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Looking for Buddies - LT High dose Xanax direct taper 1/2 way there!


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Julia, Marybeth, Wonderwoman hope you have all had a good day.


Hugs ❤


Thank you! I did have a pretty good day. Ran and got paint for what will be my new kitchen, dining room, and living room, laundry room, bathrooms. It’s not all ready for paint yet but I got some for parts of the house today anyway. Trying to decide on paint colors with benzo brain is a nightmare in itself!  Lol If you want to see them look up Benjamin Moore pale oak, sherwin Williams Seasalt and rainwashed, behr elephant skin for my front living room, and Valspar midnight fog for my sun room. If you guys are curious and want to look them up at all and give me your opinion! 😜 you are after all some of my closest friends actually!  :smitten: :smitten:  I’m still tapering out 1ml a day and am almost to 30% left. I’ll hold in the next few days I’m sure. It seems I can reduce 8-9 days and then have to hold for 5. It’s almost exactly that every time too. This stupid damn drug even stays punctual when it wants to make me feel sick!  :( I hope you are doing good and the rest of you ladies are hanging in there and getting a little relief from the symptoms. Hugs and love to you all!  :smitten:



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Julia, Marybeth, Wonderwoman hope you have all had a good day.


Hugs ❤


Thank you! I did have a pretty good day. Ran and got paint for what will be my new kitchen, dining room, and living room, laundry room, bathrooms. It’s not all ready for paint yet but I got some for parts of the house today anyway. Trying to decide on paint colors with benzo brain is a nightmare in itself!  Lol If you want to see them look up Benjamin Moore pale oak, sherwin Williams Seasalt and rainwashed, behr elephant skin for my front living room, and Valspar midnight fog for my sun room. If you guys are curious and want to look them up at all and give me your opinion! 😜 you are after all some of my closest friends actually!  :smitten: :smitten:  I’m still tapering out 1ml a day and am almost to 30% left. I’ll hold in the next few days I’m sure. It seems I can reduce 8-9 days and then have to hold for 5. It’s almost exactly that every time too. This stupid damn drug even stays punctual when it wants to make me feel sick!  :( I hope you are doing good and the rest of you ladies are hanging in there and getting a little relief from the symptoms. Hugs and love to you all!  :smitten:




Mary, it's wonderful you had a good day!!!


Yes I will look up your paint colors the names sound awesome.


1 ml a day is great!  I manage 1 ml every 5 days hoping I can increase eventually.  I am such a coward.  🤣


I'm going to look up your paint colors right now!


Hugs ❤


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Julia, Marybeth, Wonderwoman hope you have all had a good day.


Hugs ❤


Thank you! I did have a pretty good day. Ran and got paint for what will be my new kitchen, dining room, and living room, laundry room, bathrooms. It’s not all ready for paint yet but I got some for parts of the house today anyway. Trying to decide on paint colors with benzo brain is a nightmare in itself!  Lol If you want to see them look up Benjamin Moore pale oak, sherwin Williams Seasalt and rainwashed, behr elephant skin for my front living room, and Valspar midnight fog for my sun room. If you guys are curious and want to look them up at all and give me your opinion! 😜 you are after all some of my closest friends actually!  :smitten: :smitten:  I’m still tapering out 1ml a day and am almost to 30% left. I’ll hold in the next few days I’m sure. It seems I can reduce 8-9 days and then have to hold for 5. It’s almost exactly that every time too. This stupid damn drug even stays punctual when it wants to make me feel sick!  :( I hope you are doing good and the rest of you ladies are hanging in there and getting a little relief from the symptoms. Hugs and love to you all!  :smitten:




Mary, it's wonderful you had a good day!!!


Yes I will look up your paint colors the names sound awesome.


1 ml a day is great!  I manage 1 ml every 5 days hoping I can increase eventually.  I am such a coward.  🤣


I'm going to look up your paint colors right now!


Hugs ❤



Oh yes please do and tell me what you think! My new floors for most of the house is Shaw prestige floor in the color fumus. Such a huge project we took on but we planned it out before we knew about my benzo problems. I of course question every decision I’ve made and second guess all the time. My husband is forever reassuring me it will be fine. But as you know benzo’s mess with your mind constantly. I cannot wait to be free from it and more importantly than myself I can’t wait for all of you to be free from it. And 1ml every five days is still good! You are still reducing and moving ahead! You have come so far.....you are amazing! You are one who has been a huge help to me from the get go!  :smitten:

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Julia, Marybeth, Wonderwoman hope you have all had a good day.


Hugs ❤


Thank you! I did have a pretty good day. Ran and got paint for what will be my new kitchen, dining room, and living room, laundry room, bathrooms. It’s not all ready for paint yet but I got some for parts of the house today anyway. Trying to decide on paint colors with benzo brain is a nightmare in itself!  Lol If you want to see them look up Benjamin Moore pale oak, sherwin Williams Seasalt and rainwashed, behr elephant skin for my front living room, and Valspar midnight fog for my sun room. If you guys are curious and want to look them up at all and give me your opinion! 😜 you are after all some of my closest friends actually!  :smitten: :smitten:  I’m still tapering out 1ml a day and am almost to 30% left. I’ll hold in the next few days I’m sure. It seems I can reduce 8-9 days and then have to hold for 5. It’s almost exactly that every time too. This stupid damn drug even stays punctual when it wants to make me feel sick!  :( I hope you are doing good and the rest of you ladies are hanging in there and getting a little relief from the symptoms. Hugs and love to you all!  :smitten:




Mary, it's wonderful you had a good day!!!


Yes I will look up your paint colors the names sound awesome.


1 ml a day is great!  I manage 1 ml every 5 days hoping I can increase eventually.  I am such a coward.  🤣


I'm going to look up your paint colors right now!


Hugs ❤



Oh yes please do and tell me what you think! My new floors for most of the house is Shaw prestige floor in the color fumus. Such a huge project we took on but we planned it out before we knew about my benzo problems. I of course question every decision I’ve made and second guess all the time. My husband is forever reassuring me it will be fine. But as you know benzo’s mess with your mind constantly. I cannot wait to be free from it and more importantly than myself I can’t wait for all of you to be free from it. And 1ml every five days is still good! You are still reducing and moving ahead! You have come so far.....you are amazing! You are one who has been a huge help to me from the get go!  :smitten:



I absolutely love your flooring and the wall colors are all going to look great with it...your house is going to look amazing!!!  I think you have done a wonderful job picking out the paint and flooring. 

You are going to be free from this horrible nightmare very soon and what a wonderful home you will be able to enjoy!  You are the one who is amazing!  Being able to get through a remodel at any time is mind boggling.

Hugs ❤

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I mg is progress, I think you are doing great.  Keep moving forward..


Seasalt thank you!  You always are so encouraging!

Hugs ❤

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How is everyone doing? 


Julia, will you be making your weekly cut today?  This week was a rough one for me.  Sweating in the evenings has kicked up, I hate it but I know it is part of give withdrawal process.  Sleep was awful a few days ago , but was good last night.


How about everyone else?

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How is everyone doing? 


Julia, will you be making your weekly cut today?  This week was a rough one for me.  Sweating in the evenings has kicked up, I hate it but I know it is part of give withdrawal process.  Sleep was awful a few days ago , but was good last night.


How about everyone else?

Hi Laurie,

Yes, I'm going to make a small cut today and see how it goes. I'm a little better but did have a rough week also.

I'm sorry you're sweating in the evenings - I have that on and off but it's getting better. Going back on the vitamin D seems to have helped some too.

Glad you got some sleep last night.

Love and hugs,

Julia ♥️

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Hi everyone,

I wanted to let everyone know there was an announcement from Colin about Baddove and wanted to share it with everyone.


From: Colin

Following a several year tenure as Moderator, baddove is stepping down from her duties as Moderator to concentrate on her health. We thank baddove for her service and dedication to this community over the past few years. Her compassion for and input to our community has been greatly appreciated. The Team and I wish her the very best and a speedy recovery.



I hope everyone will let Baddove know we're all thinking about her and hope she continues to post.



Julia ♥️

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Hi everyone,

Julia and Laurie glad to hear you are both feeling better after this past week.  Hope your cuts today go smoothly.


I had 2 really good nights this past week but yesterday was rough a lot of stomach irritation.


Hope everyone else is having a good day


Hugs ❤


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Baddove thank you for all of your support and encouragement!  I hope you will continue to post on this thread.


Wishing you the best with your taper.


Hugs and prayers ❤

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Hi everyone,

Julia and Laurie glad to hear you are both feeling better after this past week.  Hope your cuts today go smoothly.


I had 2 really good nights this past week but yesterday was rough a lot of stomach irritation.


Hope everyone else is having a good day


Hugs ❤



Hi Debbie,

Thank you very much.  You are always so kind and encouraging and I appreciate it more than you know.  I am sorry you are having stomach issues, I have been having them for the last couple weeks.  I have had them for the last couple years and they were so much better but once I stopped the Vitamin D, they came back with a vengeance.  It is getting better now thank goodness.  Now I am dealing with my ear issues again but I am going to keep going with my cut.  It has been 2 weeks and I want to keep going.  If it too much, I will do what I need to do to feel better.


Sorry I have not been on for the last couple days as I needed a couple days to just chill and try to feel better.


Love you and thank you for always being so kind!



Julia  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thank you Tol and Diane. I will be around. I have a pretty serious family situation going on, and am experiencing new and rather extreme sxs that scare me. Too much stress and the wd right now is very difficult.


Appreciate that you posted tol, I have loved being a moderator, but  need to deal with other issues.


Be well everyone



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Thank you Tol and Diane. I will be around. I have a pretty serious family situation going on, and am experiencing new and rather extreme sxs that scare me. Too much stress and the wd right now is very difficult.


Appreciate that you posted tol, I have loved being a moderator, but  need to deal with other issues.


Be well everyone




Hi Baddove,

Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers!  Please take care!  Thank you for all you have done to help so many, including myself!!!  I pray for your family situation to get better!  :smitten:


Love, Julia  :smitten:

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Hi everyone,

Julia and Laurie glad to hear you are both feeling better after this past week.  Hope your cuts today go smoothly.


I had 2 really good nights this past week but yesterday was rough a lot of stomach irritation.


Hope everyone else is having a good day


Hugs ❤



Hi Debbie,

Thank you very much.  You are always so kind and encouraging and I appreciate it more than you know.  I am sorry you are having stomach issues, I have been having them for the last couple weeks.  I have had them for the last couple years and they were so much better but once I stopped the Vitamin D, they came back with a vengeance.  It is getting better now thank goodness.  Now I am dealing with my ear issues again but I am going to keep going with my cut.  It has been 2 weeks and I want to keep going.  If it too much, I will do what I need to do to feel better.


Sorry I have not been on for the last couple days as I needed a couple days to just chill and try to feel better.


Love you and thank you for always being so kind!



Julia  :smitten: :smitten:


Julia you are so welcome.  You have helped me more than you'll ever know. ❤


We have so many issues from this poison to deal with it's just crazy.  I've had an ear thing a couple of times very annoying.  Hope yours goes away soon.  I think I figured out that if I eat pretty bland it helps my stomach I've always dealt with excess stomach acid.


I saw my new doctor Friday I think he gets it now.  I am so relieved!  I told him that I needed to go slow and he told me that he would make sure that I have enough medicine I need to taper.  So thankful one less thing to fret about.


Awesome that you figured the vitamin D thing out!


Love and hugs ❤

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Hi everyone,

Julia and Laurie glad to hear you are both feeling better after this past week.  Hope your cuts today go smoothly.


I had 2 really good nights this past week but yesterday was rough a lot of stomach irritation.


Hope everyone else is having a good day


Hugs ❤



Hi Debbie,

Thank you very much.  You are always so kind and encouraging and I appreciate it more than you know.  I am sorry you are having stomach issues, I have been having them for the last couple weeks.  I have had them for the last couple years and they were so much better but once I stopped the Vitamin D, they came back with a vengeance.  It is getting better now thank goodness.  Now I am dealing with my ear issues again but I am going to keep going with my cut.  It has been 2 weeks and I want to keep going.  If it too much, I will do what I need to do to feel better.


Sorry I have not been on for the last couple days as I needed a couple days to just chill and try to feel better.


Love you and thank you for always being so kind!



Julia  :smitten: :smitten:


Julia you are so welcome.  You have helped me more than you'll ever know. ❤


We have so many issues from this poison to deal with it's just crazy.  I've had an ear thing a couple of times very annoying.  Hope yours goes away soon.  I think I figured out that if I eat pretty bland it helps my stomach I've always dealt with excess stomach acid.


I saw my new doctor Friday I think he gets it now.  I am so relieved!  I told him that I needed to go slow and he told me that he would make sure that I have enough medicine I need to taper.  So thankful one less thing to fret about.


Awesome that you figured the vitamin D thing out!


Love and hugs ❤


Hi Debbie,


I am so glad that your doctor agrees to let you go at your own pace.  That is awesome!  When my NP told me that I was elated and it really did take the anxiety away about running out of xanax before I was done with this taper.  As it turns out, I would have run out of the xanax.  Frightening thought!  That means cold turkey again and I do not think I could ever go through that again.


I am also glad you figured out how to make your stomach situation better.  I have gastritis or I had it due to my doctor from a while back putting me on ibuprofen 800 mg 3 x a day for 17 months.  I have severe neck arthritis and also back arthritis and fibromyalgia and she had me on to help with inflammation but  it killed my stomach after being on it so long.  I kept talking to her about being on it too long and she told me as long as I was taking it as prescribed I would be ok.  Sounds really familiar as that is what the therapist and pych doctor told me about xanax.  NOT!!!!


Anyway, I have been having the ear thing since last November, it had been better but this last week it has been a pain.  Sometimes when it rains it pours.  I have also had chest pains for several days but today it is better.


Take care.


Love you,

Julia  :oXo::hug::smitten:

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Julia, Marybeth, Wonderwoman hope you have all had a good day.


Hugs ❤


Thank you! I did have a pretty good day. Ran and got paint for what will be my new kitchen, dining room, and living room, laundry room, bathrooms. It’s not all ready for paint yet but I got some for parts of the house today anyway. Trying to decide on paint colors with benzo brain is a nightmare in itself!  Lol If you want to see them look up Benjamin Moore pale oak, sherwin Williams Seasalt and rainwashed, behr elephant skin for my front living room, and Valspar midnight fog for my sun room. If you guys are curious and want to look them up at all and give me your opinion! 😜 you are after all some of my closest friends actually!  :smitten: :smitten:  I’m still tapering out 1ml a day and am almost to 30% left. I’ll hold in the next few days I’m sure. It seems I can reduce 8-9 days and then have to hold for 5. It’s almost exactly that every time too. This stupid damn drug even stays punctual when it wants to make me feel sick!  :( I hope you are doing good and the rest of you ladies are hanging in there and getting a little relief from the symptoms. Hugs and love to you all!  :smitten:




Mary, it's wonderful you had a good day!!!


Yes I will look up your paint colors the names sound awesome.


1 ml a day is great!  I manage 1 ml every 5 days hoping I can increase eventually.  I am such a coward.  🤣


I'm going to look up your paint colors right now!


Hugs ❤



Oh yes please do and tell me what you think! My new floors for most of the house is Shaw prestige floor in the color fumus. Such a huge project we took on but we planned it out before we knew about my benzo problems. I of course question every decision I’ve made and second guess all the time. My husband is forever reassuring me it will be fine. But as you know benzo’s mess with your mind constantly. I cannot wait to be free from it and more importantly than myself I can’t wait for all of you to be free from it. And 1ml every five days is still good! You are still reducing and moving ahead! You have come so far.....you are amazing! You are one who has been a huge help to me from the get go!  :smitten:



I absolutely love your flooring and the wall colors are all going to look great with it...your house is going to look amazing!!!  I think you have done a wonderful job picking out the paint and flooring. 

You are going to be free from this horrible nightmare very soon and what a wonderful home you will be able to enjoy!  You are the one who is amazing!  Being able to get through a remodel at any time is mind boggling.

Hugs ❤


Thank you so much!  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: You are always the kindest and sweetest!

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I plan on looking at your colors too.  That may be a distraction I need soon.  lol  I am happy you have been able to do all you have while tapering.


I hope your Mom is getting better too!


Love and lots of hugs to you!

Julia  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi everyone,

Julia and Laurie glad to hear you are both feeling better after this past week.  Hope your cuts today go smoothly.


I had 2 really good nights this past week but yesterday was rough a lot of stomach irritation.


Hope everyone else is having a good day


Hugs ❤



Hi Debbie,

Thank you very much.  You are always so kind and encouraging and I appreciate it more than you know.  I am sorry you are having stomach issues, I have been having them for the last couple weeks.  I have had them for the last couple years and they were so much better but once I stopped the Vitamin D, they came back with a vengeance.  It is getting better now thank goodness.  Now I am dealing with my ear issues again but I am going to keep going with my cut.  It has been 2 weeks and I want to keep going.  If it too much, I will do what I need to do to feel better.


Sorry I have not been on for the last couple days as I needed a couple days to just chill and try to feel better.


Love you and thank you for always being so kind!



Julia  :smitten: :smitten:


Julia you are so welcome.  You have helped me more than you'll ever know. ❤


We have so many issues from this poison to deal with it's just crazy.  I've had an ear thing a couple of times very annoying.  Hope yours goes away soon.  I think I figured out that if I eat pretty bland it helps my stomach I've always dealt with excess stomach acid.


I saw my new doctor Friday I think he gets it now.  I am so relieved!  I told him that I needed to go slow and he told me that he would make sure that I have enough medicine I need to taper.  So thankful one less thing to fret about.


Awesome that you figured the vitamin D thing out!


Love and hugs ❤


Hi Debbie,


I am so glad that your doctor agrees to let you go at your own pace.  That is awesome!  When my NP told me that I was elated and it really did take the anxiety away about running out of xanax before I was done with this taper.  As it turns out, I would have run out of the xanax.  Frightening thought!  That means cold turkey again and I do not think I could ever go through that again.


I am also glad you figured out how to make your stomach situation better.  I have gastritis or I had it due to my doctor from a while back putting me on ibuprofen 800 mg 3 x a day for 17 months.  I have severe neck arthritis and also back arthritis and fibromyalgia and she had me on to help with inflammation but  it killed my stomach after being on it so long.  I kept talking to her about being on it too long and she told me as long as I was taking it as prescribed I would be ok.  Sounds really familiar as that is what the therapist and pych doctor told me about xanax.  NOT!!!!


Anyway, I have been having the ear thing since last November, it had been better but this last week it has been a pain.  Sometimes when it rains it pours.  I have also had chest pains for several days but today it is better.


Take care.


Love you,

Julia  :oXo::hug::smitten:


Oh WOW Julia!!!  Isn't it just amazing how some of these doctors think!!!  No wonder you developed gastritis.  Makes you really question where they got their medical license.  I am so sorry you have arthritis and fibro sounds like my sister-in-law I worry about her she is on a cocktail of Benzos along with Z drugs.  One doctor had her on Xanax he retired and the next doc said oh no you have to get off that it is very bad...but then puts her on other Benzos.  😱


Praying your ears and chest pain go AWAY and not show back up!


Love and hugs  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hello everyone,


Julia I have also struggled with gastritis in the past, it is so horrible!  I  sorry you are suffering this along with everything else.


Debbie sounds like you are having a similar experience, I am so sorry.  Hang in there.


I woke up with this huge dry patch on my face (seriously at this point there is something new everyday).


Anyone else have anything like this?  Also very very dizzy upon waking this morning.  I almost could not get in the shower, I am hoping it calms down.  I made my cut and I will see how this week goes.  If it’s rough I will hold next week.



How is everyone else doing?

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Hi Debbie,

Thank you !! I agree, I have no idea how some of these doctor's even got their medical license.  The one that put me on the ibuprofen at such a high dose and for so long - I thought she was great until all that went on.  She would never admit that the ibuprofen is what the gastritis came from.  I also got h pylori and had to deal with that.  I started seeing a different doctor after that and that doctor is the one who put me on xanax at 3 mg a day for 3 months and then just took me off of it cold turkey.  I did not know that is what that was at the time but I got so sick that I thought I was going to die for 5 long months.  It is crazy but that doctor kept sending me to specialist to try to find out what was wrong with me.  She had no idea about benzo withdrawal.  I  think if a doctor does not know what a drug will do, they should not prescribe it! There really needs to be some accountability.  Needless to say, I had to find yet another doctor!!! 


Anyway, I am so sorry to hear about your sister in law - that is crazy that they take her off one benzo and put her on another.  But I hear that xanax is pretty much the worst one there is due to it's being so short acting.  They all kick your butt when you try to get off them!  The arthritis and fibro are difficult to deal with and I feel for your sister in law.  I have to say I can deal with them a heck of a lot better than this xanax wd. 


My ears are not too bad today but still bothering me and my chest pain today has pretty much gone.  I hope that one stays away.  lol  That one scares me when it happens.  I have to be so aware of all issues when my chest hurts because you never know if it is in fact taper symptoms or it is a real heart issue.  I have been checked many times during this nightmare and the doctors say my heart is fine.


My benzo brain has been bad lately too.  I have been skipping words when I type, can not always get the words out correctly when I talk and my memory is shot some days.  If I do not write it down immediately, I forget whatever it is.  I will be glad when that is gone too!!!! 


Sorry to make this so long , again.  lol 


Take care and I am hoping you have a good week too.


Love, hugs and prayers,

Julia  :smitten: :smitten:

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I am so sorry to hear things have gotten very difficult.  Please know you are in my thoughts and praying things get better soon!



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Hello everyone,


Julia I have also struggled with gastritis in the past, it is so horrible!  I  sorry you are suffering this along with everything else.


Debbie sounds like you are having a similar experience, I am so sorry.  Hang in there.


I woke up with this huge dry patch on my face (seriously at this point there is something new everyday).


Anyone else have anything like this?  Also very very dizzy upon waking this morning.  I almost could not get in the shower, I am hoping it calms down.  I made my cut and I will see how this week goes.  If it’s rough I will hold next week.



How is everyone else doing?


Hi Laurie,

I am so sorry to hear that you are having issues and were dizzy this morning.  If it helps at all, it is getting better each time I have that.  It is not quite as bad and is not lasting as long.  There are times when it hits me out of the blue but then goes away just as fast too.  It is strange but very uncomfortable.  When you feel like you are going to fall and have to grab something to hold on to - it is scary.  I hope the dizziness goes away for you.  It is really hard to function when you are like that.


Gastritis really is horrible, sorry you had to deal with that before too.  My stomach would hurt from the minute I got up to the minute I went to bed  and I had it for over 3 years.  I hated the nausea I had every morning and just dealing with it all the time frustrated me.  I am not sure if that is what I am experiencing now or if it just WD.


I have not had a dry patch on my face but overall my skin is dry.  Do not know what it is from.


I made my cut today as well and so far am doing ok.  Hope it stays that way.  I hope your week is not another rough one and that your cut goes well.  I agree that if you need to hold next week, that is better than suffering.


Take care and I hope things get better!!



Julia  :smitten:


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