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I added a vitamin B complex and my windows are longer


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Just FYI.

People keep saying eat lean protein which has vitamin B in it.

So I added a Vitamin B complex (along with my normal multi-vitamin).

I think after 3 days it is really helping - my windows are longer.

Anyone else have luck with Vitamin B?


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I was worried about adding Vit B, because it's usually not recommended during WD, but I seem to be on the low end of normal for B12 (some labs say low end of normal, some say low abnormal), so might need to add B vitamins (my understanding is that it's not recommended to take only 1 kind of vitamin B).
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I'm glad you are feeling better!


I know so many people say not to take supplements, (especially B vitamins) because they can rev people up, but not everyone reaction badly.  While some people do get setback, others have found them extremely helpful.  I take a multivitamin with all the B vitamins in it, and I feel so much worse if I miss it for a couple of days.  I know there have been several cases of people who tried to take B vitamins but got set off, and later found out there were seriously deficient, and their doctor told them they had to take the vitamins.  After the initial "revved up" period, many of them found that once they stabilized, their symptoms were so much better.  Lack of B (and many other vitamins) can cause many symptoms similar to withdrawal, and can worsen withdrawal symptoms that might be mild otherwise.

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