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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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Thanks Intend.  My husband and I agreed that we would try to move towards 2X per day dosing later but since I just made the change to the TEVA ODTs, then I shouldn't make another change just yet.  My body is currently used to 3X per day dosing now, unfortunately.  I definitely have I/D withdrawals with even that, though I find them less with these wafers....so maybe soon. 


I tried drinking Lactaid as I thought of the same thing, in hopes that I could use that as a medium.  I could not tolerate even just drinking it.  And I think there's something about the calcium in the milks, all of them, that bother me and interfere with the medication.  I don't know - I don't understand.  Yes, I've held too long while trying to find a path forward and I'm getting sicker.  We are going to start tapering - I never should have held at all and I'm so regretful over that.  We will start with small dry cuts, not what I had hoped for but we have to move forward with it.  My husband saw me going downhill fast with the 5 days of the DLMT with alcohol/water and he also agreed that we had to find another way.  Maybe as I move forward, my body will adjust and at the end, I can use it.


It was a compounding pharmacist that told me that the ODTs would not be soluble. 

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Thanks Intend.  My husband and I agreed that we would try to move towards 2X per day dosing later but since I just made the change to the TEVA ODTs, then I shouldn't make another change just yet.  My body is currently used to 3X per day dosing now, unfortunately.  I definitely have I/D withdrawals with even that, though I find them less with these wafers....so maybe soon. 


I tried drinking Lactaid as I thought of the same thing, in hopes that I could use that as a medium.  I could not tolerate even just drinking it.  And I think there's something about the calcium in the milks, all of them, that bother me and interfere with the medication.  I don't know - I don't understand.  Yes, I've held too long while trying to find a path forward and I'm getting sicker.  We are going to start tapering - I never should have held at all and I'm so regretful over that.  We will start with small dry cuts, not what I had hoped for but we have to move forward with it.  My husband saw me going downhill fast with the 5 days of the DLMT with alcohol/water and he also agreed that we had to find another way.  Maybe as I move forward, my body will adjust and at the end, I can use it.


It was a compounding pharmacist that told me that the ODTs would not be soluble.




You are doing the best you can, and that’s all anyone can ask of you.


Also, I have found that these compounding pharmacies make a lot of mistakes. Esperanza of  the Long 

Hold Support Group was using a compounding pharmacy and they made a lot of mistakes with her.


In general, pharmacies do make mistakes. It’s best sometimes to be very careful with the doctors and the pharmacies. I’m using the ODTs and they are definitely soluble in the whole milk. I’ve been using whole milk for years for my titration.

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Regardless of what form its in (odt or tablet), clonazepam is insoluble (or poorly soluble) in water, and is somewhat soluble in alcohol.  (2mls of 80 proof vodka will dissolve 1ml of K)


Again the issue is the solubility of the clonazepam.  Just because it is being carried in an ODT instead of a tablet does NOT change its solubility.


From a reliable asset here on BB

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It was a compounding pharmacist that told me that the ODTs would not be soluble.


Tell your pharmacist to google Jouyban benzo solubility, and/or Jouyban drug solubility

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I was doing so poorly the day I spoke with the man from Teva, who actually called me. I wish I had recorded his name.  He said he is a product manager, not from customer service, which is who I normally speak to. We talked about the circumstance of Teva klonopin and why they are bringing it back. He said that he knows actavis is awful. They get complaints daily about the other medications made by actavis which are also not working for patients. We talked about how Teva klonopin is made and he spoke of the actual pill being produced in Israel. He knows that the quality of the teva klonopin is superior and admitted that the acquisition of actavis was a huge mistake on their part. He knows the quality of actavis is not good. He spoke of the ingredient povidone and how important it is to the overall disbursement of the active ingredient, which is what I had suspected. I told him that I'm still living off my old supply of Teva and that my body goes into shock when I try actavis. I told him my life is on the line and I need to know the truth. He promised me without a doubt that it will be back on the market soon but that he cannot give a precise date because they are waiting for their surplus of actavis klonopin to run out first.
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So this is part of the reason so many are getting sick, have gotten sick......I was on Activas which never really worked well for me to start - never tried regular TEVA but had only done well with Mylan previously, though I'm so sick now and suffering so many acute symptoms, I'm not sure it matters.


I just switched to TEVA ODTs but still having concerns about how to taper from them.  I can't do DLMT as it made me sick, sicker, though I truly know it's the best way to slowly get off....Clara, have you tried those?


I have not tried the ODTs because I still have stock of the old Teva that I'm using. Do you think the Teva ODTs are comparable to the original Teva Klonopin? Maybe I will ask my doctor to give me prescription for them. I know that I can't switch to the other generics because I've tried them and they almost killed me. What is the lowest dose that ODTs come in, .5mg?

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No, they come in .125 but they crumble very easily so they aren't as easy to cut and weigh....not sure how you are dosing....
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Thank you Intend, Builder and Onemoretry. 


Intend, what do you think is different, then about the different generics that gave you trouble, since you dose using milk?  Was it just the strength of the pill?  So many have issues with this generic or that but if you are doing a DLMT, doesn't that destroy/change the processing of the medication with the inactive ingredients?  It's very strange and curious.


I am still heartbroken that the DLMT in alcohol with the Activas pill did not work well for me and that I do not tolerate milk.  I feel beat down at every turn.  It's good to know that the ODT is soluble, though, Intend and I'm glad you are having good luck with it.  I guess I need to just try to find a way down in dose. 


With me having so many issues, I do wonder if there's more going on in my health than "just withdrawal", such as Sjogren's or MS.  I've suspected Sjogren's for some time, even before this.  My ANA is elevated and has been for some years and though the specific biomarkers do not show up as positive, I have had all of the symptoms for some time but everything is much more exasperated of course. 

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No, they come in .125 but they crumble very easily so they aren't as easy to cut and weigh....not sure how you are dosing....


I just called CVS and they said they can only order .25mg or .5mg strength. Right now, I take .34mg at midnight which I am cutting and weighing from old teva pills. I only dose once. I'm having an extremely difficult time physically though so I'm not sure if I will attempt to dose twice a day. I can hardly walk or swallow food anymore.

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CVS is lying because they got the .125 mg for me. 


You can not do the DLMT either?


I can't liquid taper. Even if I use Teva pills, and I drink it after it's dissolved in milk or water, I have an immediate physical backlash. I think it hits my system too fast and hard that way. I am way too sensitive to do a liquid taper.

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CVS is lying because they got the .125 mg for me. 


You can not do the DLMT either?


I am wondering if it depends on where you live as to whether CVS can the dose. When a lot of people could not get Teva anymore back 2018, I still could. I could no longer get this past early spring, I believe. Maybe try another CVS in town. I am not familiar with the ODT.

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So this is part of the reason so many are getting sick, have gotten sick......I was on Activas which never really worked well for me to start - never tried regular TEVA but had only done well with Mylan previously, though I'm so sick now and suffering so many acute symptoms, I'm not sure it matters.


I just switched to TEVA ODTs but still having concerns about how to taper from them.  I can't do DLMT as it made me sick, sicker, though I truly know it's the best way to slowly get off....Clara, have you tried those?


I have not tried the ODTs because I still have stock of the old Teva that I'm using. Do you think the Teva ODTs are comparable to the original Teva Klonopin? Maybe I will ask my doctor to give me prescription for them. I know that I can't switch to the other generics because I've tried them and they almost killed me. What is the lowest dose that ODTs come in, .5mg?




I’m honestly not sure if the Teva ODTS are comparable to the teva tabs. Builder told me that they were, and I know builder rather well. The biggest difference is that they are for people who refuse to take medication or have trouble swallowing-dysphasia. Maybe they could help you. And they do come in .125 mg as the lowest dose.

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No, they come in .125 but they crumble very easily so they aren't as easy to cut and weigh....not sure how you are dosing....


True Mom. That is the lowest dose. And they do crumble if you’re not careful. I’m not weighing anything and never have. I use syringes and the whole fat milk.

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Thank you Intend, Builder and Onemoretry. 


Intend, what do you think is different, then about the different generics that gave you trouble, since you dose using milk?  Was it just the strength of the pill?  So many have issues with this generic or that but if you are doing a DLMT, doesn't that destroy/change the processing of the medication with the inactive ingredients?  It's very strange and curious.


I am still heartbroken that the DLMT in alcohol with the Activas pill did not work well for me and that I do not tolerate milk.  I feel beat down at every turn.  It's good to know that the ODT is soluble, though, Intend and I'm glad you are having good luck with it.  I guess I need to just try to find a way down in dose. 


With me having so many issues, I do wonder if there's more going on in my health than "just withdrawal", such as Sjogren's or MS.  I've suspected Sjogren's for some time, even before this.  My ANA is elevated and has been for some years and though the specific biomarkers do not show up as positive, I have had all of the symptoms for some time but everything is much more exasperated of course.




As per builder whom I trust completely, there is no difference between these and the teva tabs except for the flavoring. And honestly, I couldn’t care less what a compounding pharmacy has told anyone.


The composition is not changed by putting it in milk as per builder. Has anyone here asked builder?


I talked to builder at length and that’s where I got my information. And who in the world is having trouble with these ODTS? I’d like a list of these people. If you’ve never taken a teva tab I get that, but I’m just not understanding why anyone who’s taken teva tabs before can’t use these.


All clonazepams is soluble in milk. I’ve been on BB for years, and milk was what people used to titrate clonazepan way before alcohol came into the picture.


Valium/diazepam is also soluble in milk. Lorazepam and  alprazolem are soluble  in alcohol only.


If you’re uncertain about having other medical problems, definitely get it checked out. That could be a big source of your problems.

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ODT are expensive it seems but it would be worth it if they work for me. CVS quoted over a dollar per pill ugh. Also, my taper will be ruined because can't cut the pills to get .34mg. I'm just trying to survive at this point, though. I refuse to die over this crap.
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CVS is lying because they got the .125 mg for me. 


You can not do the DLMT either?


I am wondering if it depends on where you live as to whether CVS can the dose. When a lot of people could not get Teva anymore back 2018, I still could. I could no longer get this past early spring, I believe. Maybe try another CVS in town. I am not familiar with the ODT.




You have this correct. It’s a regional problem. Some pharmacies have these ODTS while other do not.


No one is lying to anyone. I’m not a fan of CVS because I had an unrelated problem with them, but pharmacies in different states have different wholesalers. The wholesales can be different in different states. Here, CVS uses McKesson, but not everywhere. They use other wholesalers in different states.


The wholesalers negotiate the costs with the pharmacies and the lowest prices are the ones they stock. Thank you Dana for bring this up.

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Thank you Intend, Builder and Onemoretry. 


Intend, what do you think is different, then about the different generics that gave you trouble, since you dose using milk?  Was it just the strength of the pill?  So many have issues with this generic or that but if you are doing a DLMT, doesn't that destroy/change the processing of the medication with the inactive ingredients?  It's very strange and curious.


I am still heartbroken that the DLMT in alcohol with the Activas pill did not work well for me and that I do not tolerate milk.  I feel beat down at every turn.  It's good to know that the ODT is soluble, though, Intend and I'm glad you are having good luck with it.  I guess I need to just try to find a way down in dose. 


With me having so many issues, I do wonder if there's more going on in my health than "just withdrawal", such as Sjogren's or MS.  I've suspected Sjogren's for some time, even before this.  My ANA is elevated and has been for some years and though the specific biomarkers do not show up as positive, I have had all of the symptoms for some time but everything is much more exasperated of course.


I can't speak for anyone else, but different generics can vary in potency, so it wouldn't matter how you were tapering, the difference in potency would impact people differently. And fillers also would impact ... I mean, even in a liquid taper, you would still have fillers in there.


Of course you should get yourself checked out, but my ANA is also always elevated and I have no autoimmune conditions. Unfortunately withdrawal can mimic I feel just about everything, but you do need to get things checked. I went through every single GI test none to mankind with my 9 months + of constant nausea, diarrhea, etc. and it is just the tapering crap.

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Thanks NJStrength.  Yes, I had a ton of GI tests and only to find out, it's really all from the dryness of the med, tolerance, and the taper.  I was SO fooled, though after the esophagitis and the LPR diagnoses.  So many things.  Not recently checked for MS but it runs in my family - was checked a couple of years ago.  They said I may have Sjogrens.  I was showing signs/symptoms of it even before being on a K daily.  Only way to know is a biopsy but what's the point?  I'm not going to take their steroids or other meds, which will only wreak more havoc on my fragile CNS right now. 



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i was on (well, all of the brand name original and all the generics i believe) during the 15-20 years of my clonazepam rx's and last month they had switched my generic to solco after being on accord for a long time...i was really bummed but called my 2 pharmacies allowed by insurance and it was gonna be actavis or solco, and the one who said solco (walgreens) assured me their "contract" with the drug distro was going to be at least until the first of the yearand probably longer and i could rest assured that solco would be the generic for that time period. the other local pharmacy couldn't assure me of that. so i went with solco at walgreens ...lo and behold this month i pick up my rx and it's been switched to accord, again. the pharmacist said they have no idea what they're gonna get shipped until it gets there. she is a good pharmacist and tells me straight. the other was just spouting whatever she thought i wanted to hear apparently  >:( 


anyways i had a couple weeks of adjusting (sx's got temporarily worse and then calmed down) on the solco, and now after 2 weeks of relative calm, i get to go thru it again when i change back to accord... YAY


but you know what? we have no control over any of this stuff. so the way i see it, i can either roll with the punches, adjust as i need to, go with the flow...or i can be angry and upset and allow the lack of control to ruin my existence while on these stupid things. i'm trying to loosen my grip of control which is just perceived control, i really have none!...and also let it just encourage me to go forward with my taper/s...all of them. not to rush things, not at all, but to know that the sooner i get this process of tapering finished, the sooner i'll be free to not be unpleasantly surprised/disappointed or just plain pissed off when the pharmacy changes my rx.


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Someone from Teva just called me again. I can't say who it is out what they said. But when I have more information, I will let you know. I'm working on it.
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Someone from Teva just called me again. I can't say who it is out what they said. But when I have more information, I will let you know. I'm working on it.


Praying it is good news. Let us know if you need any help with them. I have talked and emailed them. They emailed me with a yes, but staying realistic with an open mind, like Intend stated.

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My doctor is going to order the Teva ODTs, .125mg, which I'm going to try to see what my reaction is. Hopefully it works.
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My doctor is going to order the Teva ODTs, .125mg, which I'm going to try to see what my reaction is. Hopefully it works.




That’s good news for you.

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