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Hi All,

I want to start liquid titration, but I'm not sure how to start given my current dosage. I am alternating days. On Day 1, I am taking .75Mg's of Klonopin and on Day 2, I am taking .625 mgs. I have been on this amount for about a week. I am not sure how to start a liquid titration given that I am not taking the same amount each day right now.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi Benzonator :smitten:


I have been on this amount for about a week.

What does that mean? That you are on benzo for just one week or that you have been for longer time on benzo and just be taking benzo each other day mode during one week?



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It means this: I had been taking 1 mg a day of Klonopin for 10 or 15 years. I have tapered down to the point where I am alternating .75 (.5 mg tablet and half a .5 mg tablet) with .625 mgs every other day (.5mg tablet and one quarter of a .5mg tablet). I thought I was pretty clear. I'm not sure what it is you are asking.
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Hi Benzonator :smitten:


It means this: I had been taking 1 mg a day of Klonopin for 10 or 15 years.

Well, perhaps it was me still under benzo effects after 13 months off but I couldn't seem to have read that piece of information from your first message. Been on benzo for one week or for 10-15 years require different taper methods thus the reason of my question.


But please forget it and I'm sure someone will help you.

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I want to start liquid titration, but I'm not sure how to start given my current dosage. I am alternating days. On Day 1, I am taking .75Mg's of Klonopin and on Day 2, I am taking .625 mgs. I have been on this amount for about a week. I am not sure how to start a liquid titration given that I am not taking the same amount each day right now.


Alternating between .75mg and .625mg is equivalent to .6875mg daily.

Since you've been doing this for only a week, I'd start at about .7mg.

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