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Any natural supplements for depression?


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Is B complex can help or b6 is better?

19 months out and still bad anxiety and depression nerve pain in my head/ scalp.

Losing hope


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Depending on legality, availability and openness to cannabis, CBD can be of help with depression. Hemp also contains CBD, which is legally available to most.
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Is B complex can help or b6 is better?

19 months out and still bad anxiety and depression nerve pain in my head/ scalp.

Losing hope



Omega-3 fatty acids are very good. There are amino acids like 5-HTP, L-Tryptophan or L-Tyrosine. May be activating. The first three allegedly increase serotonin levels, while the fourth dopamine and norepinephrine levels.


All four should be consulted with your pdoc, GP or a naturopath. Proper nutrition is extremely important. Magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, lemon balm, hops and L-Theanine have calming properties. Certain vitamins B are activating, but not B6.


Niacinamide (B3) is calming and acts similarly to benzos. Can’t take it, cause it’s a diazepam antagonist. It’s calming and a muscle relaxant. But short half-life. Further reading and discussion with a specialist suggested.


One supplement at a time, to control sxs. There’s a great book on supplements and proper nutrition, "The Mood Cure". Before buying any supplement, consult with a specialist and do a thorough net research. Including opinions on Amazon and elsewhere. Any scientific articles. Otherwise, you may end up wasting money or getting more sick. For vitamins, a complete blood pannel is necessary.


Light therapy helps depression but is activating. All the best in the New Year 2018.

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I've heard wonderful things about Black Seed Oil for depression and anxiety. I intend to try it. Here's some info:

www.diamondherbs.co/black-seed-oil-benefits/  There are good brands available on Amazon. Work your way up to 2 teaspoons a day, morning and evening.


Wishing you much healing.  :smitten:

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I just did more research on Black Seed Oil.


It's an incredible supplement, with possible anti-anxiety benefits after a month's use, but we'd be safer to avoid it while still tapering, as it can potentially cause a similar effect to up dosing. Seems it blocks an important liver enzyme that is needed to clear medical drugs from the body. So it would likely interact with benzos in a detrimental way.


I hope this clarifies things. I'll be trying the oil once I finish my taper, and will report on any mental and other benefits.

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Here's a buddy who found great relief from mental symptoms by using Black Seed Oil after he'd come off benzos & alcohol:




Good to know!  thanks for this.  I'll keep it in my file "after w/d supplements."  Anything to help with the healing at that time, and this, but I'm very wary of taking any supplements atm.

:smitten: :smitten:


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