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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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Ok, Libertas, I will just add that caveat that "this is just my opinion" based on people that I do know in real life and some others I've seen here.


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I am sorry you are struggling too. It’s so hard when there are life stressors on top of the wd. But we will get through this!


I am very sensitive to changes. Yes, I updosed after my last cut. It took about 6 weeks to stabilize. Just as I stabilized I had to switch brands. It’s been two months and I am not stabilizing on Brand name K. It simply doesn’t work on my pain like Mylan did.  And I now have more significant interdose wd. I know I have to bite bullet and start tapering, but my mom is terminally ill my son leaves for college in 7 weeks. Was trying to hold out as long as I could.


I dose once per day. I am hesitant to dose more than once because I take baclofen during the day and don’t like the interaction of the two.


You can microtaper using Gemini scale, weigh pill, reduce by .001. Dlmt you can reduce by even less.



Sun 🌻




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I dosed twice a day after reinstatement from my C/T. I dropped the morning dose about 10 years ago and have done well. Everyone is different, so some may need more frequent dosing. Klonopin is fairly long acting so I don't have trouble with inter-dose withdrawal.

I keep Praying that Teva will bring back their brand for good. This change really messed with a lot of people, especially those of us trying to taper.  Again, I fortunate in that I have plenty of Teva to fall back for now. I have the brand which did nothing for me. I split my dose between the Teva and Brand and started feeling withdrawal symptoms. I couldn't believe it, but it was true. After reading other posts, it confirmed my suspicion.

No matter what is thrown at us, we are strong and have the will and perseverance to get off. It may take a long time, but that is just fine. The slower, the better. At least for my poor brain.


God Bless,



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I am sorry you are struggling too. It’s so hard when there are life stressors on top of the wd. But we will get through this!


I am very sensitive to changes. Yes, I updosed after my last cut. It took about 6 weeks to stabilize. Just as I stabilized I had to switch brands. It’s been two months and I am not stabilizing on Brand name K. It simply doesn’t work on my pain like Mylan did.  And I now have more significant interdose wd. I know I have to bite bullet and start tapering, but my mom is terminally ill my son leaves for college in 7 weeks. Was trying to hold out as long as I could.


I dose once per day. I am hesitant to dose more than once because I take baclofen during the day and don’t like the interaction of the two.


You can microtaper using Gemini scale, weigh pill, reduce by .001. Dlmt you can reduce by even less.



Sun 🌻




If i were you I would hold with your life stress. I sent my son off to college two years ago and it was HARD. I was a mess. And I know your other son has issues and with your mom, maybe a long hold would help you now. It's a lot to deal with all at once.

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I am sorry you are struggling too. It’s so hard when there are life stressors on top of the wd. But we will get through this!


I am very sensitive to changes. Yes, I updosed after my last cut. It took about 6 weeks to stabilize. Just as I stabilized I had to switch brands. It’s been two months and I am not stabilizing on Brand name K. It simply doesn’t work on my pain like Mylan did.  And I now have more significant interdose wd. I know I have to bite bullet and start tapering, but my mom is terminally ill my son leaves for college in 7 weeks. Was trying to hold out as long as I could.


I dose once per day. I am hesitant to dose more than once because I take baclofen during the day and don’t like the interaction of the two.


You can microtaper using Gemini scale, weigh pill, reduce by .001. Dlmt you can reduce by even less.



Sun 🌻




If i were you I would hold with your life stress. I sent my son off to college two years ago and it was HARD. I was a mess. And I know your other son has issues and with your mom, maybe a long hold would help you now. It's a lot to deal with all at once.


Sun, if you want to hold, please join us on The Long Hold Support Group.  We will do all we can to help, Love Mary 💜💜💜💜


NJ, how are you and your son?  Thinking of you both 💜💜💜💜💜

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Thank you both! The support here is so appreciated.


I am trying to hold as long as I can but tolerance wd sxs are intensifying. I started walking a little and doing some PT  as was getting hard to move at all. I do them bf my dose wears off. Finding little bit of movement helps a bit w pain and stiffness.


I will join you all over in the long hold group,❤️




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Hi everyone,

I was just switched this past Saturday to a generic K from a manufacturer called Sontez (I think that's how it's spelled). I was taking Teva.

This has thrown me, my brain, my body through a loop! My emotions are all over the place. I have no energy and no desire. I have seen some threads on the "generic switch" But I thought I was immune to it. But now I know better.


Can someone please explain why this other manufacturer is affecting me so much? This is really boggling my mind.

Can one request a specific manufacturer and how?

My meds come in through a mail-in pharmacy. I can fill a script twice at a store but then my insurance makes me do mail-in.


Thank you for any advice, experience, and suggestions.


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Hi All.

I just wanted to give an update on Teva. I wrote to them again and they replied within 3 days.

Here goes:

We apologize for the delay of the Teva Clonazepam, but it is very rare when a product that has been discontinued for a year is brought back to the market. There are many steps that need to occur before the product is ready to be released. We do not have an exact timeframe but we are hoping for mid-late summer. It was recommended that you sign up on the get informed site- as the quickest way to be notified when this product launches. Until the product actually is reintroduced, we do not have any further information we can share.

Customer Service

Tel:1-800-545-8800(option3, then option 5)



I am optimistic that it will be back soon. I have some left and will continue to use it up. Actavis, Accord and Brand don't work. That is splitting half my dose with Teva and the other brand. It is difficult going through this, but I believe it will work out. In the meantime, the more people that write and call them will help a lot.


The generics can vary a lot and we all are different. I was surprised that I did not respond to the brand which costs a fortune. One way or another, I am going to get off and safely. I Pray that everyone else will too. I know we all will. Faith, Strength, Support, and Determination are key in this.


God Bless,



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Thank you Dana for the info.I called them again the other day and asked when they would start production again and was told they didn't have a date.Atleast you got mid-late summer from them.Again thanks Dana.
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Teva is the reason I am so damn determined to get off clonazepam!!!!  Now they are going to bring it back??  July 2018 Teva disappears and CVS just nonchalantly switches to Mylan. Stupid me thinks nothing of it. Two weeks into using Mylan and I am beginning to feel lousy. Being a big 🚴‍♀️ cyclist I thought perhaps I was overtraining or had adrenal issues or something seriously wrong with me. Then at about the third week or so before work one afternoon I thought hey this is anxiety and I am trying to ride it off on my bike. Then I remembered my girlfriend had some Teva Clonazepam in her purse. Voila I felt ok again. I was on .5 mg Teva down from 1 mg. and doing fine. The odyssey began. I called CVS and asked if anyone else had complained of efficacy and they said NO. Then they kept telling me it was on back order ~hah. Think they knew and were just follow SOP. Anyway I up dosed to 1mg. to stabilize and endured the ensuing switch from one generic to another. Took the longest time before they finally decided on Activas and now I have quite a bit of that since beginning tapering I have been stashing it just in case. My life has been hellish since last July. I am determined to stop. Was surprised when my GP two days ago suggested that I up dose from .375 to .5mg and live on it the rest of my life. I surmise he spoke with my old Psychiatrist who is retired and he suggested that. Needless to say I don’t trust anyone anymore!!!!! So my goal is to be free. Is it doable??  I don’t know  but with help from my buddies here I intend to give it my best effort!!!! Doc’s don’t get it and I absolutely cannot believe that I needed to be on this for 20 years b/c I believed I had a problem with myself from childhood trauma (long illnesses of a brother and sister which led to their deaths) which led to alcohol abuse which led to clonazepam& alcohol abuse. Now Teva pushes me into this mess and now what?  Are they sorry or what gives. Why the flip back??  Cruel joke b/c I was prepared to take it forever believing the doctor that I was damaged goods. That may or may not be true but it is up to me to decide. Screw the mental health professionals, the regular doctors,the pharmaceutical companies and the government for that matter. I want OUT and with the help of all the good Buddies here I can make my that happen. Sorry for long wind but thanks for listening !!!  Hopefully I can migrate back from the dark side of the moon where the sun shines.
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hyper 1,

I am sorry for you have been going through. A lot of us are in the same dilemma. I had a similar experience years ago that led me to Teva. I was on Purpac brand which worked great. Then, I was switched to Mylan, not realizing I was heading into bad withdrawal. I have already been through a C/T and knew the symptoms. I called another pharmacy and I then started on Teva. I have been on it for at least 10 years. It has worked great. I was given Actavis and it did not work. Maybe I needed to give it more time. I still have Teva left which has saved me. Are you doing better now with the Actavis? I know it takes the brain and body awhile to adjust. I do know that, yes, you will be able to get off. You may have to really slow it down and just wait and stabilize. I do hope that Teva comes back soon as so many people have gone through having to adjust to another generic.

I too, am a cyclist and have not been able to do much since this has happened. I will say that it will get better. Tapering is not for the faint of heart and it takes time and patience.


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It’s time for everyone to just settle down and do what one has to do.


No one really knows what teva is going to do.


These kinds of decisions are business decisions; not humanitarian type decisions. They are flat out business decisions. We live in a capitalist country where everything is basically about money.


Teva is an Israeli company, but trades on the New York stock exchange and the Israeli stock exchange. So as far as the United States, these business decisions are made in Israel. They are a global company, and they will make decisions for every country where they sell their products.


If they think they can make money here in the US, they will bring it back. If I had a dollar for every time I called and emailed teva myself, Id sure have a huge jar full of $1 dollar bills by now. This entire support group was made by a member who was dismayed by the way Teva Clonazepam was SUDDENLY unavailable. None anywhere at all except for the people who had some tablets stored away.


I didn’t even started out on teva; I started out on Actavis. And then teva bought the Actavis company from Allergan in the fastest purchase I’ve ever seen. Yes, it took some time here in the US because federal rules apply to these kind of acquisitions. In fact, those same rules apply to every merger/aquisition of any kind of company.


This problem has been going on for over a year now for people like us-the consumer, and most likely for @4 years behind the scenes in the corporate headquarters of Teva.


I recently called Teva myself ever since this talk all started. The woman I spoke with was in North Wales, Pennsylvania. She is a customer service representative. I asked her if teva was bringing back the Teva Clonazepam tablet and she said yes, they were. I asked why was that? And she said (as she hesitated) “ oh, it’s for the patients. We just got a notice that we are bringing  it back.” And I said so when will that be? And she said, “I’m not sure. Sometime around the end of the summer is what I’m told.”


I can in no way tell anyone what’s in the minds of those corporate  people in Israeli. If they think they can make money by bringing back the teva tabs, they will. If not, they won’t. It might do everyone one some good to read the comments on this support group from start to this page. It could make for some interesting reading as then you will all see how hard people worked to make calls and emails to teva. Oh, no  fun talk here. Just concerned and worried people exchanging the information they got by calling and emailing teva.


I probably made the most of all. And because of what has happened, I’ve been switched from one to another generic brand of clonazepam 6 times. So I’ve been through a literal hell of this BS. So at this point-GOOD LUCK to all of us!

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I did not have this issue last summer where I live and I was not tapering at the time. On hold, due to family responsibilities, death of a friend and health issues. 4 months ago I was unable to get the Teva brand. Found out is was discontinued. Found a site where I learned about what was going on. I then started emailing and calling them. I am trying to stay optimistic, but will lower my expectations. My CNS is very sensitive also, due to a C/T withdrawal many years back. I reinstated and started tapering again. I finally had to hold. It took me about 3 years to finally feel fairly normal, but I got to a great place. I then tapered some more and had to stop due to life's stressors which were out of my control.

It has been a journey at that, but despite these issues with generic changes, I am going to keep plugging away. I will slowly switch from Teva over to either Actavis or the brand of which I have both. If Teva K comes back, that will be great. If not, I will figure out which works the best.


Thanks for your post and your efforts into keeping everyone informed.


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You are welcome Dana. This is not your fault or anyone’s fault and no need to apologize or anything like it.


We just have to wait and see. These are not only business decisions as the wholesaler for any particular type of clonazepam will negotiate the lowest price for whatever type clonazepam they can stock.


I can’t get Actavis here, but you can. I haven’t checked in awhile, but I can get accord and solco hrre.


This is traumatic event for all of us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I talked to a higher up guy from Teva today and really picked his brain. Teva is waiting for their actavis klonopin supply to run out before they release the new product. It's ready to go but they have too much actavis left that they need to dispense.
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I talked to a higher up guy from Teva today and really picked his brain. Teva is waiting for their actavis klonopin supply to run out before they release the new product. It's ready to go but they have too much actavis left that they need to dispense.




Thank for this information. Did you happen to get the name of this “higher up guy?” It would be helpful to know his name so that others can also ask to speak with him.


When I was doing all that phoning and emailing with Teva, I got the name and email of a supervisor myself. I have no idea if she is still with Teva as it’s been so long. From my recollection, her supervisory capacity was that she was the supervisor  over the call center, and she was clarifying what one of the customer service representatives had said or emailed.


I just did a search on my email and couldn’t find the email there, so this must have been over the phone.


It seems that this time last year, I was being told continuously that Teva was using up their supply of the Teva tablets before fully distributing the Actavis tablets which is the opposite of what you just posted.


This is really a matter of “wait and see” in my opinion. I find that the website of teva is different every time I look at it. However, looking at the latest one I found (I think it’s the latest), they do mention that Teva has just purchased a new lot in Brandywine, Pennsylvania for the purpose of research and development of biological medications which are medications produced from living organisms such as human, animal, or microorganisms.


Today is July 15, 2019, so if the Teva clonazepan comes back, it should be back on the shelves by late summer as you put it which taking a guess, I would say perhaps August 15-August 31. Let’s keep an open mind here, but’s let’s also be realistic. At this point, I think I’d have to speak with Kare Schultz who is the CEO of Teva to really know what’s  going to happen. As far as Teva in the US, that would be Brendan O’ Grady, but as I look at their corporate structure again, I do not see him anywhere so  it might be Mike McClellan.


Once again, thank you for the information, and getting names of the people we speak with is always helpful.

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So this is part of the reason so many are getting sick, have gotten sick......I was on Activas which never really worked well for me to start - never tried regular TEVA but had only done well with Mylan previously, though I'm so sick now and suffering so many acute symptoms, I'm not sure it matters.


I just switched to TEVA ODTs but still having concerns about how to taper from them.  I can't do DLMT as it made me sick, sicker, though I truly know it's the best way to slowly get off....Clara, have you tried those?

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So this is part of the reason so many are getting sick, have gotten sick......I was on Activas which never really worked well for me to start - never tried regular TEVA but had only done well with Mylan previously, though I'm so sick now and suffering so many acute symptoms, I'm not sure it matters.


I just switched to TEVA ODTs but still having concerns about how to taper from them.  I can't do DLMT as it made me sick, sicker, though I truly know it's the best way to slowly get off....Clara, have you tried those?




I’m finding more and more that were  on the mylan clonazepam also like you. It has been mostly the Teva Clonazepam, but no matter as you say. Going to a different generic brand of any drug whether it be a benzo or not can cause problems in many people.


But since you’re now on the Teva ODTs let discuss those. First of all, I do hope you’ve taken some time to allow your CNS to adjust to these. These can be used as regular tablets as far as tapering. I generally think of the DLMT as something one must do daily without holds. I’m not often on the titration area of BB or the support group for daily liquid microtapering, but I think that many there do hold as necessary as those daily cuts can catch up quickly and make one feel all kinds of awful withdrawl sx.


So if you’re having that kind of trouble, start holding after a series of small cuts or even after one cut until you feel a level of tolerable and manageable sx that allows you get on with your life. This will not mean perfect, by any means, but some along the lines of being able to go to a store, clean up the house a bit, give those kids of yours a bath, talk with your hubby:just everyday things we all do.


And with clonazepam one can either use whole fat milk, soy milk, almond nut milk, and all those other high fat nut milks. You can also use lactaid. As long as what use has 150-160 calories with 70 of those calories being the fat contents then you’re ok to use any of these. And you also go the alcohol route using the vodka/water method. It’s very small amount of vodka that you use so don’t that that put you off if that’s the way you want to go. Let those smart folks in the titration section guide you how to make up that up or go to the support group and ask there. Just remember that holding is a very good thing to do when you start to feel lousy or if you already do.

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Thanks lady.  I'm barely functional right now - super symptomatic.  Can't drive and have about 40+ symptoms.  I've held this .5 mg dose too long after cutting too fast and now I can't stabilize very well.  Trying to cut up the .5 mg tablet was too hard with 3x per day dosing (wish I had stayed at 1x).  I'm getting  more and more sick and symptomatic holding.  Anyhow, I had to give up on the DLMT at the same .5 mg dose after 5 days because I was getting so much sicker - no cuts at that point.  Was just trying to adjust but my body did NOT like it and I do not know why.  I've been told that the ODTs are not stable in liquid.....why can't they make K in weaker strengths?  I had no trouble cutting bigger amounts before but now my CNS is royally screwed up.  I was heartbroken that I could not adjust to the DLMT with alcohol solution.  I can't drink milk/goat milk and almond milk even with my tablets at night - I don't understand it but it keeps me awake and my stomach gets upset.  My body chemistry is an absolute wreck. 

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I talked to a higher up guy from Teva today and really picked his brain. Teva is waiting for their actavis klonopin supply to run out before they release the new product. It's ready to go but they have too much actavis left that they need to dispense.




Thanks for the info and hopefully it will be back soon. Like Intend stated, we need to be realistic and keep an open mind. I have back up so I am alright for now, but I am getting the Brand Klonopin which did not work. If what he stated is true, than I Pray that the Actavis runs out quick! :)


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Do you do a water titration with your TEVA pills?  I'm wondering how if TEVA brand makes the difference, if you put it in the water or do DLMT, doesn't that render the fillers really useless?  I don't know.  I had a hard time with DLMT for whatever reason - heartbroken over it but I am very sensitive.

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Thanks lady.  I'm barely functional right now - super symptomatic.  Can't drive and have about 40+ symptoms.  I've held this .5 mg dose too long after cutting too fast and now I can't stabilize very well.  Trying to cut up the .5 mg tablet was too hard with 3x per day dosing (wish I had stayed at 1x).  I'm getting  more and more sick and symptomatic holding.  Anyhow, I had to give up on the DLMT at the same .5 mg dose after 5 days because I was getting so much sicker - no cuts at that point.  Was just trying to adjust but my body did NOT like it and I do not know why.  I've been told that the ODTs are not stable in liquid.....why can't they make K in weaker strengths?  I had no trouble cutting bigger amounts before but now my CNS is royally screwed up.  I was heartbroken that I could not adjust to the DLMT with alcohol solution.  I can't drink milk/goat milk and almond milk even with my tablets at night - I don't understand it but it keeps me awake and my stomach gets upset.  My body chemistry is an absolute wreck.




Someone, maybe me, has probably suggested doing 2 doses per day in equal strengths of .25 mg. I can’t remember how long you’ve been holding, but at some point, holding should stop and the taper should start again.


There is always hope for recovery Mom. Who ever told that these ODTs were not stable in liquid was wrong. Clonazepam is completely stable in milk and alcohol. If you are unable to use regular milk and the soy and nut milks, please give Lactaid a try. You mostly likely are lactose intolerant.


Lactose is the sugar is milk and the stomach upset you describe probably means you lack enough or all of the enzyme lactase to fully digest the lactose in the full fat milk. Lactaid will make a big difference with that as it comes in a whole milk version that has 160 calories in a cup with 70 calories of the 160 calories being the fat. At least try this so you know for sure.

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