cant seem to loose weight as I try to diet but cant keep away from the carbs or i will get shaky!!!
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see im not sure whats going on with me...im eatting so much but staying at 205 and not doing anything but laying on the couch...before the benzo's, i got up to 248:) now im eatting the same and im not gaining weight?  sorry didnt mean to hijack your thread..


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Yes, I eat constantly, to give you an idea.. 6 or 7 sausages in the morning with eggs, toast, then snacks all day, potatoe chips, fruits, Big Mac's and everything else... an entire box of pizza, and have gained weight.



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I have gained around 12 lbs. My appetite is starting to settle down but still greater then it used to be pre benzo and the weight hasn't gone anywhere yet!  :pokey:
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Gain tons of weight here!  I can't seem to stop eating during the day!


Especially sugar!!!


About my 5th month, I woke up with a box of Lucky Charms in my bed.  I had eaten the whole box and didnt really know it.  Kinda like a dream.


I can consume about twice as much food in one sitting before feeling full now compared to before benzo's.  I was wondering if the nerve in your stomach that tells you that your full was out of whack.  And if my body is craving the drug, but doesnt know how to get it, so it is having me put as much stuff in my mouth to see if it works.  Kinda like craving oranges if you are low on Vit C.  My body/brain is trying to find as subsitute for benzos.


Anyway, at 12months it is getting better.  I still crave carbs like crazy, but not eating in bed anylonger.



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Gain tons of weight here!   I can't seem to stop eating during the day!


Especially sugar!!!


About my 5th month, I woke up with a box of Lucky Charms in my bed.  I had eaten the whole box and didnt really know it.  Kinda like a dream.


I can consume about twice as much food in one sitting before feeling full now compared to before benzo's.  I was wondering if the nerve in your stomach that tells you that your full was out of whack.  And if my body is craving the drug, but doesnt know how to get it, so it is having me put as much stuff in my mouth to see if it works.  Kinda like craving oranges if you are low on Vit C.  My body/brain is trying to find as subsitute for benzos.


Anyway, at 12months it is getting better.  I still crave carbs like crazy, but not eating in bed anylonger.




I woke up with a box of Lucky Charms in my bed.  I had eaten the whole box and didnt really know it.  Kinda like a dream.


Exactly, I've done this many times, look over and see 2 or 3 Big Mac Boxes, and everything else, I've gained almost 20 pounds within 2 months, not a bad thing, but makes me wonder...

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