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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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About 2 days ago (April 1st),  you were trying to figure out which generic clonazepam you’d fill your prescription with, so it looks like you decided on the Actavis.


And now 2 days later, on April 3rd, you are finding the Actavis makes you feel awful. So you must have done a straight switchover to the Actavis. That is something that some people can do and some can’t do. I would say that maybe you haven’t given enough time for yourself to acclimate to Actavis.


But since you think you have enough of the Teva left to finish the taper, that also seems like a very good idea.


You have apparently dropped 1.5 mg of the Teva in about 8 months, and now you’re at .5 mg of the Teva. You have 66 tabs of 1 mg Teva left which is equal to 132 tabs of . 5 mg, so luckily as you say, you might have enough of Teva to finish your taper.


Dropping 1.5 mg in 8 months is pretty good as far as tapering, so however you’ve been doing that has been a good method as far as I can tell. Dmlt might be a good way to go for you and you could get off very easily.


Keep us updated and good wishes.

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good morning buddies


I finally did my doses of k and i replaced 1/4 of my noon dose with the actavis brand and took my first dose yesterday. I know if i am going to have any problems it will take a few days i would think for my body to realize something is different.  I plan of taking out 1/4 every 2 weeks so it will take me about 6 months i am guessing to make the  change ..but i am hoping then i will be ok with it..and also i cant see letting me stash go out of date either when i would then have a stash of the actavis from the small pharmacy i changed too ..they said they would order that brand in for me and i wont have to worry about the big pharmacy telling me they changed brands on me.


I will let everyone know if anything comes up..but i do get blips with my svt and things like that so then i will have to decide if its from the change or just my health,


I am trying my best not to think about it but with my ptsd and my phobias its really hard.


thanks for always being here


Hope everyone is hanging on and after the change i am going to try and start a really slow taper again.


Big hugs to all



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I’m glad you got started with the changeover.


Try to remember that noticing a change from one generic to another can be noticed by some and not by others.


You are making this change very, very slowly, so it’s quite possible that you will be totally acclimated (whether noticing any difference or not) by the time you’re fully on the Actavis.


Keep us updated as you go along.

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good morning buddies


I finally did my doses of k and i replaced 1/4 of my noon dose with the actavis brand and took my first dose yesterday. I know if i am going to have any problems it will take a few days i would think for my body to realize something is different.  I plan of taking out 1/4 every 2 weeks so it will take me about 6 months i am guessing to make the  change ..but i am hoping then i will be ok with it..and also i cant see letting me stash go out of date either when i would then have a stash of the actavis from the small pharmacy i changed too ..they said they would order that brand in for me and i wont have to worry about the big pharmacy telling me they changed brands on me.


Hi, I started this group but have been away. Not doing well with depression. I was reading your signiture wondering, are you doing liquid taper, or scale, or dry cut. Thanks best wishes


PS I’m assuming you still have teva left over & are trying to integrate actavis?

For what it’s worth, I ended up on solco, really haven’t been right since, not to scare anyone, pretty sure it’s my own depression issues, but, solco is very hard to dry cut so I’ve thought about doing another crossover, so can dry cut if I want. Just making note solco are very hard to dry cut.  :)


I will let everyone know if anything comes up..but i do get blips with my svt and things like that so then i will have to decide if its from the change or just my health,


I am trying my best not to think about it but with my ptsd and my phobias its really hard.


thanks for always being here


Hope everyone is hanging on and after the change i am going to try and start a really slow taper again.


Big hugs to all



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Hi I crossed over from teva to solco when I started this group few months ago.

I didn’t like one over the other, just couldn’t decide, goggled reviews & chose solco.

I’m too depressed to give an opinion on solco, only I’m passed the initial crossover which was rough.

I’m still not ready to taper, but in anticipation, I’ve realized that the solco pills are too soft to dry cut, they crush & crumble & id like that option.

I asked my pharmacist to sub in 30 actavis this month, to try integrating them slowly as I thin they may be better for dry cutting, but am not sure & not sure if it’s wise to switch things up, either.


My total daily dose:

6am.5mg, 12pm.5mg, 6pm.5mg, 10pm2-2.5mg


If I switch it would be strictly so that I can dry cut the actavis to taper.

I’d like experiences & opinions on if you think this is wise or worth it to upset my nervous system once again, by making another crossover?

If you’ve been on solco for months & switched to actavis, please share your experience & opinion. I know we are all different.


In you opinion do you think it’s worth upsetting my CNS or just risking no a bad adjustment @this point so that I may dry cut?

I’m sorry, but I’m so depressed, fatigued & cog fogged that it’s difficult making decisions.

I’ve just tried the actavis last eve & this eve & find it very sedating to the point of extreme sleepiness. Then when it wore off last night, I was in need of my sleeping dose, though.


What are your experiences dry cutting actavis .5 mg?

Cutting solco .5mg?

When I tried to cut the actavis this eve to practice, it shattered & didn’t cut too well, but it could have been the wrong pill splitter, dull blade, or the pill itself(it’s hard)Then I took one of the wonky halves & cut it with an apex rubber v pill cutter & it seemed to do pretty well.

Suggestions for particular pill cutters that have worked well for you for actavis?

For solco?


Do you have ideas of how I should integrate the actavis into the solco to do a gradual crossover, if I decide to do this? And what to make of the actavis sedation-couldn’t take & function, unless it’s just an adjustment thing.

Alternatively, some feel it’s better to just do a full switch direct straight from all solco to all actavis so as to not confuse the nervous system, by having more than one formulation in me at once. What are your thoughts & or experiences on that?


With the sedation I’m feeling right now, I’m thinking no go, but like I said, I don’t know. Help appreciated.


All input welcome.


Much thanks, Scaredie

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I’m tapering actavis right now, it’s going relatively well.  I tried solco and it was awful. I couldn’t be accurate at all without a scale so I would definitely recommend using one.  You are on a really high dose and that dose would definitely sedate me.  I was able to reduce fairly quickly from 2.5 to 1 but then really needed to slow down.  You might want to move to only 2 doses, I only do one.  Unless you have a very fast metabolism, Klonopin has a half life of about 30 hours so as long as you keep your blood concentration consistent, you shouldn’t notice any difference.  This should make dosing easier.  Best wishes!!
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Thanks Saige. I know. I despise that I’m dependent on this at all, but on this high dose, especially.


Oh the sedation I was talking about was a new sedation that just happened twice with trying a dose of actavis vs how solco would effect me, the actavis is much more sedating, but that could be just because my body needs to adjust to it, not sure.

Are you saying that weather I stay in solco or actavis I’m going to need a scale?

Thanks for responding

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Everyone who changes these generics feels them differently. I am highly sensitized by 6 switches of generic clonazepams. So believe me, I pick a very slight micro cut very quickly.


Around here, the latest generics we have is Accord and Solco in most of the pharmacies.


I know people here on BB who have been switched to solco, and they feel it’s worse than Accord, and others who are incorporating Accord into their regular generic (whatever it is) so that they can acclimate to Accord. INTEND, please, I would like to here more about what people on bb & wherever else you were talking about(locally?) have been saying that solco is worse than accord. I’ve been on solco since the I started this thread & was pretty much thrust into choosing between actavis & solco. Now I’m finding that solco is too soft to dry cut & was thinking of trying to switch to actavis. I made a post about it at the end of thread. I haven’t been the same since the switch, in a bad way. I’d appreciate your knowledge & others experiences about these 2 generics. I know ive had other med trials since I’ve been away that are affecting me, but I really haven’t been the same in a very bad way since switching from teva to solco, so please, when you get the time, give me the low down on that & your thoughts on my post about possible solco to actavis. MUCH THANKS :)


I’m not sure how this happened to you. It sounds like when you went to the pharmacy, they had changed the generic clonazepam from Accord to solco. That happens here all the time. One month you get Accord, and the next month, you get solco.


If that’s the ways this happened to you, then you may just have to acclimate to solco, and put up with this BS.


Your Doctor may want not to write “dispense as written” on the Rx as you say and whether or not the doctor is willing or not to do that, Accord may not be even available in your area.


This has to do with the supplier/distributor/wholesaler that the different pharmacies use.


I would call your pharmacy and other pharmacies in your area to see if they can still even get the Accord. If none of them can even get it, you will just have to acclimate to solco. Their is no evidence of any kind that solco is stronger or “better” than any generic of clonazepam. Forget about that 25% stronger crap.


Yes, the acclimation will be difficult because you only have 12 days left. I acclimated to all these different clonazepams with plenty of the previous ones left. Acclimation ability also varies by person, but I agree you’re in a tight spot. Some people just start taking the new ones the next day, while others do it gradually.


I’m guessing that your doctor knew nothing about the switch to solco from Accord. And so many of these doctors could care less because they don’t know much about benzos. I emailed my doc about my problem, and she fixed it with the pharmacy, but I’m not sure what kind of relationship you have with your doc.


I’d just say to call around about finding the Accord. Here, CVS has a contract with Accord for a year, while another compounding pharmacy has a contract with solco. And I also asked Walgreens here, and they had Accord. Whether or not it was a contract or not is something I don’t know. I kind of think it was because the staff there did tell me that the previous clonazepam (mylan) was there for way over a year. But when mylan stopped making clonazepam, Accord was what they got.


I’d call both CVS and Walgreens if you have them and see if they have Accord and try to contact your doctor. With I had better answers for you. I truly do.

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Yes I would think you would need a scale to be precise.  It was a game changer for me. For me solco was so awful I only took it one night.  Teva was more sedating and long lasting but I think actavis is probably better than solco.  I think it would be easier to measure out the doses too.  It seems more stable.👍
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Yes I would think you would need a scale to be precise.  It was a game changer for me. For me solco was so awful I only took it one night.  Teva was more sedating and long lasting but I think actavis is probably better than solco.  I think it would be easier to measure out the doses too.  It seems more stable.👍

Thanks again, Saige. Love your name btw! I can’t remember back when I how the solco vs actavis felt when I first switched from teva, but now I’m acclimated to the solco.


Can you describe how the solco made you feel awful?


Could you elaborate on why it would be easier to measure out doses of actavis & why it seems more stable than solco?


I had that extra sedation, doesn’t feel right from my actavis dose again last eve, then got nauseous(so disappointing. Then I got nauseous, but there’s more than one thing at plat here. Yes the actavis is definitely making me feel too sedated , but If you read my sig. the dates aren’t perfect, but the story is. My doc scripted me 2 weeks of Xanax instead of clonazapam a couple of times & now I’m quite sure I’m 5 days into Xanax withdrawal. So maybe not best time for me to be trying to switch things up. Feeling pretty barfy right now & now I won’t k ow if it’s from stopping X or adding in actavis?..ugh.. I made a mistake, needed bad treatment resistant depression relief & anxiety relief & Xanax gave me that. I took my eye off the tapering ball. I just know these benzos must be playing into my depression, although it’s long term & precedes them, I’m worse than I’ve ever been with my depression, especially since the discontinuation of teva(took everyday for 9 years). The switch is when all really went to hell in a hand bag. Sorry rambling.


I never got the scale thing last time I was on here. I need the right teacher & mind frame. If you’re good with a scale, would you mind helping me when the time comes? Weather it be with solco or actavis?


Thanks for listening. Have a lovely day


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I really only took solco one night, and felt similar to how you feel in actavis so that’s interesting.  I just remember it crumbled so easily so I thought it might be harder to measure.  As for the scale, I am not an expert at all. I keep reading about people calibrating their scale and I don’t know how to do that.  So you will probably find better info from a search.  I’m sorry you’re feeling bad, but I think you’re right about it being Xanax withdrawal.  Hopefully you will adjust quickly.
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Much thanks, Saige. Yes, when it was time to crossover from teva to either solco or actavis, I couldn’t decide as they both gave similar feelings. Appreciate the help
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Much thanks, Saige. Yes, when it was time to crossover from teva to either solco or actavis, I couldn’t decide as they both gave similar feelings. Appreciate the help


Hi Scaredie, Sorry you are going through this. I don't want to muddy the waters or confuse anything, but, I was on Teva and

then they gave me Solco at the pharmacy. I don't recall whether I realized it at the time or the next day. In any case, I took the .5 dose of the Solco and woke up in a total panic with horrible anxiety and jumped out of bed. Cortisol surges, etc.  To me, it felt like I had taken nothing at all. I called my doc, but, she said, there was nothing she could do and same with the pharmacy. I truly felt horrific.


Luckily, I had some Tevas left so went back to them. I then acclimated to the Klonopin name brand (which at first made me feel 'heavy' in comparison to the Teva). At first, it wasn't good, so I went back to Teva, but, when my doc wouldn't write for the ODT wafers of Teva, I decided to try the Klonopin name brand again and I was okay on it. I am on it now and am ok and stable.


Holding here as there have been too many changes/stressors lately and the house I'm in was sold and I have to move not knowing where to go or what I can afford. I'll do the taper when I feel settled.


I'm not sure if this is of any help whatsoever, but, I wanted to tell you my experience in case it might help.


Prayers for healing, peace, stability for all.

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Much thanks, Saige. Yes, when it was time to crossover from teva to either solco or actavis, I couldn’t decide as they both gave similar feelings. Appreciate the help


Hi Scaredie, Sorry you are going through this. I don't want to muddy the waters or confuse anything, but, I was on Teva and

then they gave me Solco at the pharmacy. I don't recall whether I realized it at the time or the next day. In any case, I took the .5 dose of the Solco and woke up in a total panic with horrible anxiety and jumped out of bed. Cortisol surges, etc.  To me, it felt like I had taken nothing at all. I called my doc, but, she said, there was nothing she could do and same with the pharmacy. I truly felt horrific.


Luckily, I had some Tevas left so went back to them. I then acclimated to the Klonopin name brand (which at first made me feel 'heavy' in comparison to the Teva). At first, it wasn't good, so I went back to Teva, but, when my doc wouldn't write for the ODT wafers of Teva, I decided to try the Klonopin name brand again and I was okay on it. I am on it now and am ok and stable.


Holding here as there have been too many changes/stressors lately and the house I'm in was sold and I have to move not knowing where to go or what I can afford. I'll do the taper when I feel settled.


I'm not sure if this is of any help whatsoever, but, I wanted to tell you my experience in case it might help.


Prayers for healing, peace, stability for all.

Much thanks, Wisdom, for sharing your experience. Every input I get from others is helpful. Im glad you were able to adjust. Do your pills have a k cutout in them? Can you dry cut them into quarters?  If not, what’s your plan for tapering? Liquid? I don’t think I’d be able to afford the brand, but I appreciate the suggestion.


Did you ever try the odt wafers? Are they still on the market? If you did try, what was like?


Right now I’m just holding & trying to stabilize, but when timecomes I’ll either have to learn how make milk liquid or scales with current pills if I can’t cross to something I can dry cut. I don’t know if I’ll tolerate or be capable of the above methods.


For now I’ll just hold onto faith that somehow things will work out & maybe some more people will post reply’s with ideas.


Best wishes with your move & stabilizing.


Healing thoughts for all

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Much thanks, Saige. Yes, when it was time to crossover from teva to either solco or actavis, I couldn’t decide as they both gave similar feelings. Appreciate the help


Hi Scaredie, Sorry you are going through this. I don't want to muddy the waters or confuse anything, but, I was on Teva and

then they gave me Solco at the pharmacy. I don't recall whether I realized it at the time or the next day. In any case, I took the .5 dose of the Solco and woke up in a total panic with horrible anxiety and jumped out of bed. Cortisol surges, etc.  To me, it felt like I had taken nothing at all. I called my doc, but, she said, there was nothing she could do and same with the pharmacy. I truly felt horrific.


Luckily, I had some Tevas left so went back to them. I then acclimated to the Klonopin name brand (which at first made me feel 'heavy' in comparison to the Teva). At first, it wasn't good, so I went back to Teva, but, when my doc wouldn't write for the ODT wafers of Teva, I decided to try the Klonopin name brand again and I was okay on it. I am on it now and am ok and stable.


Holding here as there have been too many changes/stressors lately and the house I'm in was sold and I have to move not knowing where to go or what I can afford. I'll do the taper when I feel settled.


I'm not sure if this is of any help whatsoever, but, I wanted to tell you my experience in case it might help.


Prayers for healing, peace, stability for all.

Much thanks, Wisdom, for sharing your experience. Every input I get from others is helpful. Im glad you were able to adjust. Do your pills have a k cutout in them? Can you dry cut them into quarters?  If not, what’s your plan for tapering? Liquid? I don’t think I’d be able to afford the brand, but I appreciate the suggestion.


Did you ever try the odt wafers? Are they still on the market? If you did try, what was like?


Right now I’m just holding & trying to stabilize, but when timecomes I’ll either have to learn how make milk liquid or scales with current pills if I can’t cross to something I can dry cut. I don’t know if I’ll tolerate or be capable of the above methods.


For now I’ll just hold onto faith that somehow things will work out & maybe some more people will post reply’s with ideas.


Best wishes with your move & stabilizing.


Healing thoughts for all


Hi Scaredie, yes, my pills have the K in them and I can easily cut them into quarters. My ideal plan would be a liquid suspension, but, I'm not sure it would work as I've no experience with this. I tapered off Cymbalta by counting beads and that was so much easier.  I, too, cannot afford the brand, but, I honestly felt I had no choice.

My doctor would not write for the teva odt wafers and when I called to talk it over with them, she wanted to pawn me off on a psychiatrist to manage the Klonopin. She was the one that prescribed me Cymbalta for fibro and Klonopin as I could not sleep (oh, if I could only go back and just say no to both), and I've never had a psychiatrist. I chose name brand because I had started on name brand and had awful experiences with generics (except teva). Insurance denied it even though she wrote name brand only and wanted even more proof from her that I couldn't take generic, but, I knew I would get cut off knowing my doctor, so I just sucked it up and am trying to pay it as best I can.


I know what you mean though. I have no idea how to taper benzos and when I read about it, it just makes my head hurt. I totally understand about holding and stabilizing and I think that's a great idea.


Thanks for the kind wishes and I wish you the same. Holding onto hope and faith with you :) I do think that you can acclimate. Just go slow and be gentle with yourself.


Love to all, WS

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Much thanks, Saige. Yes, when it was time to crossover from teva to either solco or actavis, I couldn’t decide as they both gave similar feelings. Appreciate the help


Hi Scaredie, Sorry you are going through this. I don't want to muddy the waters or confuse anything, but, I was on Teva and

then they gave me Solco at the pharmacy. I don't recall whether I realized it at the time or the next day. In any case, I took the .5 dose of the Solco and woke up in a total panic with horrible anxiety and jumped out of bed. Cortisol surges, etc.  To me, it felt like I had taken nothing at all. I called my doc, but, she said, there was nothing she could do and same with the pharmacy. I truly felt horrific.


Luckily, I had some Tevas left so went back to them. I then acclimated to the Klonopin name brand (which at first made me feel 'heavy' in comparison to the Teva). At first, it wasn't good, so I went back to Teva, but, when my doc wouldn't write for the ODT wafers of Teva, I decided to try the Klonopin name brand again and I was okay on it. I am on it now and am ok and stable.


Holding here as there have been too many changes/stressors lately and the house I'm in was sold and I have to move not knowing where to go or what I can afford. I'll do the taper when I feel settled.


I'm not sure if this is of any help whatsoever, but, I wanted to tell you my experience in case it might help.


Prayers for healing, peace, stability for all.

Much thanks, Wisdom, for sharing your experience. Every input I get from others is helpful. Im glad you were able to adjust. Do your pills have a k cutout in them? Can you dry cut them into quarters?  If not, what’s your plan for tapering? Liquid? I don’t think I’d be able to afford the brand, but I appreciate the suggestion.


Did you ever try the odt wafers? Are they still on the market? If you did try, what was like?


Right now I’m just holding & trying to stabilize, but when timecomes I’ll either have to learn how make milk liquid or scales with current pills if I can’t cross to something I can dry cut. I don’t know if I’ll tolerate or be capable of the above methods.


For now I’ll just hold onto faith that somehow things will work out & maybe some more people will post reply’s with ideas.


Best wishes with your move & stabilizing.


Healing thoughts for all


Hi Scaredie, yes, my pills have the K in them and I can easily cut them into quarters. My ideal plan would be a liquid suspension, but, I'm not sure it would work as I've no experience with this. I tapered off Cymbalta by counting beads and that was so much easier.  I, too, cannot afford the brand, but, I honestly felt I had no choice.

My doctor would not write for the teva odt wafers and when I called to talk it over with them, she wanted to pawn me off on a psychiatrist to manage the Klonopin. She was the one that prescribed me Cymbalta for fibro and Klonopin as I could not sleep (oh, if I could only go back and just say no to both), and I've never had a psychiatrist. I chose name brand because I had started on name brand and had awful experiences with generics (except teva). Insurance denied it even though she wrote name brand only and wanted even more proof from her that I couldn't take generic, but, I knew I would get cut off knowing my doctor, so I just sucked it up and am trying to pay it as best I can.


I know what you mean though. I have no idea how to taper benzos and when I read about it, it just makes my head hurt. I totally understand about holding and stabilizing and I think that's a great idea.


Thanks for the kind wishes and I wish you the same. Holding onto hope and faith with you :) I do think that you can acclimate. Just go slow and be gentle with yourself.


Love to all, WS

Thanks for the long explanation, kind dear. So glad you are able to get the brand.


What did you mean when you said you think I can acclimate? You mean from off of xanax to holding on my now regular solco or did you mean I could acclimate to actavis by switching to it slowly from solco so as to be able to dry cut, as solco is to crumbly to cut?

Sorry, not sure how much you read on my back history.


Warm regards, SC



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Hi everyone, I haven't been to this group in a while. Like many of you, my taper became a mess when the Teva generic was discontinued.


I am now taking the (very pricey) brand name Klonopin. Since I have hit tolerance though, I still feel awful. Is anyone taking the ODT generic clonazepam by Par or Teva? Has anyone tried both, and do you have a preference? My doctor is willing to write me a prescription for a particular manufacturer if I switch to them.


Thanks to anyone who can share their experience with the ODT version, I would really appreciate it!

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Is anyone taking the ODT generic clonazepam by Par or Teva? Has anyone tried both, and do you have a preference?

I have tried both Teva and Par ODTs and both worked fine.  Moreover, I had no issues with direct crossovers from regular tabs (Sandoz) to the Teva ODTs or from Teva ODTs to Par ODTs.


FYI Each Par ODT contains 0.56 mg phenylalanine (a component of aspartame) whereas each Teva ODT contains 2.4 mg phenylalanine.

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Is anyone taking the ODT generic clonazepam by Par or Teva? Has anyone tried both, and do you have a preference?

I have tried both Teva and Par ODTs and both worked fine.  Moreover, I had no issues with direct crossovers from regular tabs (Sandoz) to the Teva ODTs or from Teva ODTs to Par ODTs.


FYI Each Par ODT contains 0.56 mg phenylalanine (a component of aspartame) whereas each Teva ODT contains 2.4 mg phenylalanine.




Just wanted to let you know that I’m currently taking the teva ODTs. I’ve not taken the Pars. And so I cannot say I prefer one over the other. And I did a slow crossover rather than a direct switch/cold switch.


Great info from Libertas as usual.

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My doctor is willing to write me a prescription for a particular manufacturer if I switch to them.


FYI In the U.S. there is a third manufacturer of clonazepam ODTs - Sun Pharma.  It’s a newer/different formulation than the Teva and Par ODTs that allows packaging in standard, plastic bottles vs blister packs. I encourage you to conduct your own due diligence re: this formulation/manufacturer.  After doing so myself, I asked my pdoc to write for either Teva or Par.

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How are you all cutting these odts?  An you dry cut them? I have some left over teva .125 odts when I was going to try to taper with them, but didn’t, I remember them causing extra b.ms. And thought teva had aspartame? Maybe my old ones only. What about the phenylalanine causing anxiety or sleep problems?


I’m stuck on solco since the switch & cant druzy cut them. But I’m on 4mg per day & am currently holding with no idea how I’m going to taper-dry cut,(not with these solcos’, dlmt,or scales. So what are you all doing with these odts? How are you using them to taper & what dose of odts are you taking & would one suggest doing a slow crossover to them from solco, if that’s what I choose. If I do that, I might as well crossover to actavis, I suppose for dry cutting purposes. Actavis felt very different than solco. I’m adapted to solco, but was on teva for 8 years.


Thoughts appreciated

Healing thoughts to you, XX, SC

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Yes Scardie they contain phenylalanine.The tevas contain more than the par.But if you got to be on odts you dont have much of a choice.It gives me headaches and I hate the idea of even taking the crap but what can you do.I take the teva odts so of courrse they have  the most,just the way my luck is.

I do the dlmt.Best way to taper imho.

If you have adapted to solco stick with it unless you cant find that brand no more.

You need a scale to know how much you are taking unless you make it into liquid.

Waves uses one of these to cut her odts.


As far as dry cutting a tablet I think you would need a pill crusher and scale.

Best wishes for you Scardie


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Yes Scardie they contain phenylalanine.The tevas contain more than the par.But if you got to be on odts you dont have much of a choice.It gives me headaches and I hate the idea of even taking the crap but what can you do.I take the teva odts so of courrse they have  the most,just the way my luck is.

I do the dlmt.Best way to taper imho.

If you have adapted to solco stick with it unless you cant find that brand no more.

You need a scale to know how much you are taking unless you make it into liquid.

Waves uses one of these to cut her odts.


As far as dry cutting a tablet I think you would need a pill crusher and scale.

Best wishes for you Scardie

Thank you so much for the kind detailed reply & the link. I’m holding right now, not doing so great, but trying to get a pre game plan in place, as much as my brain will allow, without upsetting anyone along the way as I’m not ready to start yet, but still have questions.


I suppose I would have to touch base with waves to figure out which exacto blade & handle, it’s hard to explain, but here solcos are very soft, not as soft as odts but, they are quite impossible to dry cut without crushing them, with my various pill cutter or even just plain razor blade. if I wanted to try & eyeball cut until my dose got lower since I’m on 4mg per day. But that exacto may work. The only reason I’m considering changing from solco, is because I wanted the option to dry cut till dose is lower. I’m trying to avoid another crossover for sure. I don’t know if I’ll adapt to liquid & would need much patient hand holding guidance to try that or scales.


If I do liquid, I scared of using liquor, as really do not want to ingest it, smell it, taste it etc, but heard it’s the easiest way to make own liquid. Do you know if that’s true? Are you dlmt using liquor? I wanted to try learning to use milk instead, but that’s not portable & I dose 4 times per day.


I’m not wanting to have to mess with scales,if I can avoid it at all. My brain won’t do it. But I may have to.


Thanks again, best wishes to you, SC



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Yes Scardie they contain phenylalanine.The tevas contain more than the par.But if you got to be on odts you dont have much of a choice.It gives me headaches and I hate the idea of even taking the crap but what can you do.I take the teva odts so of courrse they have  the most,just the way my luck is.

I do the dlmt.Best way to taper imho.

If you have adapted to solco stick with it unless you cant find that brand no more.

You need a scale to know how much you are taking unless you make it into liquid.

Waves uses one of these to cut her odts.


As far as dry cutting a tablet I think you would need a pill crusher and scale.

Best wishes for you Scardie

Thank you so much for the kind detailed reply & the link. I’m holding right now, not doing so great, but trying to get a pre game plan in place, as much as my brain will allow, without upsetting anyone along the way as I’m not ready to start yet, but still have questions.


I suppose I would have to touch base with waves to figure out which exacto blade & handle, it’s hard to explain, but here solcos are very soft, not as soft as odts but, they are quite impossible to dry cut without crushing them, with my various pill cutter or even just plain razor blade. if I wanted to try & eyeball cut until my dose got lower since I’m on 4mg per day. But that exacto may work. The only reason I’m considering changing from solco, is because I wanted the option to dry cut till dose is lower. I’m trying to avoid another crossover for sure. I don’t know if I’ll adapt to liquid & would need much patient hand holding guidance to try that or scales.


If I do liquid, I scared of using liquor, as really do not want to ingest it, smell it, taste it etc, but heard it’s the easiest way to make own liquid. Do you know if that’s true? Are you dlmt using liquor? I wanted to try learning to use milk instead, but that’s not portable & I dose 4 times per day.


I’m not wanting to have to mess with scales,if I can avoid it at all. My brain won’t do it. But I may have to.


Thanks again, best wishes to you, SC

Yes I am using smirnoff 80 proof vodka.That way you dont have to worry about your dose spoiling with milk and you can make a 10 day supply.

I was scared too when I went from tablets to liquid but guess what,no problems at all.There is also food grade propylene glycol but I figured,personally,vodka as a solvent was more natural than another chemical.

I dont smell the ethanol all I smell is the strawberry flavor thats in the odt.

Personally ethanol is the most convenient way I know of thus far.

Hope I have helped you Scardie.

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