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Sorry if this is TMI. But why have my periods stopped suddenly?


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Hope you don't mind a man entering here to give his opinion about this issue :-P


There is a large amount of GABA receptors in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. GABA helps to keep a balance between the hormones of the body. Thus, it mediates the hypothalamus' role in controlling the processes for sleeping, sexuality, hunger, and others.


Given that benzo withdrawal wrecks havoc with GABA receptors, it is just normal that it would also deregulate the hormonal production and balance.


Probably, you have a hormonal imbalance that keeps sending false signals to your brain, for example, that you're pregnant, and thus ordering the brain not to go on with the normal process of menstruation. 


Once the GABA receptors are healed, and they surely will, the internal system that controls that process will be back to normal.


Its the same case with those men who experience erectile dysfunction while on withdrawal.


So, don't worry about it. It will be normal sooner or later.


On the positive side, these symptoms are scary but at least they aren't painful :-P


Hi Curious Guy,


I really appreciate your feedback! After your mention of pituitary issues as a potential contributor I went and had  my levels tested and they all came back normal. So I’m going wondering if I should try getting off my IUD birth control or if that would potentially make this issue worse.

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i think i posted about this earlier but the pituitary is totally screwed up from this and you may or may not necessarily see anything in your progesterone / estrogen levels that look off but i suspect if you had your Prolactin measured - it's probably pretty high and that causes a period to stop - that is why women who are breast feeding don't have periods.  mine went  high also things like IGF-1 go high - these labs tend to show the damage to the pituitary more than traditional hormone labs
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i think i posted about this earlier but the pituitary is totally screwed up from this and you may or may not necessarily see anything in your progesterone / estrogen levels that look off but i suspect if you had your Prolactin measured - it's probably pretty high and that causes a period to stop - that is why women who are breast feeding don't have periods.  mine went  high also things like IGF-1 go high - these labs tend to show the damage to the pituitary more than traditional hormone labs


They did a bunch of tests, one of them was prolactin. They all came back normal, so I have no idea what it could be. Unless overall nervous system destabilization could cause them to stop.

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I finally started today!!

Never thought I would be happy about starting my period but I am taking it as a sign of further healing.


Congrats on having the period  :thumbsup:

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It's very typical of anxiety and withdrawal to get all your exams right whilst still suffering every sort of weird symptoms.


Your exams, in my view, only suggests that the benzo is what most probably caused it. It will go away sooner or later. 

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