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Starting to taper off of Lorazepam 1mg


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Hello! I'm currently going down on my Lorazepam 1mg, which I've been on for three years, and after that, will gradually go down on Clonazepam 1mg, which I've been on for over a decade.


Currently, I'm down from 1mg of Lorazepam to .75mg, which my psychiatrist and I changed on May 3rd. I want to go down to .5mg, or 1/2mg, by June or maybe even May 16th (tomorrow). Is this too fast, or is it reasonable?


I'm not having any physical withdrawal (so far), but I am having anxiety with boredom/thinking about focusing on something, agitation and anger.


My doctor and I will tackle the Clonazepam after I'm off of the Lorazepam.

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