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Rolled Shoulders


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I had seen a buddy on here mention this and I googled it and it's exactly what has happened to me since stopping benzos. I see there are stretches and exercises to help but I wonder if it's purely a time thing? My shoulders, neck and back hurt everyday so bad. I cope but I honestly cannot remember life without chronic pain anymore. It set in towards the last few months of tapering and has just been a part of life since. I've done dry needling to get the knots out but the muscles tighten back up soon after. Relaxation techniques and meditation don't help...I just really hope it's not a permanent thing. Any feedback would be cool.
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I had seen a buddy on here mention this and I googled it and it's exactly what has happened to me since stopping benzos. I see there are stretches and exercises to help but I wonder if it's purely a time thing? My shoulders, neck and back hurt everyday so bad. I cope but I honestly cannot remember life without chronic pain anymore. It set in towards the last few months of tapering and has just been a part of life since. I've done dry needling to get the knots out but the muscles tighten back up soon after. Relaxation techniques and meditation don't help...I just really hope it's not a permanent thing. Any feedback would be cool.


I think its a time thing.


It took me awhile to figure out what you meant by 'rolled shoulders', but if it is what I think it is then I had it too - especially noticeable in bed when my shoulders would both flop forward, but then tense up around my neck, while lying sideways on a pillow.


Most people are very caught with neck, shoulder and upper-back tension. For me, it was beyond anything ordinary - a sort of locked-in, almost bone-like stiffness that was beyond any attempt by me to release it. This went on for a long time but it did eventually ease off and disappear.


Like a lot of peripheral symptoms, it went away without my noticing because the change was so very gradual and because other symptoms had moved in to claim my attention. That happens a lot - symptoms sneaking off without people noticing, only to have the penny drop, one day remote from it all, that 'whatever it was' doesn't happen any more ;)


All the best.

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I've always stored my tension in my neck and shoulders, and my left shoulder is often painful, probably with osteoarthritis from overuse and age.  During withdrawal/healing it was much worse than it is now, and I found one thing that helps me a lot. It's a specially designed electric  heating pad for the neck and shoulders, available at Amazon, the Sunbeam Renue XL Tension Relief Heat Therapy Wrap.  I still use mine every day almost.



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Couple of us on this thread discussed this a bit yesterday. I'm in the same boat 2wheels. Almostdone and I noticed that it is tied to that malaise feeling or benzo flu feeling. I think I am going to purchase the heating pad Megan mentioned to see how that works. I must say, that my tension has eased a bit over the last 7 months. Its gone from a 9/10 to a 5/10 on my pain scale. Once it dropped, I notice my tension headaches became much less frequent. It still sucks and I wish it would go away, but I know, in time, it will.



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Really interested in your reply Nightwatch.

My whole upper back, shoulders and neck are solid and never release.

It feels like the muscles arecall gripping on really tightly and eon't let go.

It affects my whole head and face as well.


Did it make you feel strangledcand hesvy hesded and very very ill like you want to shakecyour head to clear it but cant - really foncussed sort of feeling?

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