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Need guide for tapering off seroquel while tapering my benzo


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My sero dose is very high. I have searched for a tapering guideline all over google, with no viable results. I was told to take it in the afternoon for anxiety, as well as at night for sleep. Stupid, but I had no idea that seroquel was addictive, and had so many side affects.


I want off of it as bad as I want off my benzo, hence I taper each alternately.


I am trying to drop that afternoon dose, it is trashing me. It is 1 mg between 3 and 5. When I don't take it, the withdraw is acute. When I do take it, the wd is absent, but I am too stupid and drugged to do anything the rest of the day.


Working on the night dosing is easier, but it is that afternoon dose I want gone.

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Hi Baddove-


I found this info online that says taper in 10% increments and other pertinent info and Tips for tapering Seroquel.


Here is a program where you can Create Your Own Taper Plan by Jim Hawk It may be helpful if you check out the Help function prior to using the program.


If you need more help just ask ...we are here for you!  :thumbsup:







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Found this:




an exerpt:

If you have been on the drug for a long period of time, even tapering may be difficult. If you are someone that quit cold turkey and aren’t looking back, prepare yourself for a long recovery period and symptoms that feel as if they are never going to go away. If you haven’t yet quit this medication and want to taper, slowly reduce your dosage every few weeks. It may take months to taper off of your medication, but it will minimize the withdrawal symptoms.


Seroquel Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities

Below are a list of common symptoms that have been reported during Seroquel withdrawal. Keep these symptoms in mind when you come off of the medication so that you know what to expect. Although you may not experience every symptom on the list, it is likely that you will experience something when you quit taking this drug.


Agitation: If you feel especially agitated, it’s because you’re brain is no longer receiving the drug. This drug helps many people stay calm and reduces agitation. When a person quits taking it, they may become increasingly agitated and it may last for awhile.


Anxiety: In many cases this drug helps people with anxiety. When you stop taking it, your anxiety may skyrocket. Everything you do may provoke nervousness and intense anxiety. Try to realize that it is just from withdrawal and that you will recover.


Concentration problems: Although this drug can cause concentration problems while you take it, you may also experience poor concentration when you stop it. Some people call this “brain fog” or foggy thinking – it is due to the fact that your brain is trying to readjust itself.


Depression: When withdrawing from this antipsychotic you may spiral into deep depression. Any medication that affects neurotransmitters can result in depression when you withdraw – especially if it had a subtle antidepressant effect when you took it.


Dizziness: A common withdrawal symptom from any psychiatric medication is dizziness. This may be extreme when you quit taking Seroquel, but shouldn’t last longer than a few months. For most people, this sensation goes away after a few weeks, but for some, the dizziness persists for a long time. Don’t freak out if the dizziness lasts longer than you anticipated – realize that it is a result of post-acute withdrawal.


Fatigue: Feeling excessively lethargic, tired, and fatigued is common when quitting an antipsychotic. Although this medication tends to be sedating while you take it, the withdrawal takes a toll on overall energy levels. When your brain is trying to readjust, you may become extremely tired and feel like sleeping all day.


Headaches: It is common to experience headaches when you quit taking Seroquel. The headaches may be minor or may feel like full blown migraines. These will subside eventually, but may last weeks before they go away.

Heart rate changes: You may notice that your heart rate becomes excessive when you quit this drug. Some people notice that their heart beats excessively fast when they withdraw. You may also notice heart palpitations – these are caused by both withdrawal and anxiety.


Hypersensitivity: A person may become hypersensitive to sights and sounds when they come off of this medication. The person may not realize that it is from drug withdrawal and their neurotransmitters are not functioning properly. Therefore normal sounds may sound excessively loud and normal sights may appear excessively bright.

Insomnia: It is common to experience insomnia when you quit this drug. Insomnia is usually caused by anxiety and/or sleep disruptions. Your entire sleep cycle may be thrown off when you quit this drug and you may experience increased anxiety.


Irritability: Don’t be surprised if you become increasingly irritable and difficult when you stop this drug. In general the medication tends to calm people down almost to the point of a stupor. If you feel excessively irritable, know that it’s likely a result of withdrawal.


Itching: Some people notice when they quit this drug that they become itchy all over. If you are experiencing excessive itchiness when you stop Seroquel, just know that it’s a result of withdrawal. If it becomes too unbearable, you may want to conduct a slower taper.


Mood swings: It is common to experience mood swings when you quit this drug – even if you are not bipolar. The mood swings may be more pronounced and uncontrollable if you are bipolar, but even individuals that aren’t will notice that they may feel angry one minute and hopeful the next.


Nausea: One of the most common symptoms associated with withdrawal from Seroquel is that of nausea. You may feel nauseated for an extended period of time until your body becomes used to functioning without the drug.


Psychosis: It has been discovered that withdrawal from antipsychotics can cause psychosis. In other words, you may experience hallucinations, delusions, etc. when you are coming off of this medication. Most people don’t experience psychosis when they withdraw unless they have pre-existing schizophrenia – but it is still a possibility.

Sleep problems: A person may notice major changes in their sleep patterns and length when they quit taking this medication. One minute the person may have bouts of extreme insomnia and the next minute they may feel extremely tired.


Suicidal thoughts: Many people take this medication to help with suicidal thoughts and depression. When you quit taking it, you may feel more suicidal than you have ever felt. This is due to the fact that your neurotransmitter levels are out of balance and you are no longer receiving the drug to help.


Sweating: A very common symptom is that of profuse sweating when you stop taking Seroquel. This may be prevalent throughout the day and/or may occur while you are sleeping. You may wake up from sleep in a pool of sweat. Just know that this is your body’s response to withdrawing from the drug.


Vision changes: Some people experience pain in the eye and visual disturbances as a result of taking this medication. It has been hypothesized that this and other antipsychotics could lead a person to experience blurred vision even when withdrawing. Some even hypothesize potential “eye damage” as a result of taking this medication.


Vomiting: Unfortunately you may vomit a lot when you stop taking Seroquel. This can be a result of intense nausea and/or your body’s way of detoxifying itself. If you feel like vomiting, just know that many people experience this during withdrawal.


Note: It is documented that Seroquel stays in your system for around 1.6 days after you stop taking it.  Once the drug is out of your system, it can take a long time for your neurophysiology to recalibrate itself back to homeostatic functioning.

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Oh joy....that list is quite extensive... maybe go REALLY slow, like 5% a month especially because you are tapering benzo poison too... my head would be like  :D
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I have been at 500 mg of sero for a week, was at 550 before for a week. I wanted to set a baseline, and regulate my dosage. Prior to that, I don't know what I was taking, bur suspect 600 or more. Sometimes much less, one night might be at 600, another at 350.


I did not know how serious this was, and how addictive.


The lightbulb went off that I need to be as consistent with total dosage and times just like with the xanax. Also, that the sero might be contributing to what has been a very difficult experience tapering the z drug.


I will hold here until the sero symptoms stabilize, then cut again, either .25 or .5, I will have to learn what my body can handle.


I absolutely hate that afternoon dose. I am pushing it back as much as I can. I was taking it at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, am now taking it at 6 pm. So, a combo of consistent dosage combined with pushing the afternoon dose later is where I am at.

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I was on /off seroquel, but a low dose 50mg. seroquel at higher doses bind to 4 different receptors. so the withdrawal is very tricky, especially below 100mg.

at your doses, you will first exp. dopamine related, but then as lower you get, it changes.



speaking from exp. in the lower dose areas, things like exercise, anti-histamines (benadryl), and beta blocker (propanolol) can mitigate some of the s/x.

your sleep will get a hit, so you might want to slow/stop once you get to 25mg, or substitute with something like hydroxyzine which is a safer alternative.



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