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Is this normal in withdrawals?


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Hello, does anyone else have periods of the deepest darkest depression, I mean a deep feeling of sorrow, dread, pain and fear in the pit of your stomach to the point where its hard to face the outside world? These feelings seem to come and go for me, sometimes they last for hours and sometimes days. They seem to be getting less intense, but when they come they feel miserable. Im no stranger to depression, but in the past its always been tied to a life event, but its kinda scary when all is going well and I cant pinpoint a cause or trigger and I feel the deepest blue for no reason. Is this common in post acute withdrawals?
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Hi zorak,


Benzo depression is the worst, it's dark and scary.  What you're feeling is a withdrawal symptom, it has no basis in reality, it doesn't have to be tied to an event.  Your brain is trying to heal from the effects of the benzo's, this takes a long time.  Even though the drug is out of your body, the effects of the drug will be with you for awhile.





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Hello, does anyone else have periods of the deepest darkest depression,


Is this common in post acute withdrawals?


Unfortunately it is, zorak03.  I've been hit by this horrid depression myself during this journey, so I feel your pain.  Just know that as you heal and recover, this depression will lift and eventually become a dim and distant memory.  In the meantime, all your buddies are here to support you.


Hang in there.

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It is completely normal.  The chemically induced depression is the worst,  whilst the logical minds might know there is no reason to feel depressed the chemicals just make it happen.  That lack of control over yourself makes the depression doubly fearsome.


It will however pass as your neuro chemistry balances out.


Hang in there  :thumbsup:

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i am experiencing a lot of depression too.  so hang in there.  it is really tough.  but i also believe that eventually it will lift and we will heal.
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Yes I have that kind of depression, it feels like you're in a hole screaming out in the middle of somewhere.. no one can hear you.

It's normal for Benzo w/d, and I have experienced it.



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