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And a miracle happens!


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I have severe insomnia. But last night I slept 8 hours non stop. Not even one time I woke up during the night. And it is so strange because I am in the middle of my w/d since last cut. I also have my peak from the w/d. Yesterday I was thinking. Well the night is gonna be a insomnia night. So what ever. I just said to myself I can't do anything, benzo flow...

I felt relaxed. Look at a movie on Netflix. After I just put the light out and made my bed cozy. And woke up 8 hours later.

What I did changed last day was that I was try to be buzy. Doing a lot at home. Cleaning the house, laundry, walked 5 km with my dog. Walked in the forest. Instead of lay in the sofa doing nothing. I did some meditation for stress relief during the day. Write on my synopsis for my book. Aurthur dreams 😉. I will do it again today. I think my acceptans have to include insomnia. And that I need to get up from the sofa or my bed. :D

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If I slept 8 hrs straight, I'd think something was wrong with me. Ha. That sounds like heavily bliss. I'm happy for you. 


I slept without meds too last night, in 2 hr increments, but it's a confidence builder that things are sorting themselves out.



Congrats to you! 


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Wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!! So wise of you to get up and get going. That helps the time pass and makes us more likely to rest at night, even though doing so is very, very hard when exhausted.
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I did it again  :smitten:

Slept 9 hours now.

What is this?

So strange when benzo make you feel odd all the time and when you are normal you think something is strange.

I was really buzy last day to. Today I will shock my body and go to the gym again...Helps for benzo fatigue  :laugh:

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I did it again  :smitten:

Slept 9 hours now.

What is this?

So strange when benzo make you feel odd all the time and when you are normal you think something is strange.

I was really buzy last day to. Today I will shock my body and go to the gym again...Helps for benzo fatigue  :laugh:


Excellent!!! The exercise is such a godsend! at the very least it gives us natural endorphins. :thumbsup:

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I have slept ~ 8-9 hours for 4 days now! And I sleep very deep. I don't know what it is. How can my severe insomnia after my last cut on only .75 mg from 8.75 mg do such a big change. Today I woke up without morning anxiety. I get more anxiety when I go to bed. I have changed my morning routines. Yesterday I woke up at 9 am eat a quick breakfast and went to the gym. Took a power walk in the treadmill for 45 min. I was doing some cooking later. Pulled beef and clean my house. Walked my dog in the forest. At 10 pm I was really tired. And I slept from 10 pm to 8 am non stop.


I have been so sick and just lay in my sofa or bed. Walked my dog but not exercise. And I feel more energy with these endorphines hit in. Today my muscles hurt after yesterdays power walk but in a good way.


I need to get tired. I am not working at the moment. But will be working part time when I had found out a dose that works out with very little sxs. I know benzo fatigue is hard. But exercises do helps. It also helps for my muscle pain. My head feel more clear no benzo fog. My jelly leg ( right thigh) is much better. And the best part my insomnia are gone.


I know it is easy to say, but it works fine to me.

I feel so much better not be home and inside all the time.

And my slower taper is the thing...Less sxs...Less problems.

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wow - good for you - i'm doing a little happy dance right now.. for sure all the activity you are engaging in will be making a difference XOX
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That all sounds so promising! I bet the activity is making a big difference!!! Everyone is a little different and we all will find what works for us. :thumbsup::smitten:
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Miracle? I think not.

It is only what awaits us all at the end of this road...

our freedom. :clap: :clap:


Well I have a loooooong taper left.  So It is a miracle for me 😁. Still sleeps around 9-10 hours/night

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