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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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I didn't read back all of this but obviously my response to Intend's question about my son has caused some of you to be offended.


Several people have been referred to me through this thread for my experience of switching from teva to brand name K and I have always kindly responded to them. I think I have always provided sound support and guidance to others even while I have struggled.


Won't look at this thread again so no worries for those of you who have a problem with a member simply responding to a question.


Good luck to all. Intend and Stut, thanks for your kind words as always.

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I didn't read back all of this but obviously my response to Intend's question about my son has caused some of you to be offended.


Several people have been referred to me through this thread for my experience of switching from teva to brand name K and I have always kindly responded to them. I think I have always provided sound support and guidance to others even while I have struggled.


Won't look at this thread again so no worries for those of you who have a problem with a member simply responding to a question.


Good luck to all. Intend and Stut, thanks for your kind words as always.


Please don't let the actions of a couple of people that obviously don't care for others and think they have a right to change bb to suit their needs, run you off NJ.  We love you and are very concerned for both you and your son, please.  I also asked yesterday about your son.  You are a part of this group and Long Hold Support and we are always thrilled to hear from you.  You belong here when you have the time to post.  Do not stop posting and let bullies win.  We love you, Mary ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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I have been online for sometime now reading posting history of these two, ClaraBrahms and nomoredrugsforme.


These are the two last posters on the group, and are the ones who made these disturbing comments-disturbing to me and others.


Going through ClaraBrahms posting history reveals that she has made 13 posts on this Teva Group and these 13 posts are on page 1 and page 2 of her postings history. She does not refer directly to you, NJ, and I made no reference to you either. Nor have I ever referred her to you as one who has switched to brand K successfully, and I certainly did check that also quite thoroughly.


I can only guess that she posted the way she did out of impatience and possibly frustration for trying to get off these psychoactive substances for numerous years, and then bumping up against what we’ve all bumped up against: the constant and continual changing of generic clonazepam.


I also went through nomoredrugsforme’s posting history. She has many more posts over a shorter period of time. There was the one yesterday which I responded to and found it to be long and rambling with references to what I considered “odd things” (which I addressed in my response).


Further back, I found others on this group that were friendly and conversational. One was about how to find her refills for her Accord clonazepam. Another one was about big Pharma and how it works with stock markets.


I then saw where she had posted on the KKK#2 and that was about wanting to find out about what another BB referred to as “online analytical pharmacies.” And another one on the KKK#2 about having tried brand K herself before along with numerous other generics of clonazepam. Others on that day were also posting and one of them referred to the “Bob7 method of tapering.” I had my comments also, but once again, these were friendly conversations about tapering and methods of tapering. Once again I checked thoroughly, and I made no reference to you NJ or any reference at all to you having switched to brand K successfully.


For the ones that I have referred to you (and these two are not in that category) I apologize as you have much to deal with right now that is serious and important. I do appreciate your help with the ones I did refer to you.


You are a great friend to anyone on BB and a sincere friend. As both Mary and free said, we are thrilled to hear from you (ALWAYS !!!) and awaits news of you, your family and that wonderful son of yours with great anticipation.


As far as I’m concerned, I want to know how that newer, localized steroid works out with your son as soon as possible. Please do not stop posting because two other BB (only two!!!) make “odd and offhand” comments out of whatever their exasperation/irritation is about.


If there’s anymore of these type of comments on a serious support group like this one or the KKK#2, I will be using that “report this post” option immediately. Im not the “head” of any support group, but if I see something that is in any offensive and unnecessarily unkind, I will report that post super fast.



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I’m sorry I’ve been away & have missed all of you strong warriors & Havnt been here to share in your struggles. I apologize, I Am going to keep this short as I’m having struggles of my own, particularly with fatigue & cognition, so excuse the lack of mental clarity.


NJ, I’m so sorry to hear of your sons health problems & how difficult it’s been for you. I hope you find a resolution ASAP. You’ve always been kind & compassionate towards those in need, on this site, including myself, even as you are suffering yourself. You certainly are a beloved role model on this site. Please don’t let disgruntled behavior of a couple push you away. Thank you, well wishes❤️


Mary, tntd, Free Me, Intend, I hope you’re all doing well & thank you, from the bottom of my heart for lending the strength, security, information, caring, guidance, patience & love for your fellow sufferers that you offer so graciously. I back up & thank you all for what you’ve had to say about what’s recently transpired on this thread.


Just checking in & stumbled across this. There’s really no room for sarcastic, meaningless ramblings on here, just because someone is feeling frustrated that the thread didn’t go their way at that moment. I think Intend & Mary said it all well. TY

Best healing wishes to all❤️





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I’m sorry I’ve been away & have missed all of you strong warriors & Havnt been here to share in your struggles. I apologize, I Am going to keep this short as I’m having struggles of my own, particularly with fatigue & cognition, so excuse the lack of mental clarity.


NJ, I’m so sorry to hear of your sons health problems & how difficult it’s been for you. I hope you find a resolution ASAP. You’ve always been kind & compassionate towards those in need, on this site, including myself, even as you are suffering yourself. You certainly are a beloved role model on this site. Please don’t let disgruntled behavior of a couple push you away. Thank you, well wishes❤️


Mary, tntd, Free Me, Intend, I hope you’re all doing well & thank you, from the bottom of my heart for lending the strength, security, information, caring, guidance, patience & love for your fellow sufferers that you offer so graciously. I back up & thank you all for what you’ve had to say about what’s recently transpired on this thread.


Just checking in & stumbled across this. There’s really no room for sarcastic, meaningless ramblings on here, just because someone is feeling frustrated that the thread didn’t go their way at that moment. I think Intend & Mary said it all well. TY

Best healing wishes to all❤️


Thinking of you Scardie, know you have a tremendous amount on your plate, hope you get some relief and rest soon.  Love and hope to you, Mary........love ET  :). 💘🌹🌺♥️

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Thank you posting Scaredie.


I hope you’re doing better, and your post said what all of as thinking and feeling.


I’m so glad you happened across this situation.


This support group has helped many sincere people. I’m very glad you started it.

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NJ l was so hoping you wouldn't see this.Please reconsider coming back l think everyone here cares so much for you.You have helped all of us at one time or another.l know you are a strong lady however everyone has a breaking point and sometimes it easier to air your fears here.l know you don't need any more hassle and l won't give you any just know we are here if you want to talk.l will always be here for you.

  Love to you my lovely friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Intend, I was one who you referred to NJ regarding brand K. I have been having a tough time, so have not been on the site in a few.


NJ, you were so gracious and responded immediately to my questions re brand. I appreciated your feedback, as it’s a tough adjustment. And there aren’t many of us using Brand K. Moreover, we connected over both having chronically ill children, and you offered kind words in our messages. I hope things improve for your son, and you find answers and successful treatments.


Intend, thanks to you and the many members here who take the time out of your/their own difficult tapers to provide support and encouragement. For many of us, it’s the only support we have. 🙏🏻❤️

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Intend, I was one who you referred to NJ regarding brand K. I have been having a tough time, so have not been on the site in a few.


NJ, you were so gracious and responded immediately to my questions re brand. I appreciated your feedback, as it’s a tough adjustment. And there aren’t many of us using Brand K. Moreover, we connected over both having chronically ill children, and you offered kind words in our messages. I hope things improve for your son, and you find answers and successful treatments.


Intend, thanks to you and the many members here who take the time out of your/their own difficult tapers to provide support and encouragement. For many of us, it’s the only support we have. 🙏🏻❤️




Thanks for that great post.  I do my best to help anyone I can. And NJ will do that also. As one of the first who posted on this group, she participated in trying to help all of us trying to figure out where next to go with this loss of Teva Clonazepam.


We started to worry about NJ ever posting again after this “debacle” by two people who seem to have their own agenda whatever it may be. Fortunately, we got a good long post from NJ either this past Saturday or Sunday on The Long Hold Support group. It was in depth and had a lot of information.


I do hope things get better for you with your taper. It’s often difficult to figure out how to help anyone with their taper. I prefer to post with them directly as much as possible rather than by going by only their signature. Really hope the brand K works out for you. You kind of confirm my own thoughts that brand K doesn’t work for everyone, and possibly only works for a few.


It is as I now say a lot, just another version of clonazepam that one must often acclimate to.

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I just found this thread and glad that I did. Starting back on DLMT after having to take a hiatus due to moving my Mom up where I live into a retirement home, selling her house and dealing with my brother who is in an ALF. I feel like it is time to continue on and get off of this Klonopin. I have been on the Teva brand for at least 10 years and this past spring they stopped carrying it. I was pretty upset and found a forum that were trying to get it back. I got the number and called. I was told hopefully by late summer. I also sent them an email stating the serious consequences of changing the generic drugs etc, benzo's etc. I got a response and they are going to making it again late summer. I am so happy. I still have Teva klonopin, but decided to try Actavis. I took half Teva and half Actavis. Went into withdrawal. The next month I got the Accord brand. I didn't even open the bag. My Dr wrote for the brand. I seemed to be having withdrawal on the Brand. Again, this was before I started up my taper. I quit the brand and kept taking the Teva. I started feeling better. I had Builder calculate my DLMT and thought I would try to use the brand in liquid form and the Teva in dry form. Well, I feel like I am having withdrawal and I am only tapering by .002mg per night. I have not read all of the posts here, but have the feeling from what I have read that the brand doesn't agree with a lot of people. I just don't understand it. I can only guess that being on Teva so long had something to do with it. I really thought I was the only one who this has happened to. I hope and Pray that Teva will come back and that everyone here can once again stabilize. God Bless you all.
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Hi Buddies,

I know i am not around alot but I promised I would come back when i had some of my teva brand changed to the actavis brand..


well i am on 2.75mgs of k so the way i did it was i took my .75mg dose and measure out my dose for 2 weeks at a time replacing 1/4 of it so here i am and i have totally changed my noon dose the .75mg of teva to actavis and to be honest i havent noticed a difference..


But then my benzo brain got to thinking and saying well with still having the morning 1 mg and the night 1 mg of teva brand would i notice a difference with the half life being so long ..i think that i would due to it being different and less of it.


And now that my stash will start to expire i have decided not to mess with the other 2 doses of teva for a few months only because i hate for those to expire and me not have the stash to fall back on if i need to at any point like the change the laws for benzos like they did with the opiods.


Does anyone have any input with changing that amount feel like if i was going to feel any different that i would have noticed it?

Because I know that ,75mgs is not a small dose so i would think i would have noticed something or else i am just staying so distracted i am not even noticing it.


thanks in advance for any input will check back later.. I am having a totally different problem so if any of you post on the micro tapering or long hold thread please read an give me any input i am at my wits end on what to do about that problem.


Hugs to all and i hope that Dana's post is the truth and they bring Teva back



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I just found this thread and glad that I did. Starting back on DLMT after having to take a hiatus due to moving my Mom up where I live into a retirement home, selling her house and dealing with my brother who is in an ALF. I feel like it is time to continue on and get off of this Klonopin. I have been on the Teva brand for at least 10 years and this past spring they stopped carrying it. I was pretty upset and found a forum that were trying to get it back. I got the number and called. I was told hopefully by late summer. I also sent them an email stating the serious consequences of changing the generic drugs etc, benzo's etc. I got a response and they are going to making it again late summer. I am so happy. I still have Teva klonopin, but decided to try Actavis. I took half Teva and half Actavis. Went into withdrawal. The next month I got the Accord brand. I didn't even open the bag. My Dr wrote for the brand. I seemed to be having withdrawal on the Brand. Again, this was before I started up my taper. I quit the brand and kept taking the Teva. I started feeling better. I had Builder calculate my DLMT and thought I would try to use the brand in liquid form and the Teva in dry form. Well, I feel like I am having withdrawal and I am only tapering by .002mg per night. I have not read all of the posts here, but have the feeling from what I have read that the brand doesn't agree with a lot of people. I just don't understand it. I can only guess that being on Teva so long had something to do with it. I really thought I was the only one who this has happened to. I hope and Pray that Teva will come back and that everyone here can once again stabilize. God Bless you all.



Plenty of people here on BB are having trouble adjusting to other generics of clonazepam; you are not the only one by far. And they are also having trouble adjusting to brand Klonopin.


If this is the first adjustment attempt you’ve ever made, I can only say that for most people, it’s can be a very slow process whether it be to actavis or to the brand. There is nothing “magic” about brand K. It is just another clonazepam type that anyone would need time to adjust to. I can only think of about 2-3 people whose CNS accepted the brand K right away and plenty who had a lot of trouble with brand k and finally accepted it or they gave up.


If it were me, I would try to adjust very slowly to the Actavis unless you feel you can adjust to the brand and are ok with paying the high cost. And whenever I see DLMT, I think is that person doing a hold here and there because if they’re not, those daily cuts can quickly catch up to you and cause sx  that feel like withdrawl. I don’t even know why they call it DLMT anymore. People still call it that but in reality, they taper for maybe 5 days and then hold until they feel ok. And perhaps you should try tapering by .001 mg instead of the .002 mg- just a suggestion.


On the other hand, if tapering on a daily basis without holding at all works for you, then it works for you. Clonazepam is not soluble in water and never has been. You can make a suspension in Ora plus, or make a true solution of clonazepam in whole full fat milk or in vodka and water.


As far as Teva bringing  back their own generic of clonazepam, I have heard this myself from another BB very recently. I called them myself, and asked what was happening. I was told that it was true and would be shipped by late summer as you mention. Frankly, I do not know what to think. It is important to remember that these are customer service representatives. The one I spoke with said she “we just received the notice that Teva is bringing back the Teva clonazepam.” And I asked her where she was located, and she said North Wales, Pennsylvania.


Last year at this time, Teva was promoting Actavis as their new generic clonazepam. They bought the Actavis company in @2015 and paid $40 billion for it. That debt was not a wise move and not just in my opinion. That’s the opinion of many stock market companies. They brought in a new CEO named Kare Schultz who’s known for turning ailing companies around. And he has worked very hard to turn Teva around. He predicted that 2019 would be a “down market” for Teva, but would return to better “health” in 2020. That has now been been moved out to 2021. Our political environment is also having a tremendous impact on our stock market also.


Teva has just settled with one  state who has  sued many drug producing companies over promoting opiates as being non addicting. But several other states are also suing together for the same reason.


It’s wait and see as far as what I think. I’ve seen Actavis come and go from here where I am several times. I originally started out on Actavis myself, and when I couldn’t get it anymore, I was changed to Sandoz which gave me withdrawl also. I did eventually adjust to it, and then Actavis came back so I took that again. And then it was not available again. I have literally been so upset so many times with this merry go round, that I could scream. There are many here on BB who have done well on Actavis, and many that haven’t. I can see that many are able to get it so then I conclude that this a regional problem. But that I mean that a pharmacy’s wholesaler can get Actavis as the cheapest generic so they stock it. But other pharmacies across the US cannot get as the cheapest generic so they stock either solco or accord.


Overall, Actavis is known to be high quality, so if you can get it, I’d try to adjust to that. It is really up to you whether it be brand or Actavis. It truly is wait and see as Teva has shut down many manufacturing places and laid off thousands of employees to pay off the remaining debt. Kare Schultz has been successful in paying down the debt to a certain point, but another lawsuit remains from those other states. Do what you think is best for you. Accord has been around for quite awhile so it is another option. It probably will give you withdrawl sx, but you will eventually adjust as your CNS picks up the lower ingredient of clonazepam in it, and those receptors in your CNS close down to handle the lower amount of clonazepam in it.


But please do not switch around as that is very hard on your CNS. I have been switched around 6 times, so I know about that for sure. One good sign is that the person who answered in Pennsylvania was actually in Pennsylvania and not in New Jersey. Their main headquarters was moved last year to New Jersey from Pennsylvania. But they did leave a small crew in Pennsylvania. Believe me, when she told that they were bringing it back “to help patients,” I am skeptical of that. Drug companies are just like any other company- they are there to make money and nothing else.

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Hi Buddies,

I know i am not around alot but I promised I would come back when i had some of my teva brand changed to the actavis brand..


well i am on 2.75mgs of k so the way i did it was i took my .75mg dose and measure out my dose for 2 weeks at a time replacing 1/4 of it so here i am and i have totally changed my noon dose the .75mg of teva to actavis and to be honest i havent noticed a difference..


But then my benzo brain got to thinking and saying well with still having the morning 1 mg and the night 1 mg of teva brand would i notice a difference with the half life being so long ..i think that i would due to it being different and less of it.


And now that my stash will start to expire i have decided not to mess with the other 2 doses of teva for a few months only because i hate for those to expire and me not have the stash to fall back on if i need to at any point like the change the laws for benzos like they did with the opiods.


Does anyone have any input with changing that amount feel like if i was going to feel any different that i would have noticed it?

Because I know that ,75mgs is not a small dose so i would think i would have noticed something or else i am just staying so distracted i am not even noticing it.


thanks in advance for any input will check back later.. I am having a totally different problem so if any of you post on the micro tapering or long hold thread please read an give me any input i am at my wits end on what to do about that problem.


Hugs to all and i hope that Dana's post is the truth and they bring Teva back




Deep, I hope you’ve just read my post to Dana about Teva bringing back their original clonazepam. If not please read it, and then “don’t hold your breath.”


To me, it sounds like you are doing well adjusting to Actavis. I do not think it is in anyway “benzo brain” unless you have moments of that often. I have them also, but I know exactly what is happening with my many adjustments. I catch it immediately and I get benzo brain every other day as my new pattern after these 6 switches which I think you know about.


I’d just say to keep on doing what you are doing, and if Teva comes back, you may have to slowly readjust again, but you’ll have Teva back at least.

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Hi Buddies,

I know i am not around alot but I promised I would come back when i had some of my teva brand changed to the actavis brand..


well i am on 2.75mgs of k so the way i did it was i took my .75mg dose and measure out my dose for 2 weeks at a time replacing 1/4 of it so here i am and i have totally changed my noon dose the .75mg of teva to actavis and to be honest i havent noticed a difference..


But then my benzo brain got to thinking and saying well with still having the morning 1 mg and the night 1 mg of teva brand would i notice a difference with the half life being so long ..i think that i would due to it being different and less of it.


And now that my stash will start to expire i have decided not to mess with the other 2 doses of teva for a few months only because i hate for those to expire and me not have the stash to fall back on if i need to at any point like the change the laws for benzos like they did with the opiods.


Does anyone have any input with changing that amount feel like if i was going to feel any different that i would have noticed it?

Because I know that ,75mgs is not a small dose so i would think i would have noticed something or else i am just staying so distracted i am not even noticing it.


thanks in advance for any input will check back later.. I am having a totally different problem so if any of you post on the micro tapering or long hold thread please read an give me any input i am at my wits end on what to do about that problem.


Hugs to all and i hope that Dana's post is the truth and they bring Teva back




Deep, I hope you’ve just read my post to Dana about Teva bringing back their original clonazepam. If not please read it, and then “don’t hold your breath.”


To me, it sounds like you are doing well adjusting to Actavis. I do not think it is in anyway “benzo brain” unless you have moments of that often. I have them also, but I know exactly what is happening with my many adjustments. I catch it immediately and I get benzo brain every other day as my new pattern after these 6 switches which I think you know about.


I’d just say to keep on doing what you are doing, and if Teva comes back, you may have to slowly readjust again, but you’ll have Teva back at least.



Its so good to see you my dear friend. And i just read the post and was like well cant believe anything we are told and only half of what we see. It would be awesome if that happened for so many but even if it did come back the question then would it be the same we would have to see if they changed any of the ingredients. And like you said hold my breath. I dont know that i would hold back i would just go back to the reg. dose of it and run with it. Wait a couple weeks then start a slllllooooowwww slow micro taper . Not sure how i could go any slower than i was before but the doctor still thinks it wasnt just the med getting off that made me so sick it was a combination of not slowing down and losing mom and my son all wrapped into one.


And you would go back to Teva then too wouldnt you? And i posted on a couple other boards for some input before i lose my mind..it seems if its not one thing its another.


How is your husband doing? and how are you? I am not around enough to keep up any more but i am planning on being around more so i dont lose what all is going on with everyone and come back and try to catch up.


Big Hugs to you



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Deep, I hope you’ve just read my post to Dana about Teva bringing back their original clonazepam. If not please read it, and then “don’t hold your breath.”

I agree with both your analysis and conclusion.

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Oh deep, it so good to see you also. I remember the good old days. They are unforgettable to me.


I agree with your doctor that this external stress has much to do with any taper; mine, yours, and anyone’s.


So sad about your mom and that son of yours.


I wasn’t originally on the regular Teva Clonazepam tablet; I was on the Actavis tablets before all this baloney happened.


But now I’m on the Teva ODTs, and when I saw my doc last Wednesday, I told him about Teva tabs coming back, and he just was skeptical himself, but said to just stay with the Teva ODTS as I do have a serious swallowing disorder due to my Idiopathic Subglottic stenosis. And he said that no matter what the ingredients are between the teva tab and the teva ODTs, it’s impirtant to stay consistent even though they may be the same except for some flavorings and different binders with the teva ODTs.


My hubby is doing ok;sometimes better than me with these too many changes. And I’m now slowly tapering again, and it is not easy at all as I seem to have the sx from so many changes of the clonazepam coming along with me. Sx from the Sandoz, and the Activas both being changed too much has combined to make for a slow and difficult taper.


I just keep “plugging along” and holding as needed.


I do hope you get more time to be here more often as your input has always been great, and I miss you.

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I just found this thread and glad that I did. Starting back on DLMT after having to take a hiatus due to moving my Mom up where I live into a retirement home, selling her house and dealing with my brother who is in an ALF. I feel like it is time to continue on and get off of this Klonopin. I have been on the Teva brand for at least 10 years and this past spring they stopped carrying it. I was pretty upset and found a forum that were trying to get it back. I got the number and called. I was told hopefully by late summer. I also sent them an email stating the serious consequences of changing the generic drugs etc, benzo's etc. I got a response and they are going to making it again late summer. I am so happy. I still have Teva klonopin, but decided to try Actavis. I took half Teva and half Actavis. Went into withdrawal. The next month I got the Accord brand. I didn't even open the bag. My Dr wrote for the brand. I seemed to be having withdrawal on the Brand. Again, this was before I started up my taper. I quit the brand and kept taking the Teva. I started feeling better. I had Builder calculate my DLMT and thought I would try to use the brand in liquid form and the Teva in dry form. Well, I feel like I am having withdrawal and I am only tapering by .002mg per night. I have not read all of the posts here, but have the feeling from what I have read that the brand doesn't agree with a lot of people. I just don't understand it. I can only guess that being on Teva so long had something to do with it. I really thought I was the only one who this has happened to. I hope and Pray that Teva will come back and that everyone here can once again stabilize. God Bless you all.



Plenty of people here on BB are having trouble adjusting to other generics of clonazepam; you are not the only one by far. And they are also having trouble adjusting to brand Klonopin.


If this is the first adjustment attempt you’ve ever made, I can only say that for most people, it’s can be a very slow process whether it be to actavis or to the brand. There is nothing “magic” about brand K. It is just another clonazepam type that anyone would need time to adjust to. I can only think of about 2-3 people whose CNS accepted the brand K right away and plenty who had a lot of trouble with brand k and finally accepted it or they gave up.


If it were me, I would try to adjust very slowly to the Actavis unless you feel you can adjust to the brand and are ok with paying the high cost. And whenever I see DLMT, I think is that person doing a hold here and there because if they’re not, those daily cuts can quickly catch up to you and cause sx  that feel like withdrawl. I don’t even know why they call it DLMT anymore. People still call it that but in reality, they taper for maybe 5 days and then hold until they feel ok. And perhaps you should try tapering by .001 mg instead of the .002 mg- just a suggestion.


On the other hand, if tapering on a daily basis without holding at all works for you, then it works for you. Clonazepam is not soluble in water and never has been. You can make a suspension in Ora plus, or make a true solution of clonazepam in whole full fat milk or in vodka and water.


As far as Teva bringing  back their own generic of clonazepam, I have heard this myself from another BB very recently. I called them myself, and asked what was happening. I was told that it was true and would be shipped by late summer as you mention. Frankly, I do not know what to think. It is important to remember that these are customer service representatives. The one I spoke with said she “we just received the notice that Teva is bringing back the Teva clonazepam.” And I asked her where she was located, and she said North Wales, Pennsylvania.


Last year at this time, Teva was promoting Actavis as their new generic clonazepam. They bought the Actavis company in @2015 and paid $40 billion for it. That debt was not a wise move and not just in my opinion. That’s the opinion of many stock market companies. They brought in a new CEO named Kare Schultz who’s known for turning ailing companies around. And he has worked very hard to turn Teva around. He predicted that 2019 would be a “down market” for Teva, but would return to better “health” in 2020. That has now been been moved out to 2021. Our political environment is also having a tremendous impact on our stock market also.


Teva has just settled with one  state who has  sued many drug producing companies over promoting opiates as being non addicting. But several other states are also suing together for the same reason.


It’s wait and see as far as what I think. I’ve seen Actavis come and go from here where I am several times. I originally started out on Actavis myself, and when I couldn’t get it anymore, I was changed to Sandoz which gave me withdrawl also. I did eventually adjust to it, and then Actavis came back so I took that again. And then it was not available again. I have literally been so upset so many times with this merry go round, that I could scream. There are many here on BB who have done well on Actavis, and many that haven’t. I can see that many are able to get it so then I conclude that this a regional problem. But that I mean that a pharmacy’s wholesaler can get Actavis as the cheapest generic so they stock it. But other pharmacies across the US cannot get as the cheapest generic so they stock either solco or accord.


Overall, Actavis is known to be high quality, so if you can get it, I’d try to adjust to that. It is really up to you whether it be brand or Actavis. It truly is wait and see as Teva has shut down many manufacturing places and laid off thousands of employees to pay off the remaining debt. Kare Schultz has been successful in paying down the debt to a certain point, but another lawsuit remains from those other states. Do what you think is best for you. Accord has been around for quite awhile so it is another option. It probably will give you withdrawl sx, but you will eventually adjust as your CNS picks up the lower ingredient of clonazepam in it, and those receptors in your CNS close down to handle the lower amount of clonazepam in it.


But please do not switch around as that is very hard on your CNS. I have been switched around 6 times, so I know about that for sure. One good sign is that the person who answered in Pennsylvania was actually in Pennsylvania and not in New Jersey. Their main headquarters was moved last year to New Jersey from Pennsylvania. But they did leave a small crew in Pennsylvania. Believe me, when she told that they were bringing it back “to help patients,” I am skeptical of that. Drug companies are just like any other company- they are there to make money and nothing else.


Thank you for your great response. Very well put. I needed the reassurance that it was not just me and thinking I was an oddball. You are right in that the brand is just another form of K. I took it many years ago and then switched to generic without a problem. I think it was Pure Pak and it worked very well. The pharmacy quit carrying it and I was switched to Mylan and unfortunately I didn't respond well. I researched and found that Teva was supposed to be excellent and I started on that over 10 years ago. This past spring CVS quit carrying it and said it was discontinued. I was given Actavis and tried that, but probably did not give it enough time. I took half Teva and half Actavis. I will give it another try and slowly titrate down on the liquid dose. Again, you are right about the DLMT. It is too much for me to do cuts every night. It does accumulate and the dose is maybe too much. My CNS is very sensitive as I went through a C/T many years ago and I am getting older. I have great hope that they will bring Teva back, but will not get my expectations too high. Either way, I plan to get off of this drug. It is just very slow going and that is alright. I am going to switch back from brand to Actavis and see how it goes. At least I won't be wasting a ton of money. Again, thank you for your help and support! I really do appreciate it and Pray that you and everyone here will continue to be healed.


Dana :)

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I have also had a difficult time adjusting to Brand K.  I was on Mylan previously. It’s been two months and I am still having wd symptoms. It feels like a different drug to me. In some ways stronger, other ways weaker.


I am sorry so many others are going through this.




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I have also had a difficult time adjusting to Brand K.  I was on Mylan previously. It’s been two months and I am still having wd symptoms. It feels like a different drug to me. In some ways stronger, other ways weaker.


I am sorry so many others are going through this.





I am sorry you are going through this too Sun.  It is a huge problem for many.  It seem there is a bigger difference in the generics and brand names than we were lead to believe  :(. Is this your first change?  Mary ♥️

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I was told many years ago that there is a pretty significant variation between the generics. Not only with benzo's, but with other meds. I am a retired RN and I remember the Dr's writing brand only for some cardiac and anticonvulsant drugs as the generics were not as effective and the possible variations. I figured by getting the brand K for now that it was going to work fine. Was I wrong! And mad! It is hard enough to go through withdrawal without having to deal with the issue of whether the drug is actually going to work. I was of the mindset that it would work just fine and I started feeling anxious, irritable and having insomnia. Went back to Teva and started feeling better. That answered my question. I am so determined to get off and I will persevere. Just have to find a way to make a gentle transition if that is possible. I have never given up hope and never will. I figure I have the rest of my life to get off. :)
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I was told many years ago that there is a pretty significant variation between the generics. Not only with benzo's, but with other meds. I am a retired RN and I remember the Dr's writing brand only for some cardiac and anticonvulsant drugs as the generics were not as effective and the possible variations. I figured by getting the brand K for now that it was going to work fine. Was I wrong! And mad! It is hard enough to go through withdrawal without having to deal with the issue of whether the drug is actually going to work. I was of the mindset that it would work just fine and I started feeling anxious, irritable and having insomnia. Went back to Teva and started feeling better. That answered my question. I am so determined to get off and I will persevere. Just have to find a way to make a gentle transition if that is possible. I have never given up hope and never will. I figure I have the rest of my life to get off. :)


That is a great way to think, take your time, come off easy and slow.  Hopefully you will have it easier on the other side.  Fabulous attitude!  Mary ♥️

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Thanks Mary! I have always been optimistic and maybe a bit too driven. I have learned the hard way that the driveness  goes out the window when getting off these drugs. Low and slow is the only way to get off safely and without horrific symptoms. I appreciate your help and support. I Pray that your taper continues to go well!
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Thanks Mary! I have always been optimistic and maybe a bit too driven. I have learned the hard way that the driveness  goes out the window when getting off these drugs. Low and slow is the only way to get off safely and without horrific symptoms. I appreciate your help and support. I Pray that your taper continues to go well!


Believe me Dana, I learned the hard way too, a couple of times  :smitten: :smitten:

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Dana, I’ve learned the hard way myself also. I hope I’m on the right track now, but it’s always kind of an experiment.


How annoying this is. These docs put you on these drugs, and then know nothing about getting you off.


So we end up teaching them. I’m ok with that as long as they listen to me. Right now, I have a really good doc and we exchange ideas.


That’s refreshing for a change.

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