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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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No one emails me. I talk to someone on the phone. I already said that. You are one of the reasons I didn't want to make an announcement here in the first place, honestly. You have really awkward reactions to things that make it impossible to communicate reasonably. I also knew that you would hound Teva if I released information which would possibly compromise my relationship with my contact who has been gracious to me. I won't be sharing anything else here. Dana and I were communicating privately because I can trust her. But I can't share anymore information with here because of your weird reactions. Sorry.
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I got a call from my Pharmacist and she looked up their orders that are coming in and Teva klonopin is on the list. According to her the arrival date is between the 9th of this, which has passed, to the 23rd of this month.  I have not received any email from Teva yet, but that is fine as long as I know it is coming back!

I live in the SouthEast, so I don't how it is being distributed through out the country.

I called my Dr and she is going to call in for the Teva brand only. I am hoping it will be here sooner than later.

Will update as soon I know more.

I hope everyone can get it soon and get back on track. :)


So Dana,


Do you also have a contact at Teva that emails you personally like Clara has?


I wouldn’t mind having my own personal contact at Teva Pharmaceuticals myself.


How did the two of you, Clara and Dana get one? It sure would help many here on BB to know that.


I don't have personal contact with a Teva rep. I emailed them twice and the last email was back in May or June. I have been in touch with my Pharmacist at my CVS and I let him know that it would be coming back. I gave him a copy of the email. I called the Pharmacy last Wed and asked if they knew anything yet and the tech stated she would follow up and they would get back with me. I got a call yesterday late afternoon from the Pharmacist who stated that it would be in between the 9th and 23rd of this month. I told my Dr 2 weeks ago when I saw her and she said to let her know and she would send in script for Teva brand only. That is where it stands now with me.

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No one emails me. I talk to someone on the phone. I already said that. You are one of the reasons I didn't want to make an announcement here in the first place, honestly. You have really awkward reactions to things that make it impossible to communicate reasonably. I also knew that you would hound Teva if I released information which would possibly compromise my relationship with my contact who has been gracious to me. I won't be sharing anything else here. Dana and I were communicating privately because I can trust her. But I can't share anymore information with here because of your weird reactions. Sorry.


Yes Clara, you did say that you were using a phone to communicate with your “higher up person” at Teva.


So you and Dana have been corresponding privately with each other about this through PM after piano girl asked you not to do that?

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Haha. Look at you attempting to start trouble. I had already given all of my information about the Teva release to Dana before piano girl applied that message here. I knew you were the one who reported my post. You knew you couldn't message me privately because you and I are not on good terms. You now have information about the medication publicly on this post because of my work getting it and you're still trying to take me down. Have fun with your vindictive behavior. You're one of the trolls that ruins benzo buddies for people like me. I don't care if I get kicked out for saying so you. You are awful and not someone I would ever want to encounter in person.
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NO! I have been in touch with my Pharmacist for months now, since I found out via email that it would coming back! I gave him a copy of it. I have been calling and staying in touch like he told me to do!

Again, I called last week and the tech said she would follow up. My main Pharmacist is out until next week. Another pharmacist called to give me the update. At this CVS where I live, it will be here between the 9th and 23rd. I don't where you at. I just know that where I  am at, it is coming back.

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I got a call from my Pharmacist and she looked up their orders that are coming in and Teva klonopin is on the list. According to her the arrival date is between the 9th of this, which has passed, to the 23rd of this month.  I have not received any email from Teva yet, but that is fine as long as I know it is coming back!

I live in the SouthEast, so I don't how it is being distributed through out the country.

I called my Dr and she is going to call in for the Teva brand only. I am hoping it will be here sooner than later.

Will update as soon I know more.

I hope everyone can get it soon and get back on track. :)


So Dana,


Do you also have a contact at Teva that emails you personally like Clara has?


I wouldn’t mind having my own personal contact at Teva Pharmaceuticals myself.


How did the two of you, Clara and Dana get one? It sure would help many here on BB to know that.


I don't have personal contact with a Teva rep. I emailed them twice and the last email was back in May or June. I have been in touch with my Pharmacist at my CVS and I let him know that it would be coming back. I gave him a copy of the email. I called the Pharmacy last Wed and asked if they knew anything yet and the tech stated she would follow up and they would get back with me. I got a call yesterday late afternoon from the Pharmacist who stated that it would be in between the 9th and 23rd of this month. I told my Dr 2 weeks ago when I saw her and she said to let her know and she would send in script for Teva brand only. That is where it stands now with me


Thanks Dana for that information. I appreciate knowing that. So it’s your CVS pharmacist that you’ve been speaking with.


Apparently, Clara is saying that you and she have been communicating with each other on a private basis because she can trust you with the phone calls she gets from her own personal contact person at Teva Pharmaceuticals.


So once again, I will say this:


Teva Pharmaceuticals is literally trying to survive under great pressure from the opioid crisis and price fixing that they and other pharmaceutical companies were involved with.


I have 2 running feeds on my iPad here that shows the stock market price for shares of Teva Pharmaceuticals minute by minute from before the stock market opens (pre market trading) throughout the day, and after the stock market closes at 4 pm eastern time (after hours trading).


One of those feeds is through Market Watch, and the other is through Zacks. Both show the price right now at this very minute to be $7.03 per share.


Teva at one time was the biggest generic drug maker in the world, and they want to be that way again. They have their “new” CEO, Kare Schultz who’s guiding their restructuring process and have just lost their CFO, Mike McClennun (not sure of that spelling) due to a family health crisis, but are on the hunt for a new CFO.


We really do not know what will happen with Teva, but I know I want them to survive. I’m now taking one of their products also, and want to continue taking it. I listened to the actual podcast from Teva in Petah Tikva, Israel while Kare Schultz, Mike CClennen and Brendan O’Grady took questions and comments from the big investing firms from all over the world. It was an open and honest assessment of their Q2 position and very interesting.


They have several new, branded drugs coming online, but are concerned about further lawsuits. I think it’s always important to remember that anything is possible here as Kare Schultz did say that 2019 would be a trough year for Teva.


But it’s also important to remember that Teva is not a social service agency. They are a big pharmaceutical company that wants to make money for their stockholders.

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Look at this -- both D. and I trying to help this thread with information and this is what we get -- badgering and impudent prying after I give information that is classified in order to help, and you demand that I get you something you want but can't have, a personal contact at Teva? Yeah, sorry, not going to happen. You don't have the right to everything you demand . You're going to have figure things out yourself from here, or find someone else to exploit and destroy. Definitely don't drag D. into this mess.
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Looks like my reply got caught in the blue area of the quoting function.


I hope others can see what I wrote because that information is important.

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My Info is coming from communicating with my Pharmacist. My info also came in 2 emails that I received from Teva. I posted that on here a while back, letting others know what I found out.

When they stated that it would be here mid to late summer, I let the pharmacy know. It is almost late summer, so I have been calling them more frequently. My CVS. Not Teva. I have not received an update from Teva as I am on the mailing list. I don't care. I care that my Pharmacy will be getting it.

My pharmacist put a copy of my email from Teva in my file. We have great communication and that is why I have used them for many years now. Also, drugs.com have people on it that are in the same boat. I have not heard anything more from them. We all live in different places, so I guess it depend on location. Remember, I told you a while back that I did not have a problem getting Teva until this past spring. I had no idea that this had been a problem until then.

I am hoping it will be back in every part of the country, so people can stop suffering. This had been a nightmare for so many of us and hopefully it will over soon.

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Look at this -- both D. and I trying to help this thread with information and this is what we get -- badgering and impudent prying after I give information that is classified in order to help, and you demand that I get you something you want but can't have, a personal contact at Teva? Yeah, sorry, not going to happen. You don't have the right to everything you demand . You're going to have figure things out yourself from here, or find someone else to exploit and destroy. Definitely don't drag D. into this mess.


:pokey: lol don't poke ClaraBrahms!!!

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My Info is coming from communicating with my Pharmacist. My info also came in 2 emails that I received from Teva. I posted that on here a while back, letting others know what I found out.

When they stated that it would be here mid to late summer, I let the pharmacy know. It is almost late summer, so I have been calling them more frequently. My CVS. Not Teva. I have not received an update from Teva as I am on the mailing list. I don't care. I care that my Pharmacy will be getting it.

My pharmacist put a copy of my email from Teva in my file. We have great communication and that is why I have used them for many years now. Also, drugs.com have people on it that are in the same boat. I have not heard anything more from them. We all live in different places, so I guess it depend on location. Remember, I told you a while back that I did not have a problem getting Teva until this past spring. I had no idea that this had been a problem until then.

I am hoping it will be back in every part of the country, so people can stop suffering. This had been a nightmare for so many of us and hopefully it will over soon.


:mybuddy:  ...and the sooner the better my friend! thank you for sharing your updates with us, it gives hope to a lot of us!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just to let everyone know who is dry cutting -- the new Klonopin is not scored though the ingredients are the same. The medical team said the score was taken away because the ingredients are not evenly distributed and they advise against using the pill to taper.
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Just to let everyone know who is dry cutting -- the new Klonopin is not scored though the ingredients are the same. The medical team said the score was taken away because the ingredients are not evenly distributed and they advise against using the pill to taper.



Thank you for getting back to us again with more info..i called our pharmacy and they said there is a spot for the 1mg k but theres no numbers in there as yet. And I crush the pill that i don't take whole so that it gets a more even distribution and it has never given me any problems..my hubby came up with that about 4 or 5 yrs ago when he wondered why i was cutting the pills..and i cant wait until we get the teva brand back i just hope that they don't stop making it again anytime soon.


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Just to let everyone know who is dry cutting -- the new Klonopin is not scored though the ingredients are the same. The medical team said the score was taken away because the ingredients are not evenly distributed and they advise against using the pill to taper.



Thank you for getting back to us again with more info..i called our pharmacy and they said there is a spot for the 1mg k but theres no numbers in there as yet. And I crush the pill that i don't take whole so that it gets a more even distribution and it has never given me any problems..my hubby came up with that about 4 or 5 yrs ago when he wondered why i was cutting the pills..and i cant wait until we get the teva brand back i just hope that they don't stop making it again anytime soon.


Yeah I've heard that other people crush theirs too. I might have to do that as well. Teva 1mg green pill is back with an 833 as before, though unscored and the drug distributors that Teva have shipped to August 17 are:

Dakota drug

Nc mutual

Value drug


They have not shipped to Cardinal yet which is interesting and unfortunate.



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Just to let everyone know who is dry cutting -- the new Klonopin is not scored though the ingredients are the same. The medical team said the score was taken away because the ingredients are not evenly distributed and they advise against using the pill to taper.




      Are you talking about brand name kolonopin from Hoffman LaRoche with the K in the middle?

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Just to let everyone know who is dry cutting -- the new Klonopin is not scored though the ingredients are the same. The medical team said the score was taken away because the ingredients are not evenly distributed and they advise against using the pill to taper.




      Are you talking about brand name kolonopin from Hoffman LaRoche with the K in the middle?


No I'm talking about the Teva release. The discontinued pill they are re-releasing will not be scored

NDC 00093321205


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Just to let everyone know who is dry cutting -- the new Klonopin is not scored though the ingredients are the same. The medical team said the score was taken away because the ingredients are not evenly distributed and they advise against using the pill to taper.




      Are you talking about brand name kolonopin from Hoffman LaRoche with the K in the middle?


No I'm talking about the Teva release. The discontinued pill they are re-releasing will not be scored

NDC 00093321205



Ty Clara so much for clarifying.........

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I just got the BEST news!! My old pharmacy is now able to get 1mg TEVA!!! They use AmerisourceBergen as their drug distributor and looked it up and told me they can order it in! I was on Sandoz and then switched to brand K and have hated it....I started on TEVA and so glad its back!!!
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I just got the BEST news!! My old pharmacy is now able to get 1mg TEVA!!! They use AmerisourceBergen as their drug distributor and looked it up and told me they can order it in! I was on Sandoz and then switched to brand K and have hated it....I started on TEVA and so glad its back!!!


That is great news! Which pharmacy are you using? My pharmacy, CVS, is placing a special order for the 1mg. I am not sure when It will come in, but hopeful it will be soon. At least it is starting to be distributed which is wonderful. :)

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I just got the BEST news!! My old pharmacy is now able to get 1mg TEVA!!! They use AmerisourceBergen as their drug distributor and looked it up and told me they can order it in! I was on Sandoz and then switched to brand K and have hated it....I started on TEVA and so glad its back!!!


That's so awesome!  Thanks for letting us know which pharmacy! :)

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Hi everybody!

It seems like you guys are quite up to date regarding Teva pills. I just call them and as mentioned in here they still don't know precisely when the 0.5 pill is going to be released. They also told me it might be at the end of the summer. I ask them where the pill is going to be manufactured and they don't know that either. They did tell me that the 1 mg is made in Israel and packed here in USA.

I'm actually tapering after reinstate and it's been a roller coaster. I'm using Accord 0.5 mg pills. I have tapered almost all the past year using accord (pills) and Actavis suspension as reduction dose. TEVA bought Actavis and use the brand for clonazepan. Actavis 0.5 is made entirely in USA.

I used teva for 4 months before the taper and I remember to feel a little better than when taking accord. But it is something I'm not completely sure. As you know waves come and go and you don't know who to blame.

I noticed that accord pills disintegrate quite easily meaning that would loose efficacy when getting into the stomach environment and more if you take them with food. They may end up putting you in withdraw. That's why I think TEVA acts better. Its coating is harder and stands the digestion thru the stomach. All this beside the facts that accord is made in India where the quality standards aren't reliable.

I weaned from 1 mg of clonazepan to  0.625 mg after reinstatement using accord and my big dilemma is if I continue cutting and hold with accord till the end or wait for a more reliable less symptomatic TEVA and start a much slower liquid taper.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated!


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If it were me, I would wait for the Teva and then start a slow taper. I am waiting on the 1mg. My pharmacy special ordered it and I am not sure when it will be here. My pharmacist keeps updating me, so I hope it is soon. Thanks for the info. There are quite a few of us waiting.
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I also got a batch of accord and it is awful. Like you stated, the pills are very crumbly if that is a good definition. Teva works for me so well. The others are like taking nothing. I had trouble with the Brand also. Again, hopefully they will back in the pharmacies before too long. It is almost the end of summer. Hard to believe. I just wish the heat would go away.
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