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CCHR - Videos biased against psychiatric drugs


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I am not sure where to put this, or if I can even explain this well enough.  But today I saw a video called "Warning, the whole world is insane" or something like that.  I read some of the comments on the video afterwards and someone made the comment that the CCHR was a front for the Church of Scientology, who doesn't approve whatsoever of psychiatric drugs.  So now I am wondering, if all the videos and info that they put out would be biased against these drugs.  I know I hate them (the drugs), but I just want some FAIR reporting.  Why doesn't the medical community just tell the truth?  And could this be the reason that doctors don't believe us - because this is the same kind of thing that is publicized from the Church of Scientology and that gives doctors a reason to say - "oh no - that's just a cult belief."  No doctor has ever said that to me, but they sure have  looked at me funny when I tell them I have symptoms of w/d. 

      I just don't need any new doubts about this process of w/ding from the drugs.  There are too many of us on this site as well as other sites

suffering very badly from these drugs.  But my benzo brain just won't let go of the doubts that maybe I do need to stay on the drug - what a screwed up mess my mind is.

      Thanks for listening and I'd love to hear anybody's opinions on this. 



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Here's a interesting link to a psychologist who I admire greatly. He, like many doctors, has no affiliation to the group above, but shares many of the same views. He's helped many. Dr. John Breeding in Austin Texas where I live. Check out his link for some views on the other side of the fence that you may be questioning.



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  • 2 months later...
I don't believe in their church but signed up for a free video! Was great and very anti drugs!! They were not pushing their cult on you! One problem they call you constantly for suppoRt which isn't a bad thing but when its midnight here it is!!!
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Just a quick note on this subject - I saw Kirstie Alley and Kelly Preston (John Travolta's wife) on TV the other day and they were in Congress pleasing with them to do something about all the children who are committing suicide due to the hyperactive drugs like Ritalin, etc.  They are both members of the Church of Scientology - we need people who are NOT affiliated with that church to go to Congress.  Does anyone know anything about how to do this...... we MUST do something!!!!!



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I have mixed feeling on this..I don't have any affiliation with that group, but I don't dislike them either.


The one good thing about these ladies speaking out is...they are high profile people. It is sad in our society that people listen to actors, athletes or politicians more than they will listen to the common person, but even if someone views their affiliation with a certain group as negative, they are high profile folks with "power" or at least the power of being popular.


I say preach on sisters..;)





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The Church of Scientology is definitely at odds with the fields of psychiatry and psychology.  Though they take a stance against against medications, I feel the stance is not humanitarian as much as it is a vehicle to push forth their own self-serving and oppressive agenda.  I would like to see some hard numbers and studies related to the incidence of suicide and ADHD drugs.  I'm not saying it's not happening, just that I've never heard of it.  I don't find the Church of Scientology a very reliable source of information other than how to effectively run a money-making cult.



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There is a lot of information out there regarding suicide rate among young people who take AD's. There are several blackbox warnings out there, have been for years. I have no idea what the "hard numbers" are, but I would bet they are significant if these companies have to mention suicide as a "side effect" of the meds.


I have no real opinon on this religion...as I don't know anyone that is a member...nor have any interest in joining, but I think I'd put aside my differences with them, if I had differences, in order to work for the greater good and protect people from potential harm whether it be from benzos, AD's or some other drug. I just wouldn't make a donation to their cause. ;)



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Hey TC:


True, there are black box warnings for AD's, but Hoping was referring a report involving "children who are committing suicide due to the hyperactive drugs like Ritalin".  These are a different class of medication.  Though perhaps these meds are just as bad, I have not heard of suicide problems with them.



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That is a good point about Ritalin.


I think that drug is bad too, honestly, but I have to admit, I haven't seen any stats regarding suicide from those meds. I do think in years to come, there will be an epidemic with that drugs, as so many children seem to be on drugs for ADD or ADHD. I did some substitute teaching, as well as some college work in the classrooms of elementary schools, and I was shocked to see how many children were drugged up. I understand there are legitimate cases of ADD and ADHD, but I find it hard to believe that many kids needed those drugs. It is a very scary situation, the doping of society, but that is a different topic for a different day.



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Maybe it's a plan for the Pharmaceutical Companies to control the world - lol.....sounds farfetched but now that they are doping our children who will perhaps stay doped until they are adults and the doctors are giving these benzos to everybody else - hmmmmmm - it's not impossible.

I think that is what the CCHR who is in England and is backed by the Church of Scientology did say in one of their videos that I saw.  Big Pharma may be our new terrorists.....      Silly, huh?

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