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Three years and across the finish line


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Siggy....so so happy to read this...up made it through !...It's amazing that any of us get to the end of it.Three years....such alot of our life fighting for normal. I am getting close too at 3.5 years...In a million years I would not have thought 3.5 years.

  Enjoy your life Siggy...every little bit of it...Thank you for taking the time to write your Success story . Remember when we combed and re-combed  the Success board hoping for a new story from someone in our time frame ? It is such a help to those coming along behind us.

    Wishing you every happiness Sig



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Thanks Coop and Nova! Both of you helped a great deal during my darkest days. Hope you are both doing well.  :)
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  • 5 months later...

Hey Siggy,


Glad you recovered.  I knew you would cause you did it twice before the last time.  Didn't see your success story until now as I don't go on this forum much either.  I am mostly recovered too. 

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Hey Siggy,


Glad you recovered.  I knew you would cause you did it twice before the last time.  Didn't see your success story until now as I don't go on this forum much either.  I am mostly recovered too.


Thanks for dropping by and leaving a message!

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Hi Siggy,


So happy for you my friend.  Celebrating seeing this!  You are a month further out than me, and it gives me serious hope.  Enjoy your life friend, you have EARNED it!  Will miss our occasional talks, but very happy for you.


Love, MG :smitten::highfive: :highfive: :balloon::socool:

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I haven’t been on here for while but decided to check in.  Glad I did.  Sleep has been my biggest issue and I also had a huge setback a year ago that took months to improve.  I’m so happy for you! Congrats on your recovery. Best of luck to you always!
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Thanks nevercan and niners!


Yeah sleep was my absolute worst issue, but now I’m doing a lot better. Some days I can barely stay awake. So it can get better even for the most hard core cases.


Good luck my friends!  ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...



A big belated congrats on your Success Story -- I'm so happy for you! (I just came across it now, since it's been awhile since I've been a regular on this site...Still haven't posted my own Success Story, but hope to soon.) It's great to hear you're doing so well after so much suffering. I always identified strongly with your saga, since we were both short-term benzo users with long-lasting extreme insomnia as a result. Sounds like a really wise decision to forego alcohol. One of the main lessons going through this is to listen to your body, and it seems like yours sent that message until you were ready to hear it.


Wishing you continued, well-deserved health and happiness,




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A big belated congrats on your Success Story -- I'm so happy for you! (I just came across it now, since it's been awhile since I've been a regular on this site...Still haven't posted my own Success Story, but hope to soon.) It's great to hear you're doing so well after so much suffering. I always identified strongly with your saga, since we were both short-term benzo users with long-lasting extreme insomnia as a result. Sounds like a really wise decision to forego alcohol. One of the main lessons going through this is to listen to your body, and it seems like yours sent that message until you were ready to hear it.


Wishing you continued, well-deserved health and happiness,



Thanks Shirah! Hope you’re doing well these days too.


Yep no alcohol for me now. It’s been over a year now and I don’t have any plans to start again. I do still get fatigued easy even though I sleep a lot most of the time now. Some headaches that I never had before, but it’s nowhere as bad as some of the other stuff I went through from this. Have a happy new year!  :)

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Good news indeed Siggy! I too finally connected the dots with alcohol. No more drinking for me. I had a couple setbacks as well and I'm almost 3 years out. I still just can't drink without feeling the yuck return so just not worth it! I'm not on here much either...May 2018 bring you deeper healing and much happiness!


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Hi Siggy-So glad to hear that you are doing well. I'm not on BB too often however I did log on to post my 3 year anniversary. Sadly so many new profiles.


Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

Francesca :smitten:

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HI mimagic, thanks for the post! Yes I guess some people willl just be more sensitive to alcohol after withdrawal. Most of the time now I don’t really miss it much. Hopefully 2018 will be a great healing year for everyone.


Hiya Fran! Glad to hear from you after all this time. I hate seeing all the new people that sign up here now too. I just hate all the difficulties they will have ahead of them, but they too will also make it out eventually. I’m set for 2018 to be a better year the 2017. Have a Frantastic year too!  ;)  :laugh:

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  • 8 months later...
Yes, I’ve been healed 100% for well over a year now and am back to drinking regularly for most of that year. Although it’s never caused any relapse similar to when I went off Benzos I do now notice that if I overdo it and get really drunk that the hangovers are much worse than before and they can last a couple days.
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Hi BenzoDuck, thanks for stopping bye!


Glad to here you’re doing better and can drink some again. Yep, hangover are something I don’t miss!

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  • 4 months later...
Sorry if I already asked you this (my brain is messed up from W/D) but how was your experience with hydroxycine? Did it help with anxiety?
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Sorry if I already asked you this (my brain is messed up from W/D) but how was your experience with hydroxycine? Did it help with anxiety?


Sorry I missed this until now.


It was ok. Early in withdrawal / recovery it barely put a dent in it and didn't really help me sleep much. It was slightly better farther out, but antihistamines don't effect me much in general. It certainly won't have the same effect a benzo does, but then really nothing else does either. Relatively safe compared to most other meds. If you are ok taking things like Benadryl, you'll probably be ok taking that. Start off with a smaller amount though if you try it. If you take it at night, it can leave you with a little bit of an antihistamine hangover the next day that can take a few hours to wear off.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you for writing this, it gives me lots of hope. Insomnia has also been my biggest symptom. I was doing well for awhile, then this past November around 14 months out, I had a huge setback and my sleep has been absolutely horrible ever since. I am repeatedly going 3-4 days without sleep. I really helps to see someone make it through this horror.
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I've read so many stories (posts)  by people in the 20-40 range who took benzos short term for the first time

and encountered the benzo syndrome. I had the same warning signs when young but never connected the dots.

There simply was no information available. Glad your recovering, bookmarked your story!  :thumbsup:

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Siggy ... I am so glad for you that you got out of this mess.  I think that you are a really great person and I’m so happy that you survived the last episode.  Let’s remember to stay away from alcohol as it just is not worth it to go into a long lasting hell state over some drinks.  Thank you for writing your story and I wish you a little fairy sitting on your shoulder to remind you how to stay well.  :)
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Oh my goodness. I think you have sufficiently scared me into never drinking alcohol ever again ... I’ll never take a benzo ever again of course 🙄 ... thanks for sharing and congrats!!!
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Congrats Siggy. It's crazy that you had to go through so much from such a small amount of usage. I was curious, did you have any bad reactions to anything else other than alcohol? Like a sleep aid?
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