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Influenza vaccines


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Has anybody gotten an influenza vaccine while on withdrawal? A H1N1 vaccine specifically?


If yes, did you notice any effect on your symptoms? I want to take it, because of the place where I live, but I don't know what to expect concerning my benzo withdrawal. I assume the vaccine wouldn't cause any problems now, but I want to be sure.

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I'm in the same boat CuriousGuy.  Doctor offered me a flu shot last week and I rejected it backed up by absolutely no evidence, just got scared.  If not for WD I wouldn't have thought twice.  Agorophobia might keep me indoors for the duration and I'll avoid it that way.  :laugh:





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Guys, the clinical evidence is mounting against flu vaccines:






If you dig, there are many more references like the above out there. When I last had the flu shot, several medical conditions I was battling at the time, worsened... Seriously, it's not worth it.

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Ive been on forums for years and do know that people have had bad setbacks from flu vaccine. I'm jut saying it as it is.


Try to protect yourself in other ways if you can. I'm not a doctor I'm just saying from what ive read in the forums over the years. You have to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks for you etc.



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Thanks for that info my friends and am so glad I rejected the offer by doctor.  She made me feel really foolish and wimpish.  Too bad, I could not handle a setback of any kind.  The very thought...... :crazy::sick:




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