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Looking for Buddies - LT High dose Xanax direct taper 1/2 way there!


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Julia so glad you lab work was good!  One less thing to worry about!



Thank you Dianedeedee - I am very pleased.  It was great to get good news.  I am sure when I go to my appointment on Friday he will talk to me about losing weight but that is already in my plans.  It is hard to do but I will do it.  Just so many things to manage at once!  :smitten:

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Julia so glad you lab work was good!  One less thing to worry about!



Thank you Dianedeedee - I am very pleased.  It was great to get good news.  I am sure when I go to my appointment on Friday he will talk to me about losing weight but that is already in my plans.  It is hard to do but I will do it.  Just so many things to manage at once!  :smitten:


I have lost over 40 pounds in the past year when all this benzo stuff started.  My anxiety is so horrible that I have to make myself eat.  I would take all that weight back if I could get rid of the anxiety and panic...but I do understand I've always had to diet.


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Julia so glad you lab work was good!  One less thing to worry about!



Thank you Dianedeedee - I am very pleased.  It was great to get good news.  I am sure when I go to my appointment on Friday he will talk to me about losing weight but that is already in my plans.  It is hard to do but I will do it.  Just so many things to manage at once!  :smitten:


I have lost over 40 pounds in the past year when all this benzo stuff started.  My anxiety is so horrible that I have to make myself eat.  I would take all that weight back if I could get rid of the anxiety and panic...but I do understand I've always had to diet.



Wow - when I was cold turkeyed I lost 30 pounds in a month.  Since I have started tapering - I had a major move to another state and then the pandemic started 3 months later so I have gained at least 20-25 pounds.  I always have to watch my weight and I was ok with where I was but now I am not and am trying to figure out how to lose weight without depriving myself.  I wanted to start doing protein shakes and some smoothies but I am still researching.  I found on the net that some protein powder has things that can put toxins in your body and I darn sure do not need that so I am looking into organic and safe alternatives. 

With physical issues it is hard for me to exercise.  So we will see.



Julia :smitten:

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Julia so glad you lab work was good!  One less thing to worry about!



Thank you Dianedeedee - I am very pleased.  It was great to get good news.  I am sure when I go to my appointment on Friday he will talk to me about losing weight but that is already in my plans.  It is hard to do but I will do it.  Just so many things to manage at once!  :smitten:


I have lost over 40 pounds in the past year when all this benzo stuff started.  My anxiety is so horrible that I have to make myself eat.  I would take all that weight back if I could get rid of the anxiety and panic...but I do understand I've always had to diet.



Wow - when I was cold turkeyed I lost 30 pounds in a month.  Since I have started tapering - I had a major move to another state and then the pandemic started 3 months later so I have gained at least 20-25 pounds.  I always have to watch my weight and I was ok with where I was but now I am not and am trying to figure out how to lose weight without depriving myself.  I wanted to start doing protein shakes and some smoothies but I am still researching.  I found on the net that some protein powder has things that can put toxins in your body and I darn sure do not need that so I am looking into organic and safe alternatives. 

With physical issues it is hard for me to exercise.  So we will see.



Julia :smitten


Oh my Julia that's alot to lose in one month! 

Since my blood pressure was up that really scared me so I pretty much cut out all my salt. Then the blood pressure medicine Plus does Xanax and all the crap with it I just lost my appetite to. I tried the Walmart brand protein powder to make my smoothies that upset my stomach so then I started drinking Ensure and that has upset my stomach so I don't know if it's too much protein all at once or what's going on. I hope you find something that you can drink. We sure have hurdles the jump.



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HI everyone! 


It's tough to respond to all of these posts individually... so here goes my blanket post.  LOL


Is anyone else getting the feeling that being close to or under .5 mgs is a darn nightmare?  GEEZ!


Julia, I read your post about cholesterol and had to once again laugh at my doctor (the endocrinologist).  Mine was 209 and he thought that was high enough to warrant a low dose statin! Granted, it's never been above 170 in my life but for him to immediately jump on the pill popping bandwagon for one bad test was ridiculous!


Interestingly my primary care physician didn't bat an eye over it.  He wasn't even remotely concerned. 


So sorry that we're all having a rough time.  I won't bore you with my "issues/symptoms" today since you guys have heard them all before. 


I truly pray that we all turn the corner soon.  This stuff has to subside.  Hang in there, everyone!  Sending love and prayers for better days ahead!




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HI everyone! 


It's tough to respond to all of these posts individually... so here goes my blanket post.  LOL


Is anyone else getting the feeling that being close to or under .5 mgs is a darn nightmare?  GEEZ!


Julia, I read your post about cholesterol and had to once again laugh at my doctor (the endocrinologist).  Mine was 209 and he thought that was high enough to warrant a low dose statin! Granted, it's never been above 170 in my life but for him to immediately jump on the pill popping bandwagon for one bad test was ridiculous!


Interestingly my primary care physician didn't bat an eye over it.  He wasn't even remotely concerned. 


So sorry that we're all having a rough time.  I won't bore you with my "issues/symptoms" today since you guys have heard them all before. 


I truly pray that we all turn the corner soon.  This stuff has to subside.  Hang in there, everyone!  Sending love and prayers for better days ahead!





Lori good to hear from you.  Wow under .5 that's awesome but sorry you are struggling.  I know praying we can all turn a corner very soon this is just the pits!!!

Thank goodness your doc didn't want you on a statin...my husband was put on them 30 years ago  I know they have caused deterioration in his joints.  By the time we figured out what was going on the damage had been done.  He refuses them now so he is on Repatha it has worked wonders for his cholesterol and he has no side effects but we had to jump through hoops to get insurance to pay its expensive.

Hugs and prayers!

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Hello everyone, good to hear from you Lori.  Yes, I am feeling the symptoms as well at this low dose.  Doctors appt tomorrow for swelling of my eyes, face and hands.  Xanax is an immune suppressant so I am not sure why I am experiencing this.  Hopefully it passes.


Hope everyone is well. Keep moving forward!!!

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Hello everyone, good to hear from you Lori.  Yes, I am feeling the symptoms as well at this low dose.  Doctors appt tomorrow for swelling of my eyes, face and hands.  Xanax is an imm uhune suppressant so I am not sure why I am experiencing this.  Hopefully it passes.


Hope everyone is well. Keep moving forward!!!


Seasalt let us know how your appt goes...wonder if it could some sort of allergy?

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Julia so glad you lab work was good!  One less thing to worry about!



Thank you Dianedeedee - I am very pleased.  It was great to get good news.  I am sure when I go to my appointment on Friday he will talk to me about losing weight but that is already in my plans.  It is hard to do but I will do it.  Just so many things to manage at once!  :smitten:


I have lost over 40 pounds in the past year when all this benzo stuff started.  My anxiety is so horrible that I have to make myself eat.  I would take all that weight back if I could get rid of the anxiety and panic...but I do understand I've always had to diet.



Wow - when I was cold turkeyed I lost 30 pounds in a month.  Since I have started tapering - I had a major move to another state and then the pandemic started 3 months later so I have gained at least 20-25 pounds.  I always have to watch my weight and I was ok with where I was but now I am not and am trying to figure out how to lose weight without depriving myself.  I wanted to start doing protein shakes and some smoothies but I am still researching.  I found on the net that some protein powder has things that can put toxins in your body and I darn sure do not need that so I am looking into organic and safe alternatives. 

With physical issues it is hard for me to exercise.  So we will see.



Julia :smitten


Oh my Julia that's alot to lose in one month! 

Since my blood pressure was up that really scared me so I pretty much cut out all my salt. Then the blood pressure medicine Plus does Xanax and all the crap with it I just lost my appetite to. I tried the Walmart brand protein powder to make my smoothies that upset my stomach so then I started drinking Ensure and that has upset my stomach so I don't know if it's too much protein all at once or what's going on. I hope you find something that you can drink. We sure have hurdles the jump.


Hi Dianedeedee,


30 lbs was alot in one month and no one could tell me what was happening and it was frightening.  I wanted to lose weight but not like that.

You are right - we do have so many hurdles to jump.  It is crazy but we just have to keep moving as hard as it is.  I will let you know if and when I find protein powder or shakes that do not upset my stomach - I have not tried any so I do not know if any will but we will see.  Sorry you have had issues with them.




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Julia thank you.  I thought about trying Carnation instant breakfast at least I could get some calories.  Never thought I'd NEED calories!  🤣🤣🤣
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HI everyone! 


It's tough to respond to all of these posts individually... so here goes my blanket post.  LOL


Is anyone else getting the feeling that being close to or under .5 mgs is a darn nightmare?  GEEZ!  YES!!!  I was hoping we would not have it so bad but I guess we will have to deal with whatever comes!  :oXo:


Julia, I read your post about cholesterol and had to once again laugh at my doctor (the endocrinologist).  Mine was 209 and he thought that was high enough to warrant a low dose statin! Granted, it's never been above 170 in my life but for him to immediately jump on the pill popping bandwagon for one bad test was ridiculous!  It is ridiculous that some doctors just want to put us on pills for any and everything. With all the issues xanax has given me regarding being allergic and sensitive to medications, I take nothing that I absolutely don't  have to. 


Interestingly my primary care physician didn't bat an eye over it.  He wasn't even remotely concerned.  That is how my doctor in Virginia was - she said we change and things happen to our bodies so not to worry so much about the numbers unless they get really high and consistently.


So sorry that we're all having a rough time.  I won't bore you with my "issues/symptoms" today since you guys have heard them all before.  Sorry you are having issues/symptoms.  I was hoping things were getting better.  I have been thinking about you!


I truly pray that we all turn the corner soon.  This stuff has to subside.  Hang in there, everyone!  Sending love and prayers for better days ahead!I too am sending prayers to everyone - and hoping we all will catch a break at some point.  We all need and deserve a break, that is for sure!!!!! 




Love and miss you!!!!  Julia  :smitten:
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Julia thank you.  I thought about trying Carnation instant breakfast at least I could get some calories.  Never thought I'd NEED calories!  🤣🤣🤣


Dianedeedee, you are so welcome! 

I used to drink that once in a while and the chocolate was not bad.  I know - right - need calories - I wish I could send you some of mine.  :) 

I hope that helps.


Love and hugs,

Julia  :smitten:

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I wonder how PowerPearl is doing!  Has anyone heard from her?  Hopefully no news is great news!


I checked and she has not posted since February - I hope she is having a blast and enjoying life!

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HI everyone! 


It's tough to respond to all of these posts individually... so here goes my blanket post.  LOL


Is anyone else getting the feeling that being close to or under .5 mgs is a darn nightmare?  GEEZ!


Julia, I read your post about cholesterol and had to once again laugh at my doctor (the endocrinologist).  Mine was 209 and he thought that was high enough to warrant a low dose statin! Granted, it's never been above 170 in my life but for him to immediately jump on the pill popping bandwagon for one bad test was ridiculous!


Interestingly my primary care physician didn't bat an eye over it.  He wasn't even remotely concerned. 


So sorry that we're all having a rough time.  I won't bore you with my "issues/symptoms" today since you guys have heard them all before. 


I truly pray that we all turn the corner soon.  This stuff has to subside.  Hang in there, everyone!  Sending love and prayers for better days ahead!





Lori good to hear from you.  Wow under .5 that's awesome but sorry you are struggling.  I know praying we can all turn a corner very soon this is just the pits!!!

Thank goodness your doc didn't want you on a statin...my husband was put on them 30 years ago  I know they have caused deterioration in his joints.  By the time we figured out what was going on the damage had been done.  He refuses them now so he is on Repatha it has worked wonders for his cholesterol and he has no side effects but we had to jump through hoops to get insurance to pay its expensive.

Hugs and prayers!


Hey Dianedeedee,

Thanks for posting that about your husband and the statins - my husband retired from the Army in 1994 with 3 ruptured disc and has always had back pain but the last couple years it has gotten worse.  He is on a statin so I wonder if the statin is contributing to it.  I am going to look into the

Repatha.  I will check to see if Tricare covers it.


I wish we could all get together and just hug and cry - I know that sounds silly but crying and getting it out with people that totally understand would be a gift!!!!


Love you all,

Julia  :hug::highfive::smitten:

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Hello everyone, good to hear from you Lori.  Yes, I am feeling the symptoms as well at this low dose.  Doctors appt tomorrow for swelling of my eyes, face and hands.  Xanax is an immune suppressant so I am not sure why I am experiencing this.  Hopefully it passes.


Hope everyone is well. Keep moving forward!!!


Hi Seasalt - I am so sorry you are having these problems.  Whenever I have an allergic reaction to something - the right side of my face swells - it has gotten so much better in the last year! 


I was thinking about you several  times today and wondering how you were.  I was getting ready to PM you when I saw you had posted. 


I hope your doctors visit is productive and he can help you figure out what is going on.


You are in my thoughts and prayers!!    I hope you are better soon!  Swelling sucks and it can be scary!


Love and hugs,

Julia  :smitten: :smitten:

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HI everyone! 


It's tough to respond to all of these posts individually... so here goes my blanket post.  LOL


Is anyone else getting the feeling that being close to or under .5 mgs is a darn nightmare?  GEEZ!


Julia, I read your post about cholesterol and had to once again laugh at my doctor (the endocrinologist).  Mine was 209 and he thought that was high enough to warrant a low dose statin! Granted, it's never been above 170 in my life but for him to immediately jump on the pill popping bandwagon for one bad test was ridiculous!


Interestingly my primary care physician didn't bat an eye over it.  He wasn't even remotely concerned. 


So sorry that we're all having a rough time.  I won't bore you with my "issues/symptoms" today since you guys have heard them all before. 


I truly pray that we all turn the corner soon.  This stuff has to subside.  Hang in there, everyone!  Sending love and prayers for better days ahead!





Lori good to hear from you.  Wow under .5 that's awesome but sorry you are struggling.  I know praying we can all turn a corner very soon this is just the pits!!!

Thank goodness your doc didn't want you on a statin...my husband was put on them 30 years ago  I know they have caused deterioration in his joints.  By the time we figured out what was going on the damage had been done.  He refuses them now so he is on Repatha it has worked wonders for his cholesterol and he has no side effects but we had to jump through hoops to get insurance to pay its expensive.

Hugs and prayers!


Hey Dianedeedee,

Thanks for posting that about your husband and the statins - my husband retired from the Army in 1994 with 3 ruptured disc and has always had back pain but the last couple years it has gotten worse.  He is on a statin so I wonder if the statin is contributing to it.  I am going to look into the

Repatha.  I will check to see if Tricare covers it.


I wish we could all get together and just hug and cry - I know that sounds silly but crying and getting it out with people that totally understand would be a gift!!!!


Love you all,

Julia  :hug::highfive::smitten:


Julia,  before we figured out it was the statins we went through several high priced mattresses.  My husbands back hurt so bad that he just knew it was our mattress.  I started to research and found how bad statins could be for you.  His back and knees are in bad shape.  If your insurance won't pay you can go on Amgensafetynetfoundation.com they are the company that makes Repatha.  You can fill out a form on their website and possibly get help with paying for it.  Good luck!

Hugs and prayers

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HI everyone! 


It's tough to respond to all of these posts individually... so here goes my blanket post.  LOL


Is anyone else getting the feeling that being close to or under .5 mgs is a darn nightmare?  GEEZ!


Julia, I read your post about cholesterol and had to once again laugh at my doctor (the endocrinologist).  Mine was 209 and he thought that was high enough to warrant a low dose statin! Granted, it's never been above 170 in my life but for him to immediately jump on the pill popping bandwagon for one bad test was ridiculous!


Interestingly my primary care physician didn't bat an eye over it.  He wasn't even remotely concerned. 


So sorry that we're all having a rough time.  I won't bore you with my "issues/symptoms" today since you guys have heard them all before. 


I truly pray that we all turn the corner soon.  This stuff has to subside.  Hang in there, everyone!  Sending love and prayers for better days ahead!





Lori good to hear from you.  Wow under .5 that's awesome but sorry you are struggling.  I know praying we can all turn a corner very soon this is just the pits!!!

Thank goodness your doc didn't want you on a statin...my husband was put on them 30 years ago  I know they have caused deterioration in his joints.  By the time we figured out what was going on the damage had been done.  He refuses them now so he is on Repatha it has worked wonders for his cholesterol and he has no side effects but we had to jump through hoops to get insurance to pay its expensive.

Hugs and prayers!


Hey Dianedeedee,

Thanks for posting that about your husband and the statins - my husband retired from the Army in 1994 with 3 ruptured disc and has always had back pain but the last couple years it has gotten worse.  He is on a statin so I wonder if the statin is contributing to it.  I am going to look into the

Repatha.  I will check to see if Tricare covers it.


I wish we could all get together and just hug and cry - I know that sounds silly but crying and getting it out with people that totally understand would be a gift!!!!


Love you all,

Julia  :hug::highfive::smitten:


Julia,  before we figured out it was the statins we went through several high priced mattresses.  My husbands back hurt so bad that he just knew it was our mattress.  I started to research and found how bad statins could be for you.  His back and knees are in bad shape.  If your insurance won't pay you can go on Amgensafetynetfoundation.com they are the company that makes Repatha.  You can fill out a form on their website and possibly get help with paying for it.  Good luck!

Hugs and prayers


Hey Lady,

Thank you so much for all the information.  I am going to check this all out and see what my husband thinks about it.  He has a doctors appointment at the end of this month so hopefully he can talk to his doctor about it and get his opinion too.


Take care.



Julia  :hug::mybuddy:

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Hey Seasalt,

How are you doing?  I hope and pray you had a good doctors visit and he/she is able to help you with the swelling.


Keep us posted.


You are in my thoughts and prayers,


Julia  :smitten: :smitten: :hug: :hug:

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Hello all,


Doctor is sending me for more bloodwork, suspecting another autoimmune disease.  I will know more next week.  My face is swollen today and red like I have a sun burn... it’s crazy.



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Hello all,


Doctor is sending me for more bloodwork, suspecting another autoimmune disease.  I will know more next week.  My face is swollen today and red like I have a sun burn... it’s crazy.




Oh gosh Seasalt!  Hope they figure it out soon.

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Hello all,


Doctor is sending me for more bloodwork, suspecting another autoimmune disease.  I will know more next week.  My face is swollen today and red like I have a sun burn... it’s crazy.



Wow, it never ends for us. I hope they find out what it is and are able to help you.

Hugs and prayers.

Julia :smitten:

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Thank you Julia...


The autoimmune issues are the worst.  I am really hoping this ends when I am off this..

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Thank you Julia...


The autoimmune issues are the worst.  I am really hoping this ends when I am off this..

I hope so too!!! ♥️♥️♥️ Keep us posted!!! Sending prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Love and hugs,


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Hi everyone,


I hope everyone's day is going good!  Tolerable - at least.  :)


I went to the doctor this morning and he was happy with my blood work and my progress on the taper.  He is not handling my taper but he is encouraging and supportive.


I have a question - my psychiatric nurse practitioner suggested something to me the other day and I ran it by my doctor and he seems to think it could help me but I am not sure.  She said that she had seem a doctor write that Prozac helps people with tapering.  The Prozac is long acting and it actually interacts with the xanax  and keeps the xanax in your system longer therefore helping you taper faster since you would not need to take as many doses or as high of a dose.  I called my pharmacist and he agreed that it could help make the taper shorter.


My question is - has anyone ever heard of this?  I am curious about it. 



Julia  :smitten:



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