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I am very fortunate to have a Dr. who is Benzo wise and she has worked with me for many years. She is my PCP and is ok with me on it and understands how hard it is to get off. I saw her after reinstatement from my C/T back in 2003. I was put on this after a horrible reaction to an estrogen patch 8 months after a unessacery total hysterectomy. I was in the hospital for a week. The guy who put me on it had no clue of what he was doing. I knew nothing about the drug. I was an RN in that teaching hospital, but worked in the critical care areas. Everything was given IV. Ativan and Versed. Klonopin was not used in the units as there is no IV form. I was discharged on it and felt weird, but I thought that was from another hormone they put me on. I had no computer at the time to research it. I get angry with myself, but I didn't know. The Dr. should have known about withdrawal. I am still furious about it when I suffer. I am also trying to be at Peace with it as it just intensifies my symptoms. I will continue to stay optimistic as I know one day I will be free. Yes, we teach our Dr's now and I hope more of them will listen. 
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I am very fortunate to have a Dr. who is Benzo wise and she has worked with me for many years. She is my PCP and is ok with me on it and understands how hard it is to get off. I saw her after reinstatement from my C/T back in 2003. I was put on this after a horrible reaction to an estrogen patch 8 months after a unessacery total hysterectomy. I was in the hospital for a week. The guy who put me on it had no clue of what he was doing. I knew nothing about the drug. I was an RN in that teaching hospital, but worked in the critical care areas. Everything was given IV. Ativan and Versed. Klonopin was not used in the units as there is no IV form. I was discharged on it and felt weird, but I thought that was from another hormone they put me on. I had no computer at the time to research it. I get angry with myself, but I didn't know. The Dr. should have known about withdrawal. I am still furious about it when I suffer. I am also trying to be at Peace with it as it just intensifies my symptoms. I will continue to stay optimistic as I know one day I will be free. Yes, we teach our Dr's now and I hope more of them will listen.


Yes you are very lucky to have a benzo wise Dr.  I consider myself lucky mine supports me and I teach her  :laugh:  she has backed me all the way and I appreciate that very much.  She has taught herself some about benzo's and I also appreciate that.  I am 🍀. Many don't have much support  at all, and that breaks my heart and pisses me off.  I am glad they are here with us. 💚🍀🍀🍀🍀

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For you guys that are tapering slowly, I'm assuming that you're still not experiencing symptom free taper, right?  Like, what's considered tolerable versus intolerable?  I'm definitely in tolerance w/d and having a lot of symptoms that vary from day to day.  I tried DLMT just two days and didn't like how it made me feel.  Having a hard time feeling "stabilized".  Is there such a thing or you just "tolerate" the symptoms?  I've been at .5 mg for several months and I tried dry cutting less than 1% every 2 days (1.79% total) and by the end of the 3rd day, had WAY worse symptoms than I expected and a LOT of trembling.  Before when I cut, I was able to make larger cuts (.25) without these horrific symptoms - definitely in tolerance.  I keep trying to change my dosing schedule.  Was always at 1x per day but then to try and stabilize, went to 2X and then 3X but it didn't matter, I was still getting I/D withdrawal.  So now, I'm trying to go back to 1X per day. 


For those of you that have been here before, what do you recommend?  I think that the generic brands of K (Activas too stimulating and too quickly processed and Accord doesn't work) have also messed me up.  Last night, to try to get back to the 1x per day, I stopped my 4 day taper and took the full .5 at night before bed (so technically an updose) to see if I can stabilize back to 1x per day.  The cortisol surges in the morning were pretty bad for me, in addition to the dizziness, so that's the reasoning.  Even "updosing", I'm still having horrific symptoms.  I may be messing myself up more by messing with the daily dosing.  My CNS seems so unstable - I don't even know that if I updosed back to 1 mg or 2 mg, that I would be any better. 



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Mary, I see also you switched to Valium and that it was rough.  Do you wish you would have tried to stay with K?  I'm concerned about crossing to V as an option b/c I'm an ultrarapid metabolizer of the 2YP2C19.  But I don't know that I can taper with K.
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Mary, I see also you switched to Valium and that it was rough.  Do you wish you would have tried to stay with K?  I'm concerned about crossing to V as an option b/c I'm an ultrarapid metabolizer of the 2YP2C19.  But I don't know that I can taper with K.


Mom, I'm sorry you are have such a rough time.  I was never on k, I was on Xanax, and to do it over, would have stayed on it instead of crossing to Valium.  Valium is very rough for many of us.  I was reading your signature and post, you didn't like the Actavis or Accord.  I really don't think , imo, you could feel wd from dlmt that quickly.  I lmt with holds, it's not daily.  If you want an explanation of that later, we will discuss it.  I may not be ready something correctly, but I can't tell which generic you are actually on?  You seem to be jumping around quite a bit.  Tapering and doses.  You are very close, being stable is being able to tolerate your symptoms.  It's unlikely you will be sxs free, but if you can tolerate the sxs you are having, you can begin living your life again.  Do you like K?  We need to get you on the type of k , you are thinking you can taper, what would that be for you?  And of course, if it's not the one you are on now, the crossover has to go very slow.  After that, you would need to hold, to truly give your brain  and central nervous system an opportunity to really accept the kind of K you have crossed too.  Then, at that point, I truthfully would try a dlmt again.  You are so unstable right now, because every time you change anything, you unstablize your brain and cns again.  Tell me what you are thinking?  Mary ♥️


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Mary, you are so right.  I feel so unstable right now.  I just keep doing different things, hoping for things to improve or not get worse.  I hit a wave, get a worse symptom and then I try something different.  My CNS keeps getting more and more confused.  Even though I have stayed at .5 mg the whole time (with exception to the 4 days I tried small cuts using a gram scale), I am jumping around on the # of times per day, trying to figure out what's most tolerable.  I'm currently on Activas and that's what I have been on for 5 months but it feels like my body just eats right through it now that I'm no longer on a PPI.  I think the PPI was slowing the absorption of it, or changing it.  Since discontinuing the PPI, something happened immediately with my brain and CNS.  I felt manic but didn't have as many symptoms as now.  I feel hypersensitive to EVERYTHING now.  I did read that people can tend to absorb the K more quickly when it's dissolved in liquid....I was hopeful.  I tried it without doing any cuts and that's how it felt to me.


Thanks for your post about the Valium.  I'm not very close - I still have .5 mg to go and that can take up to a year if I go slowly to try and manage the w/d effects?  I don't feel like I can live my life very well as it is.  I now get dizzy, was having horrible early morning cortisol spikes (sleep is getting worse), get paresthesia, muscle pain and tightness, lots of tremors, vibrations in my body, unsteadiness, jelly legs, intolerance of noise, irritable, restless, dry mouth, depressed, anxious, etc. 

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Mary, you are so right.  I feel so unstable right now.  I just keep doing different things, hoping for things to improve or not get worse.  I hit a wave, get a worse symptom and then I try something different.  My CNS keeps getting more and more confused.  Even though I have stayed at .5 mg the whole time (with exception to the 4 days I tried small cuts using a gram scale), I am jumping around on the # of times per day, trying to figure out what's most tolerable.  I'm currently on Activas and that's what I have been on for 5 months but it feels like my body just eats right through it now that I'm no longer on a PPI.  I think the PPI was slowing the absorption of it, or changing it.  Since discontinuing the PPI, something happened immediately with my brain and CNS.  I felt manic but didn't have as many symptoms as now.  I feel hypersensitive to EVERYTHING now.  I did read that people can tend to absorb the K more quickly when it's dissolved in liquid....I was hopeful.  I tried it without doing any cuts and that's how it felt to me.


Thanks for your post about the Valium.  I'm not very close - I still have .5 mg to go and that can take up to a year if I go slowly to try and manage the w/d effects?  I don't feel like I can live my life very well as it is.  I now get dizzy, was having horrible early morning cortisol spikes (sleep is getting worse), get paresthesia, muscle pain and tightness, lots of tremors, vibrations in my body, unsteadiness, jelly legs, intolerance of noise, irritable, restless, dry mouth, depressed, anxious, etc.


I would say hold, it will be hard and it will take time, it won't happen over night.  If you up dosed and it didn't help, another one probably wouldn't either.  I know you feel awful, I did, I made so many mistakes before finding bb and after.  One of the few things I did right, I kept a notebook from the beginning.  I was in such bad shape at one point, I was seriously considering crossing back to Xanax.

My husband took off work and went through all my notes, and it was pretty clear, most of my problems I caused, usually going too fast and not watching my percentages.  So, I stayed on the Valium, still sick, and changed to dlmt and worked my way from 40 mgs of Valium to 9.72.  I am pretty stable, not always great by any means, but if it wasn't for muscle pain, I would be feeling pretty damn good.  You can do this mom, I know.  Will be here if you have more questions.  I am actually on the Long Hold Support Group.  They took me in, helped and loved me, so that is my home.  You are welcome to come over and camp out :D. Love Mary ♥️

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Congrats Mary and that's great you feel pretty darned good except for the muscle pain.  When you were so sick, were you having the same symptoms I am?  Were you still functional? How long did you hold?  Do you have to work or take care of kids?  I think that's part of my issue - the pressure of it, to keep it all together and I feel so awful on the .5 in tolerance, I just want off.  I haven't even truly cut since January, as I said.  How long would one give their brain to "adjust" as it's been 2 months since off the PPI. I started off anxious/depressed and that didn't change when I cut from 1.5 to .5.  How long should one hold before just continuing down, knowing it's not going to get better?  I just listened to Baylissa's testimony....sounds like she was in tolerance when she started and had a pretty rough go the whole way down and after.  I just don't want to continue to hold in misery when it doesn't seem to be getting better.......I feel like I'm having acute symptoms, though I know if I CT, I wouldn't be able to handle it.  I'm not dumb.  I just want to be functional now and while I taper and it's getting to where I am not.  Sometimes, almost can't drive or walk b/c of the dizziness, tremors, unsteady limbs, etc.


With the DLMT, how many times do you dose per day?  Do you feel I/D withdrawal, cortisol spikes, etc?  How did moving to liquid help you? 


The updosing helped with the morning cortisol spike and the early morning dizziness but now this afternoon, it's kind of coming back.  I feel like my paresthesia is getting worse - I can't even wear a long sleeved fleece right now as it feels like bugs are biting my arms.  Previously, my nausea was bad.  It's almost like the symptoms have moved from my stomach into my skin/other nerves.

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Congrats Mary and that's great you feel pretty darned good except for the muscle pain.  When you were so sick, were you having the same symptoms I am?  Were you still functional? How long did you hold?  Do you have to work or take care of kids?  I think that's part of my issue - the pressure of it, to keep it all together and I feel so awful on the .5 in tolerance, I just want off.  I haven't even truly cut since January, as I said.  How long would one give their brain to "adjust" as it's been 2 months since off the PPI. I started off anxious/depressed and that didn't change when I cut from 1.5 to .5.  How long should one hold before just continuing down, knowing it's not going to get better?  I just listened to Baylissa's testimony....sounds like she was in tolerance when she started and had a pretty rough go the whole way down and after.  I just don't want to continue to hold in misery when it doesn't seem to be getting better.......I feel like I'm having acute symptoms, though I know if I CT, I wouldn't be able to handle it.  I'm not dumb.  I just want to be functional now and while I taper and it's getting to where I am not.  Sometimes, almost can't drive or walk b/c of the dizziness, tremors, unsteady limbs, etc.


With the DLMT, how many times do you dose per day?  Do you feel I/D withdrawal, cortisol spikes, etc?  How did moving to liquid help you? 


The updosing helped with the morning cortisol spike and the early morning dizziness but now this afternoon, it's kind of coming back.  I feel like my paresthesia is getting worse - I can't even wear a long sleeved fleece right now as it feels like bugs are biting my arms.  Previously, my nausea was bad.  It's almost like the symptoms have moved from my stomach into my skin/other nerves.


No, I don't have your children and no I wasn't functional, I could hardly hold my head up I was so sedated and sick, dizzy.  You sound aggravated.  I'm sorry but it's okay.  I'm sure I would be too.

If you truly believe its tolerance and you will never stabilize, then a dlmt will get you started down, and you have control, if your sxs start ramping up, you can slow down quickly.  But the most important thing, is to stop changing things.  I dosed 3x a day for a long time, just a cute of months ago, I went to 2 x, no real problems, maybe a little more anxious but that passed.  Valium is almost useless for anxiety anyway.  I hope you find your way, it's all so complicated and different experiences for everyone.  Love, Mary ♥️

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Mary, no no,not aggravated with you at all.  Just desperate, completely.  I really meant that it's awesome that you are feeling pretty good mostly.  Not that muscle pain is easy but compared to how sick you said you had been, sounds like you are pleased.  I was just wondering your situation - as I'm reading now, I can see how that came across but my questions truly were genuine and wanting to know.  This is hell for me but I know it's no cakewalk for my family and i'm not the momma I want to be.  Just so confused and unsure........I was just hoping to be less symptomatic than I am.  It's caught me off guard.......I can use all the tips and encouragement I can get.



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Also, can I ask, once you started the DLMT and held, how long before you stabilized and felt better?  Are you able to sleep?  That's one of my biggies........I know we are all very different.
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Also, can I ask, once you started the DLMT and held, how long before you stabilized and felt better?  Are you able to sleep?  That's one of my biggies........I know we are all very different.


Yes, I can sleep, not great every night but at least decent.  I'm sorry I didn't know your whole story, working and 7 kids, you are tougher than you believe.  I have my friend on Long Hold Support Group going to respond to you.  She isn't on righ this minute but usually comes on every night.  She was sick, on Xanax, and afraid she was going to loose her job.  I think she can relate to you on that level.

She does not dlmt, she cuts and hold.  I will be watching both threads to see if her story helps you some.  We will keep thinking.  I started feeling better , gosh, its been awhile now, but It was awhile, but gradually I was feeling better, still had to sleep a lot because of the Valium, but it was February, this year I really could tell a difference.  Mary.  Her name is Trishy and I have pm'd her.  :)

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Yes, this is the first time I’ve switched K brands. I did taper, and updose slightly, bf the change in brands. I had stabilized just bf change in brands. But changeover has caused real increase in my muscle pain.


How are you?




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Yes, this is the first time I’ve switched K brands. I did taper, and updose slightly, bf the change in brands. I had stabilized just bf change in brands. But changeover has caused real increase in my muscle pain.


How are you?





I am so sorry you guys are getting through this.    I hope your pain eases as your other sxs.  I always have some muscle pain.  It hasn't been bad this week, very noticeable but not as bad as it was.  Hope it will last, you just never know.  Love, Mary ♥️


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That’s great you have improved some, Mary. Muscle pain is so tough.


Mom, I am sorry you are also dealing with change in brands, I feel the same way with brand name k.I have children, and am trying to hold down a job. I do work from home due to chronic health issues I have, as well as my younger son. But am struggling to work at all. I know how overwhelming it can be with BWD (which in and of itself is a beast).  We will all get to the other side!


Thankful for all the support in this forum.❤️




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Muscle pain can be one the worst symptoms and it sure has been for me. Headache, neck, shoulder and upper back. The anxiety is bad, but if I could exercise, like cycle, it would be so much easier to cope. The brand change really throws a wrench into this. I Pray that they bring Teva back. I have a stash, so I have gone back to it and slowly feeling better. I was doing my dry dose with Teva and liquid DLMT with the brand. It didn't take long to start feeling withdrawal. So very frustrating, but this battle can and will be won. I am giving myself time to stabilize before attempting to taper again.

I am so excited for everyone who is getting towards the end and Praying for those of us who have a long way to go. Actually I am Praying for everyone here.

Mom of 7, I am especially keeping you in my Prayers. I can't imagine doing this with children. My son was 21 when I went C/T and in college. Now he is almost 37 and is getting married soon. My husband is very supportive, but will never understand. How can they? You have to go through this to believe it.

Also Praying for you Sunflower. Again, taking care of children and going through this has to be so tough.

Mary, you are very encourgaing and supportive. You are doing great in your taper and that is a Blessing! We will all get through this and come out on the other side. I get excited thinking about being Free!


God Bless you all,



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Thank you!

Glad you still have some Teva, and praying it returns soon as there are so many on here on that Brand. I wish Mylan would do the same.


Have a good night all, healing will come🙏🏻




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Muscle pain can be one the worst symptoms and it sure has been for me. Headache, neck, shoulder and upper back. The anxiety is bad, but if I could exercise, like cycle, it would be so much easier to cope. The brand change really throws a wrench into this. I Pray that they bring Teva back. I have a stash, so I have gone back to it and slowly feeling better. I was doing my dry dose with Teva and liquid DLMT with the brand. It didn't take long to start feeling withdrawal. So very frustrating, but this battle can and will be won. I am giving myself time to stabilize before attempting to taper again.

I am so excited for everyone who is getting towards the end and Praying for those of us who have a long way to go. Actually I am Praying for everyone here.

Mom of 7, I am especially keeping you in my Prayers. I can't imagine doing this with children. My son was 21 when I went C/T and in college. Now he is almost 37 and is getting married soon. My husband is very supportive, but will never understand. How can they? You have to go through this to believe it.

Also Praying for you Sunflower. Again, taking care of children and going through this has to be so tough.

Mary, you are very encourgaing and supportive. You are doing great in your taper and that is a Blessing! We will all get through this and come out on the other side. I get excited thinking about being Free!


God Bless you all,




Great post Dana!  You have a wonderful attitude and I know that's hard, whether it's emotional pain or physical.  The back, neck, side , muscle pain has been the worst for me.  It has eased some, which really been such a huge relief.  Yours will too.  It doesn't take much and whew, what a difference it makes.  Have the best day possible Dana!  Love, Mary ♥️♥️

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Thanks Dana, thanks Mary, for your kindness and prayers.  Yes, I am not doing good, Sun.  I am going to have to quit my job, I'm afraid.  I can't concentrate any longer - my brain feels like mush.  And my husband is working on getting a job and our income's going to be cut to less than 1/2 without good insurance.....I have the best there is right now. 


Sun, so it looks like you cut 1% and then went back up and still haven't stabilized yet?  Do you have I/D WD pretty bad?  Was already having I/D WD and then I split my dose - helped for a while but then I think things got worse.  I also tried cutting just a small %, got horrible muscle pain, trembling, and then went back up and still haven't stabilized.  Muscle pain is gone but everything else is not.  Tried to go to go back to 1X and my body isn't liking it......I'm gradually trying to just do the 1/4 of dose a little bit earlier....moving it up, little by little to give my CNS time to adjust.  I didn't realize how changing the dosing around messed with things so much.  Even though K is supposed to be a bit longer acting, it clearly makes a big difference.


Sun, how do you micro-taper?  I'm sorry about the Mylan - it truly was the only one that worked well for me but I don't even know at this point, if going back would help.  It's been a year since I have been on it. 

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Make sure to keep it that way, Dana.  I made the mistake thinking I could "stabilize" by splitting up my dose several weeks ago and it's only made things worse.  Threw me into acute physical symptoms.  I have tried to go back to 1x per day but it's not working now. 
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Make sure to keep it that way, Dana.  I made the mistake thinking I could "stabilize" by splitting up my dose several weeks ago and it's only made things worse.  Threw me into acute physical symptoms.  I have tried to go back to 1x per day but it's not working now.

Given that you are very new to this community, you might be interested to learn that some Buddies have found it quite helpful to split doses. Also, the Benzo Information Coalition (a respected group) states that some folks withdrawing from clonazepam have found it helpful to dose 3 or even 4 times a day (see below for the quote).  Just b/c splitting doses didn’t work for you when you tried it for brief amount of time (and at the same time you had made other potentially significant changes) does not mean that it will not work for another Buddie.  One of the lessons those of us who have been here for a while all learn (some of us sooner rather than later) is that we are all different ... what works for one Buddie may not work for another ... each of us has to find their own path.


Here’s what the Benzo Info Coalition has to say about dosing multiple times per day:


“Those who choose or are required to taper using a shorter-acting benzodiazepine may find it particularly helpful to take their dose several times per day, depending on the half life of the medication. For example, patients taking Klonopin may benefit from dosing 3-4x per day, whereas those taking Ativan may need to dose 4-5x per day.  Some patients on Xanax may require 5-6 doses per day just to maintain steady serum levels. Patients who dose at regular intervals are more likely to successfully complete a benzodiazepine taper because they do not experience severe ‘drops’ throughout the day between doses that make discontinuation intolerable. These symptoms are commonly referred to as ’interdose withdrawal.’”



Benzodiazepine Tapering Strategies and Solutions - Benzodiazepine Information Coalition


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Ok, Libertas, I will just add that caveat that "this is just my opinion" based on people that I do know in real life and some others I've seen here.
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